[dart-misc] Using dart with bazel
Hochhaus, Andy
2017-11-26 16:57:40 UTC

My organization is a long time bazel user (for Go, Closure style JS, C++,
Python). We are now considering using dart for some servers and a web
application. We have significant internal experience with bazel (authoring
BUILD files) and no experience working pub (authoring pubspec.yaml) files.

The dazel repo <https://github.com/dart-lang/bazel> says that it is "highly
experimental" while the underlying rules are stable. However, the
underlying rules_dart repo <https://github.com/dart-lang/rules_dart> says
that they are "not production ready" and should "only be used with
automatically generated BUILD files".

Given these seemingly conflicting statements, can anyone clarify the
stability (or lack thereof) for these repositories? Given our preference
for the consistency of using BUILD files across our entire monorepo, do any
reasons exist to prefer pubspec.yaml?

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Ryan Gonzalez
2017-11-26 18:29:08 UTC
Dazel basically takes in a pubspec and outputs Bazel rules. The underlying rules don't need to be stable, because they're autogenerated.

I'd highly advise getting used to pub anyway; although its future as a build tool is somewhat hazy (IIRC the build package is a replacement for pub transformers), it's still the current dependency management tool.
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
My organization is a long time bazel user (for Go, Closure style JS, C++,
Python). We are now considering using dart for some servers and a web
application. We have significant internal experience with bazel
BUILD files) and no experience working pub (authoring pubspec.yaml) files.
The dazel repo <https://github.com/dart-lang/bazel> says that it is "highly
experimental" while the underlying rules are stable. However, the
underlying rules_dart repo <https://github.com/dart-lang/rules_dart> says
that they are "not production ready" and should "only be used with
automatically generated BUILD files".
Given these seemingly conflicting statements, can anyone clarify the
stability (or lack thereof) for these repositories? Given our
for the consistency of using BUILD files across our entire monorepo, do any
reasons exist to prefer pubspec.yaml?
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Ryan (ラむアン)
Yoko Shimomura, ryo (supercell/EGOIST), Hiroyuki Sawano >> everyone else
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Hochhaus, Andy
2017-11-26 19:03:41 UTC
Thanks Ryan.
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
Dazel basically takes in a pubspec and outputs Bazel rules.
Makes sense. This matches my understanding.
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
The underlying rules don't need to be stable, because they're autogenerated.
Assuming one is using dazel, this also makes sense. However, if one
plans to hand write BUILD files the inconsistency is potentially still
worth clarifying.
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
I'd highly advise getting used to pub anyway
I respectfully disagree here. One of the major wins of a tool like
bazel is that it supports "multiple languages with one tool". Having a
company-wide monorepo which uses a single tool for all compiles,
tests, deployments, etc regardless of language allows developers to
move about the code base while minimizing cognitive load.

Based on the wording in the README, I would guess that Google
internally prefers the use of bazel over pub.
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
although its future as a build tool is somewhat hazy (IIRC the build package is a replacement for pub transformers), it's still the current dependency management tool.
Thanks! Do you happen to have a reference regarding the build package
replacing pub (so that I can learn more about the road map for the

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Matan Lurey
2017-11-26 19:31:28 UTC
Hi Ryan and Andy!

*disclaimer: I work on the Dart team and AngularDart, which is a consumer
of both pub, bazel, and other build systems we use. I can try and answer
any other questions you have or redirect them to folks that would know

tl;dr, at one point we had *no* build system. Dart 1.0 was predicated
around having a JIT (just-in-time) source-code VM, so similar to the JS
ecosystem in ~2011/2012, there wasn't an apparent need to have a
platform-level build system (remember, Dart->JS was just going to be for
*legacy* browsers, and you did most browser development in Dartium).

Once *pub*, as a package manager, was built and shipped, there were various
opinions on whether it or another tool should play a build/asset system
role, and the current implementation of pub does via "pub serve", "pub
build", and asset transformers (commonly called "transformers").

This worked well enough for small/medium-ish size projects, but broke down
quite a bit once your project(s) got larger - designed to be an in-memory
monolithic transformation system, not a scaleable, modular build system.

Internally, because of how Google is setup, we used/were required to use
Blaze (now called "Bazel"), and new developments here helped a lot - for
example we could quickly re-compile code to JavaScript using DDC.

