[dart-misc] Optional and named parameter syntax in Dart 2.0
Kasper Peulen
2016-08-18 07:32:17 UTC
Not sure if I recall correctly, but I heard the optional/named parameter
syntax is being reconsidered for Dart 2.0.
I haven't see any proposals for that, let me do an informal proposal here:

Postional optional parameters:

Dart 1.0:
String say(String msg, [String from, String device = 'phone']) { ... }

Dart 2.0:
String say(String msg, String from?, String device? = 'phone') { ... }

Named optional parameters:

Dart 1.0:
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden: true}) { ... }

Dart 2.0 :
enableFlags({bool bold?, bool hidden? = true}) { ... }

Named parameters:
Dart 1.0:
enableFlags({@required bool bold, @required bool hidden: true}) { ... }

Dart 2.0 proposal:
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden = true}) { ... }

This seems to me, as the most straight forward way.

Types on the right/NNBD
With the proposed types on the right side, and non nullable by default, you
may want to write it like this:

say(msg: String, from: String?, device: String = 'phone') -> String { ... }

enableFlags({bold: bool?, hidden: bool = true}) { ... }

So now, it is more tricky, because a parameter can be optional and/or
nullable. I would say that a parameter is optional if it either has a
default parameter or if the type is nullable (or both).

Syntax for named parameters

Now there is one other thing. You may wonder, why do you propose the {...}
syntax for named parameters in Dart 2.0? And why a colon `:` instead of the
more natural `=` in the call? Well, there is a reason, I want to propose
also the following. Named parameters are just sugar.

enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);

This would desugar to writing:

enableFlags({"bold": true, "hidden": false});

Yes, this is a map. Named parameters are sugar for writing a map. So
actually, all parameters are positional now, where the last one can be a
Map that can be written with some sugar as named parameters.

So you may wonder, does this really matter anything? Who would write the
later? Well, I think it actually does matter, because it helps making it
much more natural to write javascript interop, because in javascript devs
often add an option object (Map in Dart) as the last parameter. This object
just serves as providing a bunch of named/optional parameters. With this
proposal, this would map very straight forward to Dart.

Can we generalize this?

If you think about it, this kind of asks to give the Map object to have a
more flexible type. Now with this proposal, here:

enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden}) { ... }

This says now, that the enableFlags function has as parameter a Map that
must have two keys, the string bold and the string hidden, both of type
bool. So if we can declare the type of the Map so specific here, why not in
other Dart code?

What about this syntax (assuming right hand types in Dart 2.0):

var map: Map<{"bold": bool, "hidden": bool}> = {"bold": true, "hidden":

Well this syntax seems quite okay, I think we can provide a very natural
sugar for this? Let's look a second at the syntax for named parameters:

enableFlags({bold: bool, hidden: bool}) { ... }
enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);

It seems clear to me that the sugar should look like;

var map: {bold: bool, hidden: bool} = (bold: true, hidden: true);

Okay, so we have here a very specific kind of Map object, where all the
keys are strings. Of course this is just a plain javascript object. And
this should map to a plain javascript object when compiled. This would even
give more advantages with javascript interop. For example, you could give
much more auto completion and type safety to the react package.

