[dart-misc] [dart-announce] Dart 1.23 is now available
'Kevin Moore' via Dart Announcements
2017-04-21 15:52:31 UTC
Check out the announcement
and the changelog


- Breaking change - it is now a strong mode error if a mixin causes a
name conflict between two private members (field/getter/setter/method) from
a different library. (SDK issue 28809


class A {
int _x;
class B {
int _x;


import 'lib1.dart';
class C extends A with B {}

error • The private name _x, defined by B, conflicts with the same name defined by A at tmp/lib2.dart:3:24 • private_collision_in_mixin_application


Breaking change - strong mode will prefer the expected type to infer
generic types, functions, and methods (SDK issue 27586

main() {
List<Object> foo = /*infers: <Object>*/['hello', 'world'];
var bar = /*infers: <String>*/['hello', 'world'];


Strong mode inference error messages are improved (SDK issue 29108

import 'dart:math';
test(Iterable/* fix is to add <num> here */ values) {
num n = values.fold(values.first as num, max);

Now produces the error on the generic function "max":

Couldn't infer type parameter 'T'.

Tried to infer 'dynamic' for 'T' which doesn't work:
Function type declared as '<T extends num>(T, T) → T'
used where '(num, dynamic) → num' is required.

Consider passing explicit type argument(s) to the generic.


Strong mode supports overriding fields, @virtual is no longer required
(SDK issue 28120 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28120>).

class C {
int x = 42;
}class D extends C {
get x {
print("x got called");
return super.x;
main() {
print(new D().x);


Strong mode down cast composite warnings are no longer issued by
default. (SDK issue 28588 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28588>

void test() {
List untyped = [];
List<int> typed = untyped; // No down cast composite warning

To opt back into the warnings, add the following to the .analysis_options
<https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/analysis-options> file for your

strong_mode_down_cast_composite: warning

library changes

- dart:core
- Added Uri.isScheme function to check the scheme of a URI. Example:
uri.isScheme("http"). Ignores case when comparing.
- Make UriData.parse validate its input better. If the data is
base-64 encoded, the data is normalized wrt. alphabet and padding, and it
contains invalid base-64 data, parsing fails. Also normalizes non-base-64
- dart:io
- Added functions File.lastAccessed, File.lastAccessedSync,
File.setLastModified, File.setLastModifiedSync, File.setLastAccessed,
and File.setLastAccessedSync.
- Added {Stdin,Stdout}.supportsAnsiEscapes.

<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#dart-vm-1>Dart VM

- Calls to print() and Stdout.write*() now correctly print unicode
characters to the console on Windows. Calls to Stdout.add*() behave as



- dartanalyzer now follows the same rules as the analysis server to find
an analysis options file, stopping when an analysis options file is found:
- Search up the directory hierarchy looking for an analysis
options file.
- If analyzing a project referencing the Flutter
<https://flutter.io/> package, then use the default Flutter
analysis options
<https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/master/packages/flutter/lib/analysis_options_user.yaml> found
in package:flutter.
- If in a Bazel workspace, then use the analysis options in
package:dart.analysis_options/default.yamlif it exists.
- Use the default analysis options rules.
- In addition, specific to dartanalyzer:
- an analysis options file can be specified on the command line
via --options and that file will be used instead of searching for
an analysis options file.
- any analysis option specified on the command line (e.g. --strong
or --no-strong) takes precedence over any corresponding value
specified in the analysis options file.

Dartium, dart2js, and DDC
- Imports to dart:io are allowed, but the imported library is not
supported and will likely fail on most APIs at runtime. This change was
made as a stopgap measure to make it easier to write libraries that share
code between platforms (like package http). This might change again
when configuration specific imports are supported.

- Now sends telemetry data to pub.dartlang.org to allow better
understanding of why a particular package is being accessed.
- pub publish
- Warns if a package imports a package that's not a dependency
from within lib/ or bin/, or a package that's not a dev dependency
from within benchmark/, example/, test/ or tool/.
- No longer produces "UID too large" errors on OS X. All packages
are now uploaded with the user and group names set to "pub".
- No longer fails with a stack overflow when uploading a package
that uses Git submodules.
- pub get and pub upgrade
- Produce more informative error messages if they're run directly
in a package that uses Flutter.
- Properly unlock SDK and path dependencies if they have a new
version that's also valid according to the user's pubspec.

- Support new generic function typedef syntax.
- Make the precedence of cascades more visible.
- Fix a couple of places where spurious newlines were inserted.
- Correctly report unchanged formatting when reading from stdin.
- Ensure space between - and --. Code that does this is pathological,
but it technically meant dartfmt could change the semantics of the code.
- Preserve a blank line between enum cases.
- Other small formatting tweaks.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang

To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Marcelo Siqueira
2017-04-23 05:07:12 UTC
Any info about when the chocolatey package for Windows will be available?