Externally, we considered offering full Bazel support, but shied away:

* Bazel at the time barely supported Windows, which is important to us.
* Even today, lots of our Bazel integration is Unix-specific. It would take
a lot of time, resources, and debugging to get this to work great
out-of-the-box to Windows users, and even then Bazel is pretty heavyweight
for some projects.
* Dart users *liked* the ability to author new transformers/builders, and
we already had some success with source_gen/build_runner, which generated
files on disk instead of through pub. The infamous *built_value* used this

So, we took build_runner, and tried building on it. And it turned out to
work quite well. Basically, there is one user-level set of interfaces,
package:build <https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/build>, with a set of
contracts that if you follow work for pub transformers, bazel/blaze, and

So, where are we in EO 2017?

1. We're about to soft deprecate "pub transformers" entirely.
2. We've suspended work on shipping Bazel support externally.
3. And we're working to enhance build_runner into a longer-term solution.

If you follow our milestones for build_runner
<https://github.com/dart-lang/build/milestone/11>, you'll see we are making
quite a bit of progress, but with still more to do. Please let us know if
you have any other questions.

I've answered your questions inline below, as well.


~ Matan
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Thanks Ryan.
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
Dazel basically takes in a pubspec and outputs Bazel rules.
Makes sense. This matches my understanding.
Dazel was based on the idea that we could infer a build system
configuration based on your package configuration and a bit of extra
metadata. We've actually kept this model as "build_config" for
build_runner. The idea here is that users that *consume* generators would
have to do little or no work.

Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
The underlying rules don't need to be stable, because they're
Assuming one is using dazel, this also makes sense. However, if one
plans to hand write BUILD files the inconsistency is potentially still
worth clarifying.
Unfortunately we're not in a place where it's feasible to do this with
guaranteed success - though we welcome folks contributing if this is
something that is important to you. We might revisit this story in 2018,
but not before we've shipped something that lets people move off pub
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
I'd highly advise getting used to pub anyway
I respectfully disagree here. One of the major wins of a tool like
bazel is that it supports "multiple languages with one tool". Having a
company-wide monorepo which uses a single tool for all compiles,
tests, deployments, etc regardless of language allows developers to
move about the code base while minimizing cognitive load.
Definitely agree with ... both of you :)

Pub as a package manager is likely to stay indefinitely (similar to NPM for
Node). As far as a *build* system goes, we'll be focusing on build_runner.
We're also still working out what the long-term entry-points for
compilation, testing, deployment will be.

For example some people prefer a single monolothic tool, others would
prefer specialized packages. If you have opinions please speak up :)
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Based on the wording in the README, I would guess that Google
internally prefers the use of bazel over pub.
Because we use a single mono-repo internally without branches, there is no
reason to have dependency management, so a lot (read: all) of the benefits
of pub sort of go away anyway.
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
although its future as a build tool is somewhat hazy (IIRC the build
package is a replacement for pub transformers), it's still the current
dependency management tool.
Thanks! Do you happen to have a reference regarding the build package
replacing pub (so that I can learn more about the road map for the
See above :)
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
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Hochhaus, Andy
2017-11-26 21:11:40 UTC
Thanks for the detailed reply and added context Matan.

I agree that bazel shouldn't be the only way to build dart code.
Potentially, the build tooling could consider two use cases:

1. Smaller repositories (possibly only containing dart code) which
prefer minimal setup & configuration. These users will likely prefer a dart
specific tool set (such as pub or build_runner).
2. Larger existing projects containing code written in a wide variety of
languages. These users will likely be willing to undertake additional
configuration steps.
Post by Matan Lurey
* Bazel at the time barely supported Windows, which is important to us.
* Even today, lots of our Bazel integration is Unix-specific. It would take
a lot of time, resources, and debugging to get this to work great
out-of-the-box to Windows users, and even then Bazel is pretty heavyweight
for some projects.
In the "two build systems" model suggested above, windows support need not
be a requirement here. It would be acceptable to have windows only
supported by the dart tooling (pub, build_runner) while macOS and linux
were also supported by bazel.