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krupal shah
2016-08-18 14:43:58 UTC
Good examples. There are also inconsistent type names. For example, take
String and bool, or List and int. If there is no primitive type in Dart,
why some types are written in lower case and others in upper case. In Java,
there is a reason for that. and why there are num and int both? Just to
maintain compatibility with JS? I would also like that Dart 2.0 remove the
ugly ternary expressions and pre-post increment operators. Nobody should
write those unreadable stuff. Inconsistancy in a language itself is
terrible thing. Go is much cleaner than Dart currently IMHO. Surely, we can
hope that Dart 2.0 will have lesser ways of doing same things.
Post by Kasper Peulen
Not sure if I recall correctly, but I heard the optional/named parameter
syntax is being reconsidered for Dart 2.0.
String say(String msg, [String from, String device = 'phone']) { ... }
String say(String msg, String from?, String device? = 'phone') { ... }
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden: true}) { ... }
enableFlags({bool bold?, bool hidden? = true}) { ... }
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden = true}) { ... }
This seems to me, as the most straight forward way.
Types on the right/NNBD
With the proposed types on the right side, and non nullable by default,
say(msg: String, from: String?, device: String = 'phone') -> String { ... }
enableFlags({bold: bool?, hidden: bool = true}) { ... }
So now, it is more tricky, because a parameter can be optional and/or
nullable. I would say that a parameter is optional if it either has a
default parameter or if the type is nullable (or both).
Syntax for named parameters
Now there is one other thing. You may wonder, why do you propose the {...}
syntax for named parameters in Dart 2.0? And why a colon `:` instead of the
more natural `=` in the call? Well, there is a reason, I want to propose
also the following. Named parameters are just sugar.
enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);
enableFlags({"bold": true, "hidden": false});
Yes, this is a map. Named parameters are sugar for writing a map. So
actually, all parameters are positional now, where the last one can be a
Map that can be written with some sugar as named parameters.
So you may wonder, does this really matter anything? Who would write the
later? Well, I think it actually does matter, because it helps making it
much more natural to write javascript interop, because in javascript devs
often add an option object (Map in Dart) as the last parameter. This object
just serves as providing a bunch of named/optional parameters. With this
proposal, this would map very straight forward to Dart.
Can we generalize this?
If you think about it, this kind of asks to give the Map object to have a
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden}) { ... }
This says now, that the enableFlags function has as parameter a Map that
must have two keys, the string bold and the string hidden, both of type
bool. So if we can declare the type of the Map so specific here, why not in
other Dart code?
Well this syntax seems quite okay, I think we can provide a very natural
enableFlags({bold: bool, hidden: bool}) { ... }
enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);
It seems clear to me that the sugar should look like;
var map: {bold: bool, hidden: bool} = (bold: true, hidden: true);
Okay, so we have here a very specific kind of Map object, where all the
keys are strings. Of course this is just a plain javascript object. And
this should map to a plain javascript object when compiled. This would even
give more advantages with javascript interop. For example, you could give
much more auto completion and type safety to the react package.
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2016-08-18 18:29:08 UTC
For example, take String and bool, or List and int. If there is no
primitive type in Dart, why some types are written in lower case and others
in upper case.
There is no internally consistent reason for the names of those types in
Dart. In other words, if Dart was the only language you ever learned, those
names would make no sense.

You could *almost *say that lowercase names are for sealed types that users
can't be implemented. Except that "String" is sealed and "num" is
implemented by "int" and "double". You could also *almost* say that
lowercase names are for fixed-size value types that can be safely stored
inline. Except that "int" isn't fixed-size in Dart.

The names are *externally* consistent in that they are cased similar to how
corresponding types in some other languages are named. Both internal and
external consistency help make your language easier to learn: they let
users leverage things they already know. Balancing the two is tricky.

Personally, I never liked the names. :-/
I would also like that Dart 2.0 remove the ugly ternary expressions and
pre-post increment operators. Nobody should write those unreadable stuff.
Supporting a feature doesn't mean users *have* to use it. There's a lot of
value in having similar features to other languages even when you also have
better alternatives. The former let new users be productive quickly even
before they've fully learned the new language.
Go is much cleaner than Dart currently IMHO.
Yes, they definitely swung much harder towards internal consistency at the
expense of external consistency than we did.


– bob
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'Filip Hracek' via Dart Misc
2016-08-18 18:38:57 UTC
This is the classic Performance vs Preference dilemma. It's nicely
explained here
The QWERTY layout was designed to
prevent the jamming of mechanical
arms on early typewriters. The Dvorak
layout, by contrast, was designed to
maximize typing efficiency: it grouped
keys based on frequency of use, and
positioned keys to promote alternating
keystrokes between hands, among
other refinements. The result is a
30 percent improvement in typing
efficiency, and claim to most of
the world records for speed typing.
*Despite the clear advantages of theDvorak design, QWERTY enjoys the *
*following of generations of peopletrained on the layout, which in
turndrives manufacturers to continueperpetuating the standard. Dvorakwins
on performance, but QWERTYwins on preference. *
Let's say you're a keyboard manufacturer and you can only build one
keyboard. Do you choose Dvorak (performance) or QWERTY (preference)?

