[dart-misc] Dart 2 - Data as Data
2017-05-18 14:14:51 UTC
There has been discussion re json, serialization, value objects,
immutability etc. Json is basically lists/records which can only contain
core value objects - used in Flutter for interop.

Also a common pattern is building a tree of value objects, changing part of
the tree and diffing a against the original. Also used in Flutter.

Kotlin has data classes, type safe builders and anko to give a more
expressive and declarative feel.

Dart could use something in this space.

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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2017-05-18 16:46:08 UTC
Post by kc
There has been discussion re json, serialization, value objects,
immutability etc. Json is basically lists/records which can only contain
core value objects - used in Flutter for interop.
Also a common pattern is building a tree of value objects, changing part
of the tree and diffing a against the original. Also used in Flutter.
Kotlin has data classes, type safe builders and anko to give a more
expressive and declarative feel.
Dart could use something in this space.
Yes, I totally agree. I've talked about it with various people on the team
for a while and toyed with a few ideas (taking inspiration from Groovy
builders, Kotlin builders, Flutter, React, JSX, et al.) but so far I
haven't had enough time to really put together a coherent proposal.

As you can imagine, moving the world to strong mode is a lot of work. Most
languages don't change their static type system after they have millions of
lines of code they have to support!

Once that's settled down a little more, we'll have more bandwidth for
features like this, I hope.


– bob
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'David Morgan ☯' via Dart Misc
2017-05-19 12:43:51 UTC
Did someone say data classes with builders?


Definitely a good fit for flutter.
Post by kc
There has been discussion re json, serialization, value objects,
immutability etc. Json is basically lists/records which can only contain
core value objects - used in Flutter for interop.
Also a common pattern is building a tree of value objects, changing part
of the tree and diffing a against the original. Also used in Flutter.
Kotlin has data classes, type safe builders and anko to give a more
expressive and declarative feel.
Dart could use something in this space.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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