Further, as bazel windows support has significantly improved, should
adequate interest appear in using dart with bazel on windows it would be
possible to fix those issues.
Post by Matan Lurey
So, we took build_runner, and tried building on it. And it turned out to
work quite well. Basically, there is one user-level set of interfaces,
package:build, with a set of contracts that if you follow work for pub
transformers, bazel/blaze, and build_runner.
Can you say more here? Specifically, does any documentation exist on using
these with bazel?
Post by Matan Lurey
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
Dazel basically takes in a pubspec and outputs Bazel rules.
Makes sense. This matches my understanding.
Dazel was based on the idea that we could infer a build system
Post by Matan Lurey
based on your package configuration and a bit of extra metadata. We've
actually kept this model as "build_config" for build_runner. The idea here
is that users that consume generators would have to do little or no work.
Interesting. Are you sating that build_config can be used to generate bazel
BUILD files?

The rules_go <https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/> repo has a tool
called gazelle
<https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/tree/master/go/tools/gazelle> which
functions in a similar manner to dazel (walks a directory tree, parses *.go
files, generates BUILD.bazel files). My dislike for dazel (and maybe
build_config?) is that it depends on pubspec.yaml files which are "pub
specific" files (vs simply dart source code). In the gazelle case only go
source files are required.

Is it possible to have dazel (or build_config?) avoid a strict dependency
on pubspec.yaml (by falling back to parsing *.dart files and assuming the
"any" version for all dependencies when pubspec isn't present)? In the
gazelle case, if the user wished to pin an external library to a specific
version they simply modify the WORKSPACE file.
Post by Matan Lurey
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
The underlying rules don't need to be stable, because they're autogenerated.
Assuming one is using dazel, this also makes sense. However, if one
plans to hand write BUILD files the inconsistency is potentially still
worth clarifying.
Unfortunately we're not in a place where it's feasible to do this with
guaranteed success - though we welcome folks contributing if this is
something that is important to you. We might revisit this story in 2018,
Post by Matan Lurey
not before we've shipped something that lets people move off pub
That sounds very reasonable to me.
Post by Matan Lurey
Pub as a package manager is likely to stay indefinitely (similar to NPM for
Node). As far as a build system goes, we'll be focusing on build_runner.
We're also still working out what the long-term entry-points for
compilation, testing, deployment will be.
Thanks for the clarification here.
Post by Matan Lurey
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Based on the wording in the README, I would guess that Google
internally prefers the use of bazel over pub.
Because we use a single mono-repo internally without branches, there is no
reason to have dependency management, so a lot (read: all) of the benefits
of pub sort of go away anyway.
Makes sense. The bazel WORKSPACE file also allows for granular dependency
management (including external repositories). Therefore, if bazel had dart
support, those users likely would also not get much value from pub.

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Matan Lurey
2017-11-26 21:20:30 UTC
Replies inline.
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Thanks for the detailed reply and added context Matan.
I agree that bazel shouldn't be the only way to build dart code.
1. Smaller repositories (possibly only containing dart code) which
prefer minimal setup & configuration. These users will likely prefer a dart
specific tool set (such as pub or build_runner).
2. Larger existing projects containing code written in a wide variety
of languages. These users will likely be willing to undertake additional
configuration steps.
That's a sort of hypothetical long-term vision. I say hypothetical because
we're trying to double down on the small-medium size case to completion
first, and let the other cases be more use-case driven.

If you/your company would find immediate value from better Bazel support in
Dart, please contact us and I'd be happy to schedule some sort of
higher-level chat about your needs - you can email me at work (
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Post by Matan Lurey
* Bazel at the time barely supported Windows, which is important to us.
* Even today, lots of our Bazel integration is Unix-specific. It would
Post by Matan Lurey
a lot of time, resources, and debugging to get this to work great
out-of-the-box to Windows users, and even then Bazel is pretty
Post by Matan Lurey
for some projects.
In the "two build systems" model suggested above, windows support need not
be a requirement here. It would be acceptable to have windows only
supported by the dart tooling (pub, build_runner) while macOS and linux
were also supported by bazel.
Sure. Just until we have one build system e2e complete we've been trying
not to focus on another that won't capture all of our users (in this case,
many/most use Windows today).
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Further, as bazel windows support has significantly improved, should
adequate interest appear in using dart with bazel on windows it would be
possible to fix those issues.
Post by Matan Lurey
So, we took build_runner, and tried building on it. And it turned out to
work quite well. Basically, there is one user-level set of interfaces,
package:build, with a set of contracts that if you follow work for pub
transformers, bazel/blaze, and build_runner.
Can you say more here? Specifically, does any documentation exist on using
these with bazel?
Not really, no, again just due to prioritization.