Filip Hráček

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 11:29 AM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
For example, take String and bool, or List and int. If there is no
primitive type in Dart, why some types are written in lower case and others
in upper case.
There is no internally consistent reason for the names of those types in
Dart. In other words, if Dart was the only language you ever learned, those
names would make no sense.
You could *almost *say that lowercase names are for sealed types that
users can't be implemented. Except that "String" is sealed and "num" is
implemented by "int" and "double". You could also *almost* say that
lowercase names are for fixed-size value types that can be safely stored
inline. Except that "int" isn't fixed-size in Dart.
The names are *externally* consistent in that they are cased similar to
how corresponding types in some other languages are named. Both internal
and external consistency help make your language easier to learn: they let
users leverage things they already know. Balancing the two is tricky.
Personally, I never liked the names. :-/
I would also like that Dart 2.0 remove the ugly ternary expressions and
pre-post increment operators. Nobody should write those unreadable stuff.
Supporting a feature doesn't mean users *have* to use it. There's a lot
of value in having similar features to other languages even when you also
have better alternatives. The former let new users be productive quickly
even before they've fully learned the new language.
Go is much cleaner than Dart currently IMHO.
Yes, they definitely swung much harder towards internal consistency at the
expense of external consistency than we did.
– bob
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2016-08-18 19:15:07 UTC
That's how swift does it, and I think it's GOOD (scroll to "Omitting
External Parameter Names"):
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2016-08-19 14:02:09 UTC
Swift 3.0 has been cleaned up re first param and moves away from the Obj
C/Smalltalk roots.

See 'Consistent first argument labels':

Post by tatumizer-v0.2
That's how swift does it, and I think it's GOOD (scroll to "Omitting
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2016-08-18 19:15:42 UTC
On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 11:38 AM, 'Filip Hracek' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Filip Hracek' via Dart Misc
This is the classic Performance vs Preference dilemma. It's nicely
explained here
<http://people.sunyit.edu/~lepres/thesis/principles/181_pdfsam_POD.pdf> (emphasis
That's a little different, I think (though it's a good article!).

In this case, there is no (known) user performance difference between the
way the core library types are cased now versus other ways they could have
been cased. It's just that users need to learn their names correctly and
we're trying to minimize the effort it takes for them to do that. The two
ways we can do that are:

- Let a user's knowledge of how they are named in another language teach
them how they are cased in Dart.
- Let a user's knowledge of how some names are cased in Dart teach them
how others are.

In both cases you're trying to reduce the amount they have to *learn*—the
delta between what they know today and what they'll know once they know all
the names. There's just different ways to get there. You can think of it
like applying dictionary compression to the delta. Do we user other
languages for our compression dictionary or not?

– bob
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Don Olmstead
2016-08-18 19:58:45 UTC
I've certainly mentioned my dislike of the current named/optional syntax. I
haven't programmed swift but at a glance the additional names seem to be
kinda goofy. What are the benefits over something like C#'s setup

