Man Hoang
2015-09-16 15:27:50 UTC
As far as I can see, there are two big limitations of enum at the moment.
1. No easy way to know if an object is an enum (of and kind)
var isEnum = (value ! null) && reflectClass(value.runtimeType).isEnum;
// In C#, it's so easy
// var isEnum = value is Enum;
2. No built-in support for parsing an integer or a string into an enum
value. This is how I implement my own parsing method.
/// Converts [input], which is an integer or a string, into an enum
value of
/// type [enumType].
/// Returns `null` if fails.
parseEnum(input, Type enumType) {
try {
var values = reflectClass(enumType).getField(#values).reflectee;
if (input is int) {
return values[input];
for (var value in values) {
if (value.toString().split('.')[1] == input) {
return value;
} catch (e) {
return null;
So, will the Dart team resolve these limitations in the next version of the
1. No easy way to know if an object is an enum (of and kind)
var isEnum = (value ! null) && reflectClass(value.runtimeType).isEnum;
// In C#, it's so easy
// var isEnum = value is Enum;
2. No built-in support for parsing an integer or a string into an enum
value. This is how I implement my own parsing method.
/// Converts [input], which is an integer or a string, into an enum
value of
/// type [enumType].
/// Returns `null` if fails.
parseEnum(input, Type enumType) {
try {
var values = reflectClass(enumType).getField(#values).reflectee;
if (input is int) {
return values[input];
for (var value in values) {
if (value.toString().split('.')[1] == input) {
return value;
} catch (e) {
return null;
So, will the Dart team resolve these limitations in the next version of the
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