If you're *really* curious, you can look yourself at the bazel_codegen
<https://github.com/dart-lang/bazel/tree/master/bazel_codegen> package. It
is a Bazel-based implementation of the build package, though you will
notice it rolls its own implementation for most of the compilers.
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Post by Matan Lurey
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
Dazel basically takes in a pubspec and outputs Bazel rules.
Makes sense. This matches my understanding.
Dazel was based on the idea that we could infer a build system
Post by Matan Lurey
based on your package configuration and a bit of extra metadata. We've
actually kept this model as "build_config" for build_runner. The idea
Post by Matan Lurey
is that users that consume generators would have to do little or no work.
Interesting. Are you sating that build_config can be used to generate
bazel BUILD files?
That was the original goal. Today it will be used to generate build scripts.

Here is one such example
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
The rules_go <https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/> repo has a tool
called gazelle
which functions in a similar manner to dazel (walks a directory tree,
parses *.go files, generates BUILD.bazel files). My dislike for dazel (and
maybe build_config?) is that it depends on pubspec.yaml files which are
"pub specific" files (vs simply dart source code). In the gazelle case only
go source files are required.
Dazel currently isn't a serious project. Internally we have something else,
called Daze, that doesn't use pub at all, which is closer to what you want.
Again, something we might open source as prioritization calls for it.
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Is it possible to have dazel (or build_config?) avoid a strict dependency
on pubspec.yaml (by falling back to parsing *.dart files and assuming the
"any" version for all dependencies when pubspec isn't present)? In the
gazelle case, if the user wished to pin an external library to a specific
version they simply modify the WORKSPACE file.
Post by Matan Lurey
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Post by Ryan Gonzalez
The underlying rules don't need to be stable, because they're autogenerated.
Assuming one is using dazel, this also makes sense. However, if one
plans to hand write BUILD files the inconsistency is potentially still
worth clarifying.
Unfortunately we're not in a place where it's feasible to do this with
guaranteed success - though we welcome folks contributing if this is
something that is important to you. We might revisit this story in 2018,
Post by Matan Lurey
not before we've shipped something that lets people move off pub
That sounds very reasonable to me.
Post by Matan Lurey
Pub as a package manager is likely to stay indefinitely (similar to NPM
Post by Matan Lurey
Node). As far as a build system goes, we'll be focusing on build_runner.
We're also still working out what the long-term entry-points for
compilation, testing, deployment will be.
Thanks for the clarification here.
Post by Matan Lurey
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Based on the wording in the README, I would guess that Google
internally prefers the use of bazel over pub.
Because we use a single mono-repo internally without branches, there is
Post by Matan Lurey
reason to have dependency management, so a lot (read: all) of the
Post by Matan Lurey
of pub sort of go away anyway.
Makes sense. The bazel WORKSPACE file also allows for granular dependency
management (including external repositories). Therefore, if bazel had dart
support, those users likely would also not get much value from pub.
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Hochhaus, Andy
2017-11-26 21:47:36 UTC
... we're trying to double down on the small-medium size case to completion first, and let the other cases be more use-case driven.
Makes sense.
Thanks to your guidance I'm hopeful I can get something which is "good
enough for the time being" using build_runner. At the point that it
becomes prohibitive I will ping you.
Dazel currently isn't a serious project. Internally we have something else, called Daze, that doesn't use pub at all, which is closer to what you want. Again, something we might open source as prioritization calls for it.
This sounds like it has potential to meet my long term needs.

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For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2017-11-27 20:08:52 UTC
Everything Matan says here and below is spot-on. A bit more historical
Post by Matan Lurey
tl;dr, at one point we had *no* build system. Dart 1.0 was predicated
around having a JIT (just-in-time) source-code VM, so similar to the JS
ecosystem in ~2011/2012, there wasn't an apparent need to have a
platform-level build system (remember, Dart->JS was just going to be for
*legacy* browsers, and you did most browser development in Dartium).
Once *pub*, as a package manager, was built and shipped, there were
various opinions on whether it or another tool should play a build/asset
system role, and the current implementation of pub does via "pub serve",
"pub build", and asset transformers (commonly called "transformers").
The reason we chose to bake the build system into pub is a little obscure,
but I think it was based on a reasonable goal. The idea was this: Let's say
you're using some groovy widget package called, uh, "dootstrap". It exposes
a CSS file that your app can use. This is a bread-and-butter use case for a
package manager like pub: You depend on the dootstrap package, and then you
reference the CSS file using some path that the package manager sets up for

The use case we wanted to support was, *that CSS file might actually be
generated by a build step*. The maintainers of dootstrap could actually
author it as a SASS <http://sass-lang.com/> file and then build the CSS
from that. To you, as a *user* of dootstrap/widgets.css, that's purely an
implementation detail. All you care is that the CSS is made available to
you *somehow*.