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 12:15 PM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 11:38 AM, 'Filip Hracek' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Filip Hracek' via Dart Misc
This is the classic Performance vs Preference dilemma. It's nicely
explained here
<http://people.sunyit.edu/~lepres/thesis/principles/181_pdfsam_POD.pdf> (emphasis
That's a little different, I think (though it's a good article!).
In this case, there is no (known) user performance difference between the
way the core library types are cased now versus other ways they could have
been cased. It's just that users need to learn their names correctly and
we're trying to minimize the effort it takes for them to do that. The two
- Let a user's knowledge of how they are named in another language
teach them how they are cased in Dart.
- Let a user's knowledge of how some names are cased in Dart teach
them how others are.
In both cases you're trying to reduce the amount they have to *learn*—the
delta between what they know today and what they'll know once they know all
the names. There's just different ways to get there. You can think of it
like applying dictionary compression to the delta. Do we user other
languages for our compression dictionary or not?
– bob
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2016-08-19 13:59:39 UTC
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 11:38 AM, 'Filip Hracek' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Filip Hracek' via Dart Misc
This is the classic Performance vs Preference dilemma. It's nicely
explained here
<http://people.sunyit.edu/~lepres/thesis/principles/181_pdfsam_POD.pdf> (emphasis
That's a little different, I think (though it's a good article!).
In this case, there is no (known) user performance difference between the
way the core library types are cased now versus other ways they could have
been cased. It's just that users need to learn their names correctly and
we're trying to minimize the effort it takes for them to do that. The two
- Let a user's knowledge of how they are named in another language
teach them how they are cased in Dart.
- Let a user's knowledge of how some names are cased in Dart teach
them how others are.
In both cases you're trying to reduce the amount they have to *learn*—the
delta between what they know today and what they'll know once they know all
the names. There's just different ways to get there. You can think of it
like applying dictionary compression to the delta. Do we user other
languages for our compression dictionary or not?
A delta with bad habits and cruft would be a good thing.

For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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krupal shah
2016-08-18 19:59:33 UTC
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
For example, take String and bool, or List and int. If there is no
primitive type in Dart, why some types are written in lower case and others
in upper case.
There is no internally consistent reason for the names of those types in
Dart. In other words, if Dart was the only language you ever learned, those
names would make no sense.
You could *almost *say that lowercase names are for sealed types that
users can't be implemented. Except that "String" is sealed and "num" is
implemented by "int" and "double". You could also *almost* say that
lowercase names are for fixed-size value types that can be safely stored
inline. Except that "int" isn't fixed-size in Dart.
The names are *externally* consistent in that they are cased similar to
how corresponding types in some other languages are named. Both internal
and external consistency help make your language easier to learn: they let
users leverage things they already know. Balancing the two is tricky.
Personally, I never liked the names. :-/
I assume you mean Java in place of ' other languages'. But there is a
reason for UpperCase objects and lowercase primitives in Java.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
I would also like that Dart 2.0 remove the ugly ternary expressions and
pre-post increment operators. Nobody should write those unreadable stuff.
Supporting a feature doesn't mean users *have* to use it. There's a lot
of value in having similar features to other languages even when you also
have better alternatives. The former let new users be productive quickly
even before they've fully learned the new language.
But it also means that some users 'may write' it and others will have to
read it. Why does Dart want to be familiar with any other xyz languages?
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Go is much cleaner than Dart currently IMHO.
Yes, they definitely swung much harder towards internal consistency at the
expense of external consistency than we did.
– bob
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2016-08-18 20:36:33 UTC
I haven't programmed swift but at a glance the additional names seem to
be kinda goofy
Swift is not afraid to look goofy, b/c it has more self-confidence.

If you look at examples of their APIs, you will see that most natural
external names of parameters are not the same as internal names (not
entirely unexpected: whatever is a floor for one can be a ceiling for
another). This makes invocations sound more like English sentences. I came
to appreciate it after initial WTF period.

C#'s solution is a simplistic one (same as in most languages), Addition of
an optional named parameter potentially breaks compatibility, unless you
make it the last one - which may not be a good place for it logically. And,
of course, the subtlety of 2 different perspectives (external and internal)
was not discovered by C#.

To be sure, swift has problems of its own (e.g Strings are unusable). Some
proposals for swift ver 4 look extremely odd to me - the impression is that
the language got a bit dizzy from its success, and started moving swiftly
into la-la land. (I'm afraid Dart 2 will follow suit - the disease is
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Don Olmstead
2016-08-18 20:59:03 UTC
Its probably because I haven't worked in Swift but I've yet to encounter a
situation where I would want a name that doesnt make sense inside the scope
and outside of it.