On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:52 PM, 'Kevin Moore' via Dart Announcements <
Post by 'Kevin Moore' via Dart Announcements
Check out the announcement
and the changelog
- Breaking change - it is now a strong mode error if a mixin causes a
name conflict between two private members (field/getter/setter/method) from
a different library. (SDK issue 28809
class A {
int _x;
class B {
int _x;
import 'lib1.dart';
class C extends A with B {}
error • The private name _x, defined by B, conflicts with the same name defined by A at tmp/lib2.dart:3:24 • private_collision_in_mixin_application
Breaking change - strong mode will prefer the expected type to infer
generic types, functions, and methods (SDK issue 27586
main() {
List<Object> foo = /*infers: <Object>*/['hello', 'world'];
var bar = /*infers: <String>*/['hello', 'world'];
Strong mode inference error messages are improved (SDK issue 29108
import 'dart:math';
test(Iterable/* fix is to add <num> here */ values) {
num n = values.fold(values.first as num, max);
Couldn't infer type parameter 'T'.
Function type declared as '<T extends num>(T, T) → T'
used where '(num, dynamic) → num' is required.
Consider passing explicit type argument(s) to the generic.
(SDK issue 28120 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28120>).
class C {
int x = 42;
}class D extends C {
get x {
print("x got called");
return super.x;
main() {
print(new D().x);
Strong mode down cast composite warnings are no longer issued by
default. (SDK issue 28588
void test() {
List untyped = [];
List<int> typed = untyped; // No down cast composite warning
To opt back into the warnings, add the following to the .analysis_options
<https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/analysis-options> file for your
strong_mode_down_cast_composite: warning
library changes
- dart:core
- Added Uri.isScheme function to check the scheme of a URI.
Example: uri.isScheme("http"). Ignores case when comparing.
- Make UriData.parse validate its input better. If the data is
base-64 encoded, the data is normalized wrt. alphabet and padding, and it
contains invalid base-64 data, parsing fails. Also normalizes non-base-64
- dart:io
- Added functions File.lastAccessed, File.lastAccessedSync, File.
setLastModified, File.setLastModifiedSync, File.setLastAccessed,
and File.setLastAccessedSync.
- Added {Stdin,Stdout}.supportsAnsiEscapes.
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#dart-vm-1>Dart VM
- Calls to print() and Stdout.write*() now correctly print unicode
characters to the console on Windows. Calls to Stdout.add*() behave as
- dartanalyzer now follows the same rules as the analysis server to
find an analysis options file, stopping when an analysis options file is
- Search up the directory hierarchy looking for an analysis
options file.
- If analyzing a project referencing the Flutter
<https://flutter.io/> package, then use the default Flutter
analysis options
<https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/master/packages/flutter/lib/analysis_options_user.yaml> found
in package:flutter.
- If in a Bazel workspace, then use the analysis options in
package:dart.analysis_options/default.yamlif it exists.
- Use the default analysis options rules.
- an analysis options file can be specified on the command line
via --options and that file will be used instead of searching
for an analysis options file.
- any analysis option specified on the command line (e.g.
--strong or --no-strong) takes precedence over any corresponding
value specified in the analysis options file.
Dartium, dart2js, and DDC
- Imports to dart:io are allowed, but the imported library is not
supported and will likely fail on most APIs at runtime. This change was
made as a stopgap measure to make it easier to write libraries that share
code between platforms (like package http). This might change again
when configuration specific imports are supported.
- Now sends telemetry data to pub.dartlang.org to allow better
understanding of why a particular package is being accessed.
- pub publish
- Warns if a package imports a package that's not a dependency
from within lib/ or bin/, or a package that's not a dev
dependency from within benchmark/, example/, test/ or tool/.
- No longer produces "UID too large" errors on OS X. All
packages are now uploaded with the user and group names set to "pub".
- No longer fails with a stack overflow when uploading a package
that uses Git submodules.
- pub get and pub upgrade
- Produce more informative error messages if they're run
directly in a package that uses Flutter.
- Properly unlock SDK and path dependencies if they have a new
version that's also valid according to the user's pubspec.
- Support new generic function typedef syntax.
- Make the precedence of cascades more visible.
- Fix a couple of places where spurious newlines were inserted.
- Correctly report unchanged formatting when reading from stdin.
- Ensure space between - and --. Code that does this is
pathological, but it technically meant dartfmt could change the semantics
of the code.
- Preserve a blank line between enum cases.
- Other small formatting tweaks.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
W Chen
2017-04-27 15:25:17 UTC
Post by Marcelo Siqueira