OK, so the easy solution is to have the dootstrap maintainers just rebuild
the CSS file and check it into the package. In other words, the build step
is run at maintainer-time before the package is shipped. That generally
works OK, but consider a more complex use case:

Let's you're working on an application called my_rad_game. It uses some
third-party 3D models (of goats — your game is about goats) from a package
called goat_models. Those models are loaded and rendered by a 3D engine
your game uses called engine_3d. So the goat_models packages needs to
expose these models as files in a form that the engine can read and load at
runtime. Again, the maintainers of goat_models could run the build step to
generate those model files and add them the goat_models package before
publishing it.

Here's where it gets tricky. Different versions of engine_3d may change the
model format. Maybe engine_3d version 2.0.0 starts compressing floating
point values or something. If the maintainers of goat_models ran an old
version of engine_3d's model builder and I'm using a new version of
engine_3d, then it won't be able to load the old models. I really need to
ensure that the *same* version of engine_3d is used to build the models and
the load them at runtime.

This is even harder because goat_models — like any good package — wants to
support a range of versions of engine_3d. If it has to contain the
pre-built models, that may lock it down to an artificially narrow range of
versions and make it harder for users to consume the package.

So, our idea was that we would delay the build step until *after* pub has
resolved all of your dependencies. Then it would run any build steps right
then, using the exact versions of the dependencies that your application
itself uses. That way, you're guaranteed to have your build steps and your
runtime use of the resulting assets in sync with each other.

Since that needed to happen after dependency resolution had happened, we
felt it made sense to make it part of the package manager.

(In retrospect, a separate build system that runs *after* pub also works.)
Post by Matan Lurey
This worked well enough for small/medium-ish size projects, but broke down
quite a bit once your project(s) got larger - designed to be an in-memory
monolithic transformation system, not a scaleable, modular build system.
Pub build/serve is in-memory (and its one of the design choices we knew was
risky at the time), but it's not monolithic. It actually has a pretty smart
dependency graph system internally and knows exactly which transformations
need to be re-run when a source file has changed.

The problem isn't that the build system is monolithic, it's that using it
to generate *Dart code that relies on static analysis is*. Pub's build
system was designed for building *data,* not statically-analyzed code.
Worse, because Dart freely allows cyclic imports, it's even hard to
statically analyze it in a modular fashion. That's why all of our other
build tools have to do this extra work around finding "library cycles" and
stuff like that. The language simply wasn't designed for modularity.

Using pub's build system for code generation is just a poor fit. It was the
best tool we had at the time, but it was never designed for that task.

I'm really glad we're moving away from pub's build system to a separate
one. Some of the design choices we made didn't pan out well, and a new
build system can be better tailored for the use cases that we now know we
have, like code generation. Also, it simplifies pub.


– bob
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Hochhaus, Andy
2018-08-07 16:53:54 UTC
Given the announcement of the new dart build
<https://github.com/dart-lang/build> tool today, could someone provide an
update on the state of bazel support?