Does any other language have that sort of setup? Might just be because I'm
more familiar with C variants.
Post by tatumizer-v0.2
I haven't programmed swift but at a glance the additional names seem to
be kinda goofy
Swift is not afraid to look goofy, b/c it has more self-confidence.
If you look at examples of their APIs, you will see that most natural
external names of parameters are not the same as internal names (not
entirely unexpected: whatever is a floor for one can be a ceiling for
another). This makes invocations sound more like English sentences. I came
to appreciate it after initial WTF period.
C#'s solution is a simplistic one (same as in most languages), Addition
of an optional named parameter potentially breaks compatibility, unless you
make it the last one - which may not be a good place for it logically. And,
of course, the subtlety of 2 different perspectives (external and internal)
was not discovered by C#.
To be sure, swift has problems of its own (e.g Strings are unusable). Some
proposals for swift ver 4 look extremely odd to me - the impression is that
the language got a bit dizzy from its success, and started moving swiftly
into la-la land. (I'm afraid Dart 2 will follow suit - the disease is
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2016-08-18 21:14:17 UTC
There're plenty of examples in all their APIs. For the most part, it
revolves around prepositions (like in natural language) e.g.
mutating func replaceRange<C : CollectionType
(_*subRange*: Range
, with *newElements*: C)
From the outside, it's named "with". From inside - "newElements".

I'm not sure who discovered it. But certainly, the philosophical idea that
things look differently from outside than they do from inside is not
especially new.
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2016-08-18 21:46:24 UTC
Post by Don Olmstead
Does any other language have that sort of setup?
Swift inherited it from Objective-C which inherited it from Smalltalk. In
Smalltalk, methods that take more than one argument have keywords between
them <http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~harry/musings/SmalltalkOverview.html#Keyword
Messages>. The keywords are part of the *method* name, not the names for
the *parameters* that the arguments get bound to in the body. The
parameters have their own names that are not part of the method's API.

– bob
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Don Olmstead
2016-08-18 22:42:53 UTC
Ah yes its been forever since I did any Smalltalk. Thanks Bob!

On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 2:46 PM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Post by Don Olmstead
Does any other language have that sort of setup?
Swift inherited it from Objective-C which inherited it from Smalltalk. In
Smalltalk, methods that take more than one argument have keywords between
The keywords are part of the *method* name, not the names for the
*parameters* that the arguments get bound to in the body. The parameters
have their own names that are not part of the method's API.
– bob
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2016-08-18 18:23:52 UTC
Post by Kasper Peulen
Not sure if I recall correctly, but I heard the optional/named parameter
syntax is being reconsidered for Dart 2.0.
Yes, although making breaking changes here is obviously really really
expensive since it breaks so much code.
Post by Kasper Peulen
String say(String msg, [String from, String device = 'phone']) { ... }
String say(String msg, String from?, String device? = 'phone') { ... }
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden: true}) { ... }
enableFlags({bool bold?, bool hidden? = true}) { ... }
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden = true}) { ... }
This seems to me, as the most straight forward way.
Using a postfix "?" is pretty neat, but I worry that it's visually very
similar to syntax we probably want for nullable types.
Post by Kasper Peulen
Types on the right/NNBD
With the proposed types on the right side, and non nullable by default,
say(msg: String, from: String?, device: String = 'phone') -> String { ... }
enableFlags({bold: bool?, hidden: bool = true}) { ... }
So now, it is more tricky, because a parameter can be optional and/or
nullable. I would say that a parameter is optional if it either has a
default parameter or if the type is nullable (or both).
This feels dubious. I think nullability and optionality should be
orthogonal. (With, of course, the caveat that a non-nullable optional
parameter needs some default value so that it doesn't get the default
default of null.)
Post by Kasper Peulen
Syntax for named parameters
Now there is one other thing. You may wonder, why do you propose the {...}
syntax for named parameters in Dart 2.0? And why a colon `:` instead of the
more natural `=` in the call? Well, there is a reason, I want to propose
also the following. Named parameters are just sugar.
enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);
enableFlags({"bold": true, "hidden": false});
Yes, this is a map. Named parameters are sugar for writing a map. So
actually, all parameters are positional now, where the last one can be a
Map that can be written with some sugar as named parameters.
This is an interesting idea, but I don't think it works with static typing.

foo(Map<String, bool> flags) {

How do we know that the required "bold" parameter was provided? How do we
know that there aren't extra parameters?

