'Kevin Moore' via Dart Announcements
2018-08-07 04:40:59 UTC
*This is the latest summary of changes in Dart 2, per our changelog
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md>. The formal
announcement is coming soon. In the meantime, see the migration guide
<https://www.dartlang.org/dart-2> if you're still using Dart v1.*
This is the first major version release of Dart since 1.0.0, so it contains
many significant changes across all areas of the platform. Large changes
(Breaking) The unsound optional static type system has been replaced
with a sound static type system using type inference and runtime checks.
This was formerly called "strong mode
<https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/sound-dart>" and only used by
the Dart for web products. Now it is the one official static type system
for the entire platform and replaces the previous "checked" and
"production" modes.
(Breaking) Functions marked async now run synchronously until the first
await statement. Previously, they would return to the event loop once at
the top of the function body before any code runs (issue 30345
(Breaking) Constants in the core libraries have been renamed from
SCREAMING_CAPS to lowerCamelCase.
(Breaking) Many new methods have been added to core library classes. If
you implement the interfaces of these classes, you will need to implement
the new methods.
(Breaking) "dart:isolate" and "dart:mirrors" are no longer supported
when using Dart for the web. They are still supported in the command-line
(Breaking) Pub's transformer-based build system has been replaced by a
new build system <https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/obsolete>.
The new keyword is optional and can be omitted. Likewise, const can be
omitted inside a const context (issue 30921
Dartium is no longer maintained or supported.
"Strong mode <https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/sound-dart>" is
now the official type system of the language.
The new keyword is optional and can be omitted. Likewise, const can be
omitted inside a const context.
A string in a part of declaration may now be used to refer to the
library this file is part of. A library part can now declare its library as
part of name.of.library;
part of "uriReferenceOfLibrary.dart";
This allows libraries with no library declarations (and therefore no
name) to have parts, and it allows tools to easily find the library of a
part file. The Dart 1.0 syntax is supported but deprecated.
Functions marked async now run synchronously until the first await statement.
Previously, they would return to the event loop once at the top of the
function body before any code runs (issue 30345
The type void is now a Top type like dynamic, and Object. It also now
has new errors for being used where not allowed (such as being assigned to
any non-void-typed parameter). Some libraries (importantly, mockito) may
need to be updated to accept void values to keep their APIs working.
Future flattening is now done only as specified in the Dart 2.0 spec,
rather than more broadly. This means that the following code has an error
on the assignment to y.
test() {
Future<int> f;
var x = f.then<Future<List<int>>>((x) => []);
Future<List<int>> y = x;
Invocations of noSuchMethod() receive default values for optional args.
The following program used to print "No arguments passed", and now prints
"First argument is 3".
abstract class B {
void m([int x = 3]);
class A implements B {
noSuchMethod(Invocation i) {
if (i.positionalArguments.length == 0) {
print("No arguments passed");
} else {
print("First argument is ${i.positionalArguments[0]}");
void main() {
Bounds on generic functions are invariant. The following program now
issues an invalid override error (issue 29014
class A {
void f<T extends int>() {}
class B extends A {
void f<T extends num>() {}
Numerous corner case bugs around return statements in synchronous and
asynchronous functions fixed. Specifically:
- Issues 31887 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31887>, 32881
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/32881>. Future flattening
should not be recursive.
- Issues 30638 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/30638>, 32233
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/32233>. Incorrect downcast
errors with FutureOr.
- Issue 32233 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/32233>. Errors
when returning FutureOr.
- Issue 33218 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/33218>.
Returns in functions with void related types.
- Issue 31278 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31278>.
Incorrect hint on empty returns in async. functions.
An empty return; in an async function with return type Future<Object> does
not report an error.
return exp; where exp has type void in an async function is now an error
unless the return type of the function is void or dynamic.
Mixed return statements of the form return; and return exp; are now
allowed when exp has type void.