On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 12:08 PM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Everything Matan says here and below is spot-on. A bit more historical
Post by Matan Lurey
tl;dr, at one point we had *no* build system. Dart 1.0 was predicated
around having a JIT (just-in-time) source-code VM, so similar to the JS
ecosystem in ~2011/2012, there wasn't an apparent need to have a
platform-level build system (remember, Dart->JS was just going to be for
*legacy* browsers, and you did most browser development in Dartium).
Once *pub*, as a package manager, was built and shipped, there were
various opinions on whether it or another tool should play a build/asset
system role, and the current implementation of pub does via "pub serve",
"pub build", and asset transformers (commonly called "transformers").
The reason we chose to bake the build system into pub is a little obscure,
but I think it was based on a reasonable goal. The idea was this: Let's say
you're using some groovy widget package called, uh, "dootstrap". It exposes
a CSS file that your app can use. This is a bread-and-butter use case for a
package manager like pub: You depend on the dootstrap package, and then you
reference the CSS file using some path that the package manager sets up for
The use case we wanted to support was, *that CSS file might actually be
generated by a build step*. The maintainers of dootstrap could actually
author it as a SASS <http://sass-lang.com/> file and then build the CSS
from that. To you, as a *user* of dootstrap/widgets.css, that's purely an
implementation detail. All you care is that the CSS is made available to
you *somehow*.
OK, so the easy solution is to have the dootstrap maintainers just rebuild
the CSS file and check it into the package. In other words, the build step
is run at maintainer-time before the package is shipped. That generally
Let's you're working on an application called my_rad_game. It uses some
third-party 3D models (of goats — your game is about goats) from a package
called goat_models. Those models are loaded and rendered by a 3D engine
your game uses called engine_3d. So the goat_models packages needs to
expose these models as files in a form that the engine can read and load at
runtime. Again, the maintainers of goat_models could run the build step to
generate those model files and add them the goat_models package before
publishing it.
Here's where it gets tricky. Different versions of engine_3d may change
the model format. Maybe engine_3d version 2.0.0 starts compressing floating
point values or something. If the maintainers of goat_models ran an old
version of engine_3d's model builder and I'm using a new version of
engine_3d, then it won't be able to load the old models. I really need to
ensure that the *same* version of engine_3d is used to build the models
and the load them at runtime.
This is even harder because goat_models — like any good package — wants to
support a range of versions of engine_3d. If it has to contain the
pre-built models, that may lock it down to an artificially narrow range of
versions and make it harder for users to consume the package.
So, our idea was that we would delay the build step until *after* pub has
resolved all of your dependencies. Then it would run any build steps right
then, using the exact versions of the dependencies that your application
itself uses. That way, you're guaranteed to have your build steps and your
runtime use of the resulting assets in sync with each other.
Since that needed to happen after dependency resolution had happened, we
felt it made sense to make it part of the package manager.
(In retrospect, a separate build system that runs *after* pub also works.)
Post by Matan Lurey
This worked well enough for small/medium-ish size projects, but broke
down quite a bit once your project(s) got larger - designed to be an
in-memory monolithic transformation system, not a scaleable, modular build
Pub build/serve is in-memory (and its one of the design choices we knew
was risky at the time), but it's not monolithic. It actually has a pretty
smart dependency graph system internally and knows exactly which
transformations need to be re-run when a source file has changed.
The problem isn't that the build system is monolithic, it's that using it
to generate *Dart code that relies on static analysis is*. Pub's build
system was designed for building *data,* not statically-analyzed code.
Worse, because Dart freely allows cyclic imports, it's even hard to
statically analyze it in a modular fashion. That's why all of our other
build tools have to do this extra work around finding "library cycles" and
stuff like that. The language simply wasn't designed for modularity.
Using pub's build system for code generation is just a poor fit. It was
the best tool we had at the time, but it was never designed for that task.
I'm really glad we're moving away from pub's build system to a separate
one. Some of the design choices we made didn't pan out well, and a new
build system can be better tailored for the use cases that we now know we
have, like code generation. Also, it simplifies pub.
– bob
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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For more ways to connect visit https://www.dartlang.org/community
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/d/msgid/misc/CAAhqAFouSJckqk3FQjUUhDmkvC_13Tmkvk9bKY57xNtZWd8r4w%40mail.gmail.com.
'Nate Bosch' via Dart Misc
2018-08-07 19:33:42 UTC
See the README at https://github.com/dart-lang/rules_dart