Despite what Dart's syntax tries to imply, I don't think there is any real
correspondence between named parameters and maps. Likewise, there's no
correspondence between positional parameters and lists.

The real correspondence, if there were one, should be that positional
parameters correspond to a *tuple* and named ones to a *record*. Lists and
maps assume all elements have the same type and the size is not fixed.
Neither is the case for parameters. (It would be true for *rest* parameters,
if we had those in Dart...)
Post by Kasper Peulen
So you may wonder, does this really matter anything? Who would write the
later? Well, I think it actually does matter, because it helps making it
much more natural to write javascript interop, because in javascript devs
often add an option object (Map in Dart) as the last parameter. This object
just serves as providing a bunch of named/optional parameters. With this
proposal, this would map very straight forward to Dart.
Can we generalize this?
If you think about it, this kind of asks to give the Map object to have a
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden}) { ... }
This says now, that the enableFlags function has as parameter a Map that
must have two keys, the string bold and the string hidden, both of type
bool. So if we can declare the type of the Map so specific here, why not in
other Dart code?
Well this syntax seems quite okay, I think we can provide a very natural
enableFlags({bold: bool, hidden: bool}) { ... }
enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);
It seems clear to me that the sugar should look like;
var map: {bold: bool, hidden: bool} = (bold: true, hidden: true);
Okay, so we have here a very specific kind of Map object, where all the
keys are strings. Of course this is just a plain javascript object. And
this should map to a plain javascript object when compiled. This would even
give more advantages with javascript interop. For example, you could give
much more auto completion and type safety to the react package.
Right. Now you're talking about record types
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record_(computer_science)>. :)

Adding *those* to the type system and then mapping named parameters to them
is an interesting idea. I'm not philosophically opposed to it, but it's a
lot of complexity. Given that Dart skews pretty hard in the nominal typing
direction, I don't know if structurally typed records would be a good fit.


– bob
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Kasper Peulen
2016-08-18 19:13:21 UTC
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Using a postfix "?" is pretty neat, but I worry that it's visually very
similar to syntax we probably want for nullable types.

Yeah, the first proposal is only for if there is NNBD. Otherwise, I would
put the question mark on the type.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
This feels dubious. I think nullability and optionality should be
orthogonal. (With, of course, the caveat that a non-nullable optional
parameter needs some default value so that it doesn't get the default
default of null.)

If you have NNBD, I think *optional should mean, "has a default value'. *That
is the most logical way of reasoning about it. If it is non nullable, and
has no default value, it is required. If nullable, and has no default
value, I think it should have an implicit default value of null, and
therefore, it is optional. You could also enforce this to be explicit, but
I think other languages (Swift, ES6 + Flow) also do it like this.

In this example:
say(msg: String, from: String?, device: String = 'phone') -> String

The second one, is optional, because it has default value null, the third
one is optional, because it has default value 'phone'.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Right. Now you're talking about record types
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record_(computer_science)>. :)
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Adding *those* to the type system and then mapping named parameters to
them is an interesting idea. I'm not philosophically opposed to it, but >
it's a lot of complexity. Given that Dart skews pretty hard in the nominal
typing direction, I don't know if structurally typed records would be a >
good fit.

I have not much experience with tuples or record types. Never heard of
record types to be honest. But I do have some experience lately with
descructering Arrays or Objects in ES6 with Flow types. I think what I
propose is actually, exactly this. The syntax for ES6 "named parameters",
is what I propose here for what named arguments are, with a slightly nicer
syntax. I'm not a fan of javascript, but I think destructering is actually
a brilliant feature. Because a named argument is no special language
construct. It is just a plain javascript object.

Now together with Flow, you can also type an javascript Object, with the
exact same syntax I'm also proposing to type a Map. So I assume that is a
record type? I think it is really interesting to have that in Dart as well.
Especially, because Dart compiles to Javascript in the end. And doing
interop with libraries that use this feature extensively, like React and
Redux would be much easier.

