[dart-misc] Was it expected that Dart SDK went from 68MB in 1.20.1 to 138MB in 1.22?
Danny Tuppeny
2017-02-17 10:11:46 UTC
I noticed the latest SDK took much longer to unzip than usual.. when I
checked the size it has doubled!

Has something gone wrong, or is this expected? It's not a problem but I
thought it worth mentioning since it's quite a big jump! Seems to mostly be
snapshot files (eg. dart2js.dart.snapshot is now *29*MB and was previously
just *2.4*MB!). Left two thirds of this grab are 1.22; the right third is
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'Vyacheslav Egorov' via Dart Misc
2017-02-17 10:26:59 UTC
Tools are now using app-jit snapshots for faster warm up, so they contain
generated native code - that the reason for the bump.
Post by Danny Tuppeny
I noticed the latest SDK took much longer to unzip than usual.. when I
checked the size it has doubled!
Has something gone wrong, or is this expected? It's not a problem but I
thought it worth mentioning since it's quite a big jump! Seems to mostly be
snapshot files (eg. dart2js.dart.snapshot is now *29*MB and was
previously just *2.4*MB!). Left two thirds of this grab are 1.22; the
right third is 1.21.
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// Vyacheslav Egorov
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