A compile time error is emitted for any literal which cannot be exactly
represented on the target platform. As a result, dart2js and DDC report
errors if an integer literal cannot be represented exactly in JavaScript (issue
33282 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/33282>).
New member conflict rules have been implemented. Most cases of
conflicting members with the same name are now static errors (issue 33235
Replaced UPPER_CASE constant names with lowerCamelCase. For example,
HTML_ESCAPE is now htmlEscape.
The Web libraries were re-generated using Chrome 63 WebIDLs (details
- Stream:
- Added cast and castFrom.
- Changed firstWhere, lastWhere, and singleWhere to return Future<T> and
added an optional T orElse()callback.
- StreamTransformer: added cast and castFrom.
- StreamTransformerBase: new class.
- Timer: added tick property.
- Zone
- changed to be strong-mode clean. This required some breaking API
changes. See https://goo.gl/y9mW2x for more information.
- Added bindBinaryCallbackGuarded, bindCallbackGuarded, and
- Renamed Zone.ROOT to Zone.root.
- Removed the deprecated defaultValue parameter on Stream.firstWhere and
- Changed an internal lazily-allocated reusable "null future" to always
belong to the root zone. This avoids race conditions where the first access
to the future determined which zone it would belong to. The zone is only
used for*scheduling* the callback of listeners, the listeners themselves
will run in the correct zone in any case. Issue #32556
- *New* "provisional" library for CLI-specific features.
- waitFor: function that suspends a stack to wait for a Future to
- MapBase: added mapToString.
- LinkedHashMap no longer implements HashMap
- LinkedHashSet no longer implements HashSet.
- Added of constructor to Queue, ListQueue, DoubleLinkedQueue, HashSet,
LinkedHashSet, SplayTreeSet, Map, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, SplayTreeMap.
- Removed Maps class. Extend MapBase or mix in MapMixin instead to
provide map method implementations for a class.
- Removed experimental Document method getCSSCanvasContext and property
- Removed obsolete Element property xtag no longer supported in browsers.
- Exposed ServiceWorker class.
- Added constructor to MessageChannel and MessagePort addEventListener automatically
calls start method to receive queued messages.
- Base64Codec.decode return type is now Uint8List.
- JsonUnsupportedObjectError: added partialResult property
- LineSplitter now implements StreamTransformer<String, String> instead
of Converter. It retains Convertermethods convert and
- Utf8Decoder when compiled with dart2js uses the browser's TextDecoder in
some common cases for faster decoding.
- Renamed ASCII, BASE64, BASE64URI, JSON, LATIN1 and UTF8 to ascii,
base64, base64Uri, json, latin1and utf8.
- Renamed the HtmlEscapeMode constants UNKNOWN, ATTRIBUTE, SQ_ATTRIBUTE
and ELEMENT to unknown, attribute, sqAttribute and elements.
- Added jsonEncode, jsonDecode, base64Encode, base64UrlEncode and
base64Decode top-level functions.
- Changed return type of encode on AsciiCodec and Latin1Codec, and
convert on AsciiEncoder, Latin1Encoder, to Uint8List.
- Allow utf8.decoder.fuse(json.decoder) to ignore leading Unicode BOM.
- BigInt class added to support integers greater than 64-bits.
- Deprecated the proxy annotation.
- Added Provisional class and provisional field.
- Added pragma annotation.
- RegExp added static escape function.
- The Uri class now correctly handles paths while running on Node.js on
- Core collection changes:
- Iterable added members cast, castFrom, followedBy and whereType.
- Iterable.singleWhere added orElse parameter.
- List added + operator, first and last setters, and indexWhere and
lastIndexWhere methods, and static copyRange and writeIterable
- Map added fromEntries constructor.
- Map added addEntries, cast, entries, map, removeWhere, update and
updateAll members.
- MapEntry: new class used by Map.entries.
- *Note*: if a class extends IterableBase, ListBase, SetBase or
MapBase (or uses the corresponding mixins) from dart:collection, the
new members are implemented automatically.