Anyway, I was getting a bit wild in the end, if I'm realistic, I don't see
it land in Dart anytime, I just find this ES6 feature super interesting,
and I use it all the time at work. But let's focus more on named/optional
parameters in this topic.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Post by Kasper Peulen
Not sure if I recall correctly, but I heard the optional/named parameter
syntax is being reconsidered for Dart 2.0.
Yes, although making breaking changes here is obviously really really
expensive since it breaks so much code.
Post by Kasper Peulen
String say(String msg, [String from, String device = 'phone']) { ... }
String say(String msg, String from?, String device? = 'phone') { ... }
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden: true}) { ... }
enableFlags({bool bold?, bool hidden? = true}) { ... }
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden = true}) { ... }
This seems to me, as the most straight forward way.
Using a postfix "?" is pretty neat, but I worry that it's visually very
similar to syntax we probably want for nullable types.
Post by Kasper Peulen
Types on the right/NNBD
With the proposed types on the right side, and non nullable by default,
say(msg: String, from: String?, device: String = 'phone') -> String { ... }
enableFlags({bold: bool?, hidden: bool = true}) { ... }
So now, it is more tricky, because a parameter can be optional and/or
nullable. I would say that a parameter is optional if it either has a
default parameter or if the type is nullable (or both).
This feels dubious. I think nullability and optionality should be
orthogonal. (With, of course, the caveat that a non-nullable optional
parameter needs some default value so that it doesn't get the default
default of null.)
Post by Kasper Peulen
Syntax for named parameters
Now there is one other thing. You may wonder, why do you propose the
{...} syntax for named parameters in Dart 2.0? And why a colon `:` instead
of the more natural `=` in the call? Well, there is a reason, I want to
propose also the following. Named parameters are just sugar.
enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);
enableFlags({"bold": true, "hidden": false});
Yes, this is a map. Named parameters are sugar for writing a map. So
actually, all parameters are positional now, where the last one can be a
Map that can be written with some sugar as named parameters.
This is an interesting idea, but I don't think it works with static
foo(Map<String, bool> flags) {
How do we know that the required "bold" parameter was provided? How do we
know that there aren't extra parameters?
Despite what Dart's syntax tries to imply, I don't think there is any real
correspondence between named parameters and maps. Likewise, there's no
correspondence between positional parameters and lists.
The real correspondence, if there were one, should be that positional
parameters correspond to a *tuple* and named ones to a *record*. Lists
and maps assume all elements have the same type and the size is not fixed.
Neither is the case for parameters. (It would be true for *rest* parameters,
if we had those in Dart...)
Post by Kasper Peulen
So you may wonder, does this really matter anything? Who would write the
later? Well, I think it actually does matter, because it helps making it
much more natural to write javascript interop, because in javascript devs
often add an option object (Map in Dart) as the last parameter. This object
just serves as providing a bunch of named/optional parameters. With this
proposal, this would map very straight forward to Dart.
Can we generalize this?
If you think about it, this kind of asks to give the Map object to have a
enableFlags({bool bold, bool hidden}) { ... }
This says now, that the enableFlags function has as parameter a Map that
must have two keys, the string bold and the string hidden, both of type
bool. So if we can declare the type of the Map so specific here, why not in
other Dart code?
Well this syntax seems quite okay, I think we can provide a very natural
enableFlags({bold: bool, hidden: bool}) { ... }
enableFlags(bold: true, hidden: false);
It seems clear to me that the sugar should look like;
var map: {bold: bool, hidden: bool} = (bold: true, hidden: true);
Okay, so we have here a very specific kind of Map object, where all the
keys are strings. Of course this is just a plain javascript object. And
this should map to a plain javascript object when compiled. This would even
give more advantages with javascript interop. For example, you could give
much more auto completion and type safety to the react package.
Right. Now you're talking about record types
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record_(computer_science)>. :)
Adding *those* to the type system and then mapping named parameters to
them is an interesting idea. I'm not philosophically opposed to it, but
it's a lot of complexity. Given that Dart skews pretty hard in the nominal
typing direction, I don't know if structurally typed records would be a
good fit.
– bob
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