[dart-misc] Developing on Ubuntu with WebStorm
Steve Lympany
2016-08-18 11:58:07 UTC
For a new laptop, I'm wondering whether to get Ubuntu (for supposedly
better performance). (I don't know Linux - yet).

I've just installed Ubuntu on an old 32 bit Sony Vaio, and WebStorm (just
trying to get it doing), but I notice first that Chrome is only available
for 64 bit Ubuntu.

Are there many (most?) of you using Ubuntu+Webstorm+Dart? Any pitfalls? Is
it worth the pain?


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Kévin Platel
2016-08-18 12:04:37 UTC

I use Ubuntu 64bit + Webstorm/Atom + Dart since a year now and I didn't get
any noticable issue or pain with it
Post by Steve Lympany
For a new laptop, I'm wondering whether to get Ubuntu (for supposedly
better performance). (I don't know Linux - yet).
I've just installed Ubuntu on an old 32 bit Sony Vaio, and WebStorm (just
trying to get it doing), but I notice first that Chrome is only available
for 64 bit Ubuntu.
Are there many (most?) of you using Ubuntu+Webstorm+Dart? Any pitfalls? Is
it worth the pain?
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Android Developper at Netatmo
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Lex Berezhny
2016-08-18 20:55:05 UTC

I run a Windows 10 laptop (Dell XPS) with Ubuntu 64bit in VMWare and I
write Dart code using PyCharm (same Dart plugin as Webstorm). This setup
works really well for me. I highly recommend VMWare for this as it makes
Ubuntu feel like it's running natively (I also run OS X the same way).

- lex
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Steve Lympany
2016-08-19 07:31:56 UTC
OK, thanks for those.
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