'William Hesse' via Dart Misc
2015-11-19 22:54:23 UTC
We have moved the analyzer_cli package into the Dart sdk repository,
so it needs to be removed from [dart checkout]/third_party/pkg/analyzer_cli
manually. This is only for those of you who checkout the Dart source and
build it from scratch, not those who download the SDK from our release channels.
We don't delete this checkout automatically, because it is rude to delete things
from people's disks without their permission, and you may have local changes
or git branches in this checkout of analyzer_cli, that we would be deleting.
Just run rm -rf third_party/pkg/analyzer_cli from the root of your checkout.
If you don't, you will get an error when building, telling you to do this
William Hesse
so it needs to be removed from [dart checkout]/third_party/pkg/analyzer_cli
manually. This is only for those of you who checkout the Dart source and
build it from scratch, not those who download the SDK from our release channels.
We don't delete this checkout automatically, because it is rude to delete things
from people's disks without their permission, and you may have local changes
or git branches in this checkout of analyzer_cli, that we would be deleting.
Just run rm -rf third_party/pkg/analyzer_cli from the root of your checkout.
If you don't, you will get an error when building, telling you to do this
William Hesse
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