Any info about when the chocolatey package for Windows will be available?
On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:52 PM, 'Kevin Moore' via Dart Announcements <
Post by 'Kevin Moore' via Dart Announcements
Check out the announcement
and the changelog
- Breaking change - it is now a strong mode error if a mixin causes a
name conflict between two private members (field/getter/setter/method) from
a different library. (SDK issue 28809
class A {
int _x;
class B {
int _x;
import 'lib1.dart';
class C extends A with B {}
error • The private name _x, defined by B, conflicts with the same name defined by A at tmp/lib2.dart:3:24 • private_collision_in_mixin_application
Breaking change - strong mode will prefer the expected type to infer
generic types, functions, and methods (SDK issue 27586
main() {
List<Object> foo = /*infers: <Object>*/['hello', 'world'];
var bar = /*infers: <String>*/['hello', 'world'];
Strong mode inference error messages are improved (SDK issue 29108
import 'dart:math';
test(Iterable/* fix is to add <num> here */ values) {
num n = values.fold(values.first as num, max);
Couldn't infer type parameter 'T'.
Function type declared as '<T extends num>(T, T) → T'
used where '(num, dynamic) → num' is required.
Consider passing explicit type argument(s) to the generic.
required (SDK issue 28120
class C {
int x = 42;
}class D extends C {
get x {
print("x got called");
return super.x;
main() {
print(new D().x);
Strong mode down cast composite warnings are no longer issued by
default. (SDK issue 28588
void test() {
List untyped = [];
List<int> typed = untyped; // No down cast composite warning
To opt back into the warnings, add the following to the .analysis_options
<https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/analysis-options> file for
your project.
strong_mode_down_cast_composite: warning
library changes
- dart:core
- Added Uri.isScheme function to check the scheme of a URI.
Example: uri.isScheme("http"). Ignores case when comparing.
- Make UriData.parse validate its input better. If the data is
base-64 encoded, the data is normalized wrt. alphabet and padding, and it
contains invalid base-64 data, parsing fails. Also normalizes non-base-64
- dart:io
- Added functions File.lastAccessed, File.lastAccessedSync,
File.setLastModified, File.setLastModifiedSync,
File.setLastAccessed, and File.setLastAccessedSync.
- Added {Stdin,Stdout}.supportsAnsiEscapes.
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#dart-vm-1>Dart VM
- Calls to print() and Stdout.write*() now correctly print unicode
characters to the console on Windows. Calls to Stdout.add*() behave
as before.
- dartanalyzer now follows the same rules as the analysis server to
find an analysis options file, stopping when an analysis options file is
- Search up the directory hierarchy looking for an analysis
options file.
- If analyzing a project referencing the Flutter
<https://flutter.io/> package, then use the default Flutter
analysis options
<https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/master/packages/flutter/lib/analysis_options_user.yaml> found
in package:flutter.
- If in a Bazel workspace, then use the analysis options in
package:dart.analysis_options/default.yamlif it exists.
- Use the default analysis options rules.
- an analysis options file can be specified on the command line
via --options and that file will be used instead of searching
for an analysis options file.
- any analysis option specified on the command line (e.g.
--strong or --no-strong) takes precedence over any
corresponding value specified in the analysis options file.
Dartium, dart2js, and DDC
- Imports to dart:io are allowed, but the imported library is not
supported and will likely fail on most APIs at runtime. This change was
made as a stopgap measure to make it easier to write libraries that share
code between platforms (like package http). This might change
again when configuration specific imports are supported.
- Now sends telemetry data to pub.dartlang.org to allow better
understanding of why a particular package is being accessed.
- pub publish
- Warns if a package imports a package that's not a dependency
from within lib/ or bin/, or a package that's not a dev
dependency from within benchmark/, example/, test/ or tool/.
- No longer produces "UID too large" errors on OS X. All
packages are now uploaded with the user and group names set to "pub".
- No longer fails with a stack overflow when uploading a
package that uses Git submodules.
- pub get and pub upgrade
- Produce more informative error messages if they're run
directly in a package that uses Flutter.
- Properly unlock SDK and path dependencies if they have a new
version that's also valid according to the user's pubspec.
- Support new generic function typedef syntax.
- Make the precedence of cascades more visible.
- Fix a couple of places where spurious newlines were inserted.
- Correctly report unchanged formatting when reading from stdin.
- Ensure space between - and --. Code that does this is
pathological, but it technically meant dartfmt could change the semantics
of the code.
- Preserve a blank line between enum cases.
- Other small formatting tweaks.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.