We're not officially supporting bazel for Dart externally. We have enough
code there that it is technically possible to get Dart projects working -
but we're not making guarantees so if something isn't working we might not
prioritize a fix. We also use pieces of that code internally and when we
make changes for our internal users it could break external use cases. We
have not nailed down our long term strategy, so it's possible that external
bazel support will become a goal.
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Given the announcement of the new dart build
<https://github.com/dart-lang/build> tool today, could someone provide an
update on the state of bazel support?
On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 12:08 PM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Everything Matan says here and below is spot-on. A bit more historical
Post by Matan Lurey
tl;dr, at one point we had *no* build system. Dart 1.0 was predicated
around having a JIT (just-in-time) source-code VM, so similar to the JS
ecosystem in ~2011/2012, there wasn't an apparent need to have a
platform-level build system (remember, Dart->JS was just going to be for
*legacy* browsers, and you did most browser development in Dartium).
Once *pub*, as a package manager, was built and shipped, there were
various opinions on whether it or another tool should play a build/asset
system role, and the current implementation of pub does via "pub serve",
"pub build", and asset transformers (commonly called "transformers").
The reason we chose to bake the build system into pub is a little
Let's say you're using some groovy widget package called, uh, "dootstrap".
It exposes a CSS file that your app can use. This is a bread-and-butter use
case for a package manager like pub: You depend on the dootstrap package,
and then you reference the CSS file using some path that the package
manager sets up for you.
The use case we wanted to support was, *that CSS file might actually be
generated by a build step*. The maintainers of dootstrap could actually
author it as a SASS <http://sass-lang.com/> file and then build the CSS
from that. To you, as a *user* of dootstrap/widgets.css, that's purely
an implementation detail. All you care is that the CSS is made available to
you *somehow*.
OK, so the easy solution is to have the dootstrap maintainers just
rebuild the CSS file and check it into the package. In other words, the
build step is run at maintainer-time before the package is shipped. That
Let's you're working on an application called my_rad_game. It uses some
third-party 3D models (of goats — your game is about goats) from a package
called goat_models. Those models are loaded and rendered by a 3D engine
your game uses called engine_3d. So the goat_models packages needs to
expose these models as files in a form that the engine can read and load at
runtime. Again, the maintainers of goat_models could run the build step to
generate those model files and add them the goat_models package before
publishing it.
Here's where it gets tricky. Different versions of engine_3d may change
the model format. Maybe engine_3d version 2.0.0 starts compressing floating
point values or something. If the maintainers of goat_models ran an old
version of engine_3d's model builder and I'm using a new version of
engine_3d, then it won't be able to load the old models. I really need to
ensure that the *same* version of engine_3d is used to build the models
and the load them at runtime.
This is even harder because goat_models — like any good package — wants
to support a range of versions of engine_3d. If it has to contain the
pre-built models, that may lock it down to an artificially narrow range of
versions and make it harder for users to consume the package.
So, our idea was that we would delay the build step until *after* pub
has resolved all of your dependencies. Then it would run any build steps
right then, using the exact versions of the dependencies that your
application itself uses. That way, you're guaranteed to have your build
steps and your runtime use of the resulting assets in sync with each other.
Since that needed to happen after dependency resolution had happened, we
felt it made sense to make it part of the package manager.
(In retrospect, a separate build system that runs *after* pub also works.)
Post by Matan Lurey
This worked well enough for small/medium-ish size projects, but broke
down quite a bit once your project(s) got larger - designed to be an
in-memory monolithic transformation system, not a scaleable, modular build
Pub build/serve is in-memory (and its one of the design choices we knew
was risky at the time), but it's not monolithic. It actually has a pretty
smart dependency graph system internally and knows exactly which
transformations need to be re-run when a source file has changed.
The problem isn't that the build system is monolithic, it's that using it
to generate *Dart code that relies on static analysis is*. Pub's build
system was designed for building *data,* not statically-analyzed code.
Worse, because Dart freely allows cyclic imports, it's even hard to
statically analyze it in a modular fashion. That's why all of our other
build tools have to do this extra work around finding "library cycles" and
stuff like that. The language simply wasn't designed for modularity.
Using pub's build system for code generation is just a poor fit. It was
the best tool we had at the time, but it was never designed for that task.
I'm really glad we're moving away from pub's build system to a separate
one. Some of the design choices we made didn't pan out well, and a new
build system can be better tailored for the use cases that we now know we
have, like code generation. Also, it simplifies pub.
– bob
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Dart Misc" group.
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For more ways to connect visit https://www.dartlang.org/community
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/d/msgid/misc/d52e7898-fdbd-4d24-8a2a-2436b27be1e4%40dartlang.org.
Hochhaus, Andy
2018-08-10 16:43:39 UTC
Thanks Nate.

