Michele Costa
2017-10-03 09:15:25 UTC
i am the maintainer of a micro-benchmark branch for several different
languages: i test a plain "Hello World" HTTP server by using the `wrk`
loading tool.
I've recently added Dart to the benchmark, by relying on the async HTTP
server implementation
i've found on official tutorials.
The resulting throughput is not disappointing, but nonetheless far from the
Node.js one, which uses the cluster library to pre-fork several processes.
Dart HTTP server implementation does not run in parallel, as confirmed by
inspecting the CPUs usage via Activity Monitor.
I read that Dart deliver parallelism on a multi-core server via the Isolate
Unfortunately i have found no concrete examples of how to use Isolate on
the standard APIs and the code-snippets i found online are not relevant
and/or obsolete.
Any suggestions on how to implement a HTTP server by using Isolate.spawn
will be really appreciated.
Many Thanks
i am the maintainer of a micro-benchmark branch for several different
languages: i test a plain "Hello World" HTTP server by using the `wrk`
loading tool.
I've recently added Dart to the benchmark, by relying on the async HTTP
server implementation
i've found on official tutorials.
The resulting throughput is not disappointing, but nonetheless far from the
Node.js one, which uses the cluster library to pre-fork several processes.
Dart HTTP server implementation does not run in parallel, as confirmed by
inspecting the CPUs usage via Activity Monitor.
I read that Dart deliver parallelism on a multi-core server via the Isolate
Unfortunately i have found no concrete examples of how to use Isolate on
the standard APIs and the code-snippets i found online are not relevant
and/or obsolete.
Any suggestions on how to implement a HTTP server by using Isolate.spawn
will be really appreciated.
Many Thanks
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