[dart-misc] Angular 2, routing and animations
Gonzalo Chumillas
2016-06-14 16:27:13 UTC
'm currently working in a project that uses the routing approach (not
documentation yet for Dart):

And I wonder how could I control the transition between different views. I
read about the CssAnimationBuilder, but there is no much documentation
about this class.

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Günter Zöchbauer
2016-06-15 12:25:37 UTC
I guess you need to create a custom `RouterOutlet` implementation. The
problem with the current implementation is, that it removes the old
component and then inserts a new one. I'm not an animation specialist but I
think this makes it pretty hard to animate.
I think it would need to add the new component, set some classes or
attributes that can be targeted for animation and listens to the
animationEnd event to then remove the classes or attributes and removes the
old component.
But there is a new router and full animation support on its way. I'd rather
wait for this to arrive instead of spending time on something that is about
to vanish.
I'm currently working on a project that uses the routing approach (not
And I wonder how could I control the transition between different views. I
read about the CssAnimationBuilder, but there is no much documentation
about this class.
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Gonzalo Chumillas
2016-06-15 12:33:07 UTC
Thank you very much for your help. I think that I prefer to wait for the new implementation.
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Günter Zöchbauer
2016-06-15 16:10:45 UTC
Just read my last comment again and think there might be something prone to

There is proper animation support on its

and there is a new router on its
way http://victorsavkin.com/post/145672529346/angular-router

I didn't mean to say that the new router will have full animation support.
You might sill need to build something yourself but then you can build on
components that are meant to stay and you might be able to leverage the new
animation package.
Post by Gonzalo Chumillas
Thank you very much for your help. I think that I prefer to wait for the
new implementation.
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