[dart-misc] Dart menu depending on user logged
Mateusz Lewandowski
2016-06-11 16:13:40 UTC
I have a polymer core-menu with core items.
I would like to define which options should be vissible depends on user
would by logged or not.
I think that it could be done by dynamic created CoreItems in dart like
CoreItem item=new CoreItem('core-item')
but i do not know how it could be added to core-menu defined in html,
Following is what i acctually have.
Please help and give me some advice.


class Menu extends PolymerElement {
// Menu.created() : super.created();
@observable int isLogged;
Menu.created() : super.created()
if(window.localStorage['authentication'] !=null)

void SelectItem(event, detail, target)
var command=detail['item'].label;

case 'Ogloszenia':
case 'Logowanie':
case 'Rejestracja':



<polymer-element name="menu-element">
<core-menu on-core-select="{{SelectItem}}">
<core-item icon="dialog" label="Ogloszenia" id="advertisments"></core-item>
<core-item icon="settings" label="Logowanie" id="logon"></core-item>
<core-item icon="search" label="Rejestracja" id="register"></core-item>
<core-item label="Dodaj ogloszenie"></core-item>
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Adam Stark
2016-06-14 16:33:09 UTC
You don't specify Polymer >1.0 or Polymer-pre 1.0, but I'll assume pre-1.0
by the @observable tag.

The more "Polymeric" way to do it would be to add a hidden attribute to
each core-item based on the isLogged state, e.g. <core-item
hidden?="{{isLogged}}"> or <core-item hidden?="{{!isLogged}}">

In >1.0, it's the same except use hidden$ instead of hidden? and
@Property(notify: true) instead of @observable

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 9:13 AM Mateusz Lewandowski <
Post by Mateusz Lewandowski
I have a polymer core-menu with core items.
I would like to define which options should be vissible depends on user
would by logged or not.
I think that it could be done by dynamic created CoreItems in dart like
CoreItem item=new CoreItem('core-item')
but i do not know how it could be added to core-menu defined in html,
Following is what i acctually have.
Please help and give me some advice.
class Menu extends PolymerElement {
// Menu.created() : super.created();
@observable int isLogged;
Menu.created() : super.created()
if(window.localStorage['authentication'] !=null)
void SelectItem(event, detail, target)
var command=detail['item'].label;
<polymer-element name="menu-element">
<core-menu on-core-select="{{SelectItem}}">
<core-item icon="dialog" label="Ogloszenia" id="advertisments"></core-item>
<core-item icon="settings" label="Logowanie" id="logon"></core-item>
<core-item icon="search" label="Rejestracja" id="register"></core-item>
<core-item label="Dodaj ogloszenie"></core-item>
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Mateusz Lewandowski
2016-06-18 19:09:33 UTC
thanks a lot, it works,
I have found the following which looks smart but does not work for my case.
Do you know why?

<dom-module id="my-element">
<template is="dom-if" if="{{showAnswer}}">
<template is="dom-if" if="{{!showAnswer}}">
What is the answer to "The Ultimate Question of Life, the
Universe, and Everything"?
<button on-tap="toggleView">{{buttonText(showAnswer)}}</button>
Post by Adam Stark
You don't specify Polymer >1.0 or Polymer-pre 1.0, but I'll assume pre-1.0
The more "Polymeric" way to do it would be to add a hidden attribute to
each core-item based on the isLogged state, e.g. <core-item
hidden?="{{isLogged}}"> or <core-item hidden?="{{!isLogged}}">
In >1.0, it's the same except use hidden$ instead of hidden? and
@Property(notify: true) instead of @observable
On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 9:13 AM Mateusz Lewandowski <
Post by Mateusz Lewandowski
I have a polymer core-menu with core items.
I would like to define which options should be vissible depends on user
would by logged or not.
I think that it could be done by dynamic created CoreItems in dart like
CoreItem item=new CoreItem('core-item')
but i do not know how it could be added to core-menu defined in html,
Following is what i acctually have.
Please help and give me some advice.
class Menu extends PolymerElement {
// Menu.created() : super.created();
@observable int isLogged;
Menu.created() : super.created()
if(window.localStorage['authentication'] !=null)
void SelectItem(event, detail, target)
var command=detail['item'].label;
<polymer-element name="menu-element">
<core-menu on-core-select="{{SelectItem}}">
<core-item icon="dialog" label="Ogloszenia" id="advertisments"></core-item>
<core-item icon="settings" label="Logowanie" id="logon"></core-item>
<core-item icon="search" label="Rejestracja" id="register"></core-item>
<core-item label="Dodaj ogloszenie"></core-item>
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Adam Stark
2016-07-05 17:42:29 UTC
Sorry for the late reply.

Those are polymer > 1.0 style tags, so first are you sure you're using the
correct version? There were a number of changes and my Polymer pre-1.0 is a
bit rusty. What's the .dart file look like?

On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 12:09 PM Mateusz Lewandowski <
Post by Mateusz Lewandowski
thanks a lot, it works,
I have found the following which looks smart but does not work for my case.
Do you know why?
<dom-module id="my-element">
<template is="dom-if" if="{{showAnswer}}">
<template is="dom-if" if="{{!showAnswer}}">
What is the answer to "The Ultimate Question of Life, the
Universe, and Everything"?
<button on-tap="toggleView">{{buttonText(showAnswer)}}</button>
Post by Adam Stark
You don't specify Polymer >1.0 or Polymer-pre 1.0, but I'll assume
The more "Polymeric" way to do it would be to add a hidden attribute to
each core-item based on the isLogged state, e.g. <core-item
hidden?="{{isLogged}}"> or <core-item hidden?="{{!isLogged}}">
In >1.0, it's the same except use hidden$ instead of hidden? and
@Property(notify: true) instead of @observable
On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 9:13 AM Mateusz Lewandowski <
Post by Mateusz Lewandowski
I have a polymer core-menu with core items.
I would like to define which options should be vissible depends on user
would by logged or not.
I think that it could be done by dynamic created CoreItems in dart like
CoreItem item=new CoreItem('core-item')
but i do not know how it could be added to core-menu defined in html,
Following is what i acctually have.
Please help and give me some advice.
class Menu extends PolymerElement {
// Menu.created() : super.created();
@observable int isLogged;
Menu.created() : super.created()
if(window.localStorage['authentication'] !=null)
void SelectItem(event, detail, target)
var command=detail['item'].label;
<polymer-element name="menu-element">
<core-menu on-core-select="{{SelectItem}}">
<core-item icon="dialog" label="Ogloszenia" id="advertisments"></core-item>
<core-item icon="settings" label="Logowanie" id="logon"></core-item>
<core-item icon="search" label="Rejestracja" id="register"></core-item>
<core-item label="Dodaj ogloszenie"></core-item>
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