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 12:33 PM, 'Nate Bosch' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Nate Bosch' via Dart Misc
See the README at https://github.com/dart-lang/rules_dart
We're not officially supporting bazel for Dart externally. We have enough
code there that it is technically possible to get Dart projects working -
but we're not making guarantees so if something isn't working we might not
prioritize a fix. We also use pieces of that code internally and when we
make changes for our internal users it could break external use cases. We
have not nailed down our long term strategy, so it's possible that external
bazel support will become a goal.
Post by Hochhaus, Andy
Given the announcement of the new dart build
<https://github.com/dart-lang/build> tool today, could someone provide
an update on the state of bazel support?
On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 12:08 PM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Everything Matan says here and below is spot-on. A bit more historical
Post by Matan Lurey
tl;dr, at one point we had *no* build system. Dart 1.0 was predicated
around having a JIT (just-in-time) source-code VM, so similar to the JS
ecosystem in ~2011/2012, there wasn't an apparent need to have a
platform-level build system (remember, Dart->JS was just going to be for
*legacy* browsers, and you did most browser development in Dartium).
Once *pub*, as a package manager, was built and shipped, there were
various opinions on whether it or another tool should play a build/asset
system role, and the current implementation of pub does via "pub serve",
"pub build", and asset transformers (commonly called "transformers").
The reason we chose to bake the build system into pub is a little
Let's say you're using some groovy widget package called, uh, "dootstrap".
It exposes a CSS file that your app can use. This is a bread-and-butter use
case for a package manager like pub: You depend on the dootstrap package,
and then you reference the CSS file using some path that the package
manager sets up for you.
The use case we wanted to support was, *that CSS file might actually be
generated by a build step*. The maintainers of dootstrap could actually
author it as a SASS <http://sass-lang.com/> file and then build the CSS
from that. To you, as a *user* of dootstrap/widgets.css, that's purely
an implementation detail. All you care is that the CSS is made available to
you *somehow*.
OK, so the easy solution is to have the dootstrap maintainers just
rebuild the CSS file and check it into the package. In other words, the
build step is run at maintainer-time before the package is shipped. That
Let's you're working on an application called my_rad_game. It uses some
third-party 3D models (of goats — your game is about goats) from a package
called goat_models. Those models are loaded and rendered by a 3D engine
your game uses called engine_3d. So the goat_models packages needs to
expose these models as files in a form that the engine can read and load at
runtime. Again, the maintainers of goat_models could run the build step to
generate those model files and add them the goat_models package before
publishing it.
Here's where it gets tricky. Different versions of engine_3d may change
the model format. Maybe engine_3d version 2.0.0 starts compressing floating
point values or something. If the maintainers of goat_models ran an old
version of engine_3d's model builder and I'm using a new version of
engine_3d, then it won't be able to load the old models. I really need to
ensure that the *same* version of engine_3d is used to build the models
and the load them at runtime.
This is even harder because goat_models — like any good package — wants
to support a range of versions of engine_3d. If it has to contain the
pre-built models, that may lock it down to an artificially narrow range of
versions and make it harder for users to consume the package.
So, our idea was that we would delay the build step until *after* pub
has resolved all of your dependencies. Then it would run any build steps
right then, using the exact versions of the dependencies that your
application itself uses. That way, you're guaranteed to have your build
steps and your runtime use of the resulting assets in sync with each other.
Since that needed to happen after dependency resolution had happened, we
felt it made sense to make it part of the package manager.
(In retrospect, a separate build system that runs *after* pub also works.)
Post by Matan Lurey
This worked well enough for small/medium-ish size projects, but broke
down quite a bit once your project(s) got larger - designed to be an
in-memory monolithic transformation system, not a scaleable, modular build
Pub build/serve is in-memory (and its one of the design choices we knew
was risky at the time), but it's not monolithic. It actually has a pretty
smart dependency graph system internally and knows exactly which
transformations need to be re-run when a source file has changed.
The problem isn't that the build system is monolithic, it's that using
it to generate *Dart code that relies on static analysis is*. Pub's
build system was designed for building *data,* not statically-analyzed
code. Worse, because Dart freely allows cyclic imports, it's even hard to
statically analyze it in a modular fashion. That's why all of our other
build tools have to do this extra work around finding "library cycles" and
stuff like that. The language simply wasn't designed for modularity.
Using pub's build system for code generation is just a poor fit. It was
the best tool we had at the time, but it was never designed for that task.
I'm really glad we're moving away from pub's build system to a separate
one. Some of the design choices we made didn't pan out well, and a new
build system can be better tailored for the use cases that we now know we
have, like code generation. Also, it simplifies pub.
– bob
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
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