- Added of constructor to List, Set, Map.
- Renamed double.INFINITY, double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, double.NAN,
double.MAX_FINITE and double.MIN_POSITIVE to double.infinity,
double.negativeInfinity, double.nan, double.maxFinite and
- Renamed the following constants in DateTime to lower case: MONDAY
through SUNDAY, DAYS_PER_WEEK (as daysPerWeek), JANUARY through DECEMBER
and MONTHS_PER_YEAR (as monthsPerYear).
- Renamed the following constants in Duration to lower case:
MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND to microsecondsPerMillisecond,
secondsPerMinute, MINUTES_PER_HOUR to minutesPerHour, HOURS_PER_DAY to
hoursPerDay, MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND to microsecondsPerSecond,
to microsecondsPerHour, MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY to microsecondsPerDay,
to millisecondsPerHour,MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY to millisecondsPerDay,
SECONDS_PER_HOUR to secondsPerHour, SECONDS_PER_DAY to secondsPerDay,
MINUTES_PER_DAY to minutesPerDay, and ZERO to zero.
- Added typeArguments to Invocation class.
- Added constructors to invocation class that allows creation of
Invocation objects directly, without going through noSuchMethod.
- Added unaryMinus and empty constant symbols on the Symbol class.
- Changed return type of UriData.dataAsBytes to Uint8List.
- Added tryParse static method to int, double, num, BigInt, Uri and
- Deprecated onError parameter on int.parse, double.parse and num.parse.
- Deprecated the NoSuchMethodError constructor.
- int.parse on the VM no longer accepts unsigned hexadecimal numbers
greater than or equal to 2**63 when not prefixed by 0x. (SDK issue 32858
- Flow class added.
- Timeline.startSync and Timeline.timeSync now accept an optional
parameter flow of type Flow. The flowparameter is used to generate flow
timeline events that are enclosed by the slice described by
Timeline.{start,finish}Sync and Timeline.timeSync.
- Removed deprecated query and queryAll. Use querySelector and
- HttpStatus added UPGRADE_REQUIRED.
- IOOverrides and HttpOverrides added to aid in writing tests that wish
to mock varios dart:io objects.
- Platform.operatingSystemVersion added that gives a platform-specific
String describing the version of the operating system.
- ProcessStartMode.INHERIT_STDIO added, which allows a child process to
inherit the parent's stdio handles.
- RawZLibFilter added for low-level access to compression and
decompression routines.
- Unified backends for SecureSocket, SecurityContext, and X509Certificate to
be consistent across all platforms. All SecureSocket, SecurityContext,
and X509Certificate properties and methods are now supported on iOS and
- SecurityContext.alpnSupported deprecated as ALPN is now supported on
all platforms.
- SecurityContext: added withTrustedRoots named optional parameter
constructor, which defaults to false.
- Added a timeout parameter to Socket.connect, RawSocket.connect,
SecureSocket.connect and RawSecureSocket.connect. If a connection
attempt takes longer than the duration specified in timeout, a
SocketException will be thrown. Note: if the duration specified in
timeout is greater than the OS level timeout, a timeout may occur sooner
than specified in timeout.
- Stdin.hasTerminal added, which is true if stdin is attached to a
- WebSocket added static userAgent property.
- RandomAccessFile.close returns Future<void>
- Added IOOverrides.socketConnect.
- Added Dart-styled constants to ZLibOptions, FileMode, FileLock,
FileSystemEntityType, FileSystemEvent, ProcessStartMode, ProcessSignal,
InternetAddressType, InternetAddress, SocketDirection, SocketOption,
RawSocketEvent, and StdioType, and deprecated the old SCREAMING_CAPS
- Added the Dart-styled top-level constants zlib, gzip, and
systemEncoding, and deprecated the old SCREAMING_CAPS top-level
- Removed the top-level FileMode constants READ, WRITE, APPEND,
WRITE_ONLY, and WRITE_ONLY_APPEND. Please use e.g. FileMode.read instead.
- Added X509Certificate.der, X509Certificate.pem, and
- Added FileSystemEntity.fromRawPath constructor to allow for the
creation of FileSystemEntity using Uint8Listbuffers.
- Dart-styled constants have been added for HttpStatus, HttpHeaders,
ContentType, HttpClient, WebSocketStatus, CompressionOptions, and
WebSocket. The SCREAMING_CAPS constants are marked deprecated. Note that
HttpStatus.CONTINUE is now HttpStatus.continue_, and that e.g.
HttpHeaders.FIELD_NAME is now HttpHeaders.fieldNameHeader.
- Deprecated Platform.packageRoot, which is only used for packages/ directory
resolution which is no longer supported. It will now always return null,
which is a value that was always possible for it to return previously.
- Adds HttpClient.connectionTimeout.
- Adds {Socket,RawSocket,SecureSocket}.startConnect. These return a
ConnectionTask, which can be used to cancel an in-flight connection
- Make Isolate.spawn take a type parameter representing the argument
type of the provided function. This allows functions with arguments types
other than Object in strong mode.
- Rename IMMEDIATE and BEFORE_NEXT_EVENT on Isolate to immediate and
- Deprecated Isolate.packageRoot, which is only used for packages/ directory
resolution which is no longer supported. It will now always return null,
which is a value that was always possible for it to return previously.
- Deprecated packageRoot parameter in Isolate.spawnUri, which is was
previously used only for packages/directory resolution. That style of
resolution is no longer supported in Dart 2.
- Renamed E, LN10, LN, LOG2E, LOG10E, PI, SQRT1_2 and SQRT2 to e, ln10,
ln, log2e, log10e, pi, sqrt1_2 and sqrt2.
- Added IsolateMirror.loadUri, which allows dynamically loading
additional code.
- Marked MirrorsUsed as deprecated. The MirrorsUsed annotation was only
used to inform the dart2js compiler about how mirrors were used, but
dart2js no longer supports the mirrors library altogether.
- Added Unmodifiable view classes over all List types.
- Renamed BYTES_PER_ELEMENT to bytesPerElement on all typed data lists.
- Renamed constants XXXX through WWWW on Float32x4 and Int32x4 to
lower-case xxxx through wwww.
- Renamed Endinanness to Endian and its constants from BIG_ENDIAN,
LITTLE_ENDIAN and HOST_ENDIAN to little, big and host.
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#dart-vm>Dart VM
Support for MIPS has been removed.
Dart int is now restricted to 64 bits. On overflow, arithmetic
operations wrap around, and integer literals larger than 64 bits are not
allowed. See
https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/docs/language/informal/int64.md for
The Dart VM no longer attempts to perform packages/ directory resolution
(for loading scripts, and in Isolate.resolveUri). Users relying on
packages/ directories should switch to .packages files.
for the Web
Expose JavaScript Promise APIs using Dart futures. For example,
BackgroundFetchManager.get is defined as:
Future<BackgroundFetchRegistration> get(String id)
It can be used like:
BackgroundFetchRegistration result = await fetchMgr.get('abc');
The underlying JS Promise-to-Future mechanism will be exposed as a
public API in the future.
Dev Compiler (DDC)
dartdevc will no longer throw an error from is checks that return a
different result in weak mode (SDK issue 28988
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28988>). For example:
main() {
List l = [];
// Prints "false", does not throw.
print(l is List<String>);
Failed as casts on Iterable<T>, Map<T>, Future<T>, and Stream<T> are no
longer ignored. These failures were ignored to make it easier to migrate
Dart 1 code to strong mode, but ignoring them is a hole in the type system.
This closes part of that hole. (We still need to stop ignoring "as" cast
failures on function types, and implicit cast failures on the above types
and function types.)
dart2js now compiles programs with Dart 2.0 semantics. Apps are expected
to be bigger than before, because Dart 2.0 has many more implicit checks
(similar to the --checked flag in Dart 1.0).
We exposed a --omit-implicit-checks flag which removes most of the extra
implicit checks. Only use this if you have enough test coverage to know
that the app will work well without the checks. If a check would have
failed and it is omitted, your app may crash or behave in unexpected ways.
This flag is similar to --trust-type-annotations in Dart 1.0.
dart2js replaced its front-end with the common front-end (CFE). Thanks
to the CFE, dart2js errors are more consistent with all other Dart tools.
dart2js replaced its source-map implementation. There aren't any big
differences, but more data is emitted for synthetic code generated by the
dart:mirrors support was removed. Frameworks are encouraged to use
code-generation instead. Conditional imports indicate that mirrors are not
supported, and any API in the mirrors library will throw at runtime.
The generated output of dart2js can now be run as a webworker.
dart:isolate support was removed. To launch background tasks, please use
webworkers instead. APIs for webworkers can be accessed from dart:html or
dart2js no longer supports the --package-root flag. This flag was
deprecated in favor of --packages long ago.
Changes <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#analyzer>
The analyzer will no longer issue a warning when a generic type
parameter is used as the type in an instance check. For example:
test<T>() {
print(3 is T); // No warning
New static checking of @visibleForTesting elements. Accessing a method,
function, class, etc. annotated with @visibleForTesting from a file *not* in
a test/ directory will result in a new hint (issue 28273
Static analysis now respects functions annotated with @alwaysThrows (issue
31384 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31384>).
New hints added:
NULL_AWARE_BEFORE_OPERATOR when an operator is used after a
null-aware access. For example:
x?.a - ''; // HINT
NULL_AWARE_IN_LOGICAL_OPERATOR when an expression with null-aware
access is used as a condition in logical operators. For example:
x.a || x?.b; // HINT
The command line analyzer (dartanalyzer) and the analysis server no
longer treat directories named packagesspecially. Previously they had
ignored these directories - and their contents - from the point of view of
analysis. Now they'll be treated just as regular directories. This
special-casing of packages directories was to support using symlinks for
package: resolution; that functionality is now handled by .packages
New static checking of duplicate shown or hidden names in an export
directive (issue 33182 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/33182>).
The analysis server will now only analyze code in Dart 2 mode ('strong
mode'). It will emit warnings for analysis options files that have strong-mode:
false set (and will emit a hint for strong-mode: true, which is no
longer necessary).
The dartanalyzer --strong flag is now deprecated and ignored. The
command-line analyzer now only analyzes code in strong mode.
Support assert() in const constructor initializer lists.
Better formatting for multi-line strings in argument lists.
Force splitting an empty block as the then body of an if with an else.
Support metadata annotations on enum cases.
Add --fix to remove unneeded new and const keywords, and change : to = before
named parameter default values.
Change formatting rules around static methods to uniformly format code
with and without new and const.
Format expressions inside string interpolation.
Pub has a brand new version solver! It supports all the same features as
the old version solver, but it's much less likely to stall out on difficult
package graphs, and it's much clearer about why a solution can't be found
when version solving fails.
Remove support for transformers, pub build, and pub serve. Use the new
build system <https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/obsolete> instead.
There is now a default SDK constraint of <2.0.0 for any package with no
existing upper bound. This allows us to move more safely to 2.0.0. All new
packages published on pub will now require an upper bound SDK constraint so
future major releases of Dart don't destabilize the package ecosystem.
All SDK constraint exclusive upper bounds are now treated as though they
allow pre-release versions of that upper bound. For example, the SDK
constraint >=1.8.0 <2.0.0 now allows pre-release SDK versions such as
2.0.0-beta.3.0. This allows early adopters to try out packages that
don't explicitly declare support for the new version yet. You can disable
this functionality by setting the PUB_ALLOW_PRERELEASE_SDK environment
variable to false.
Allow depending on a package in a subdirectory of a Git repository. Git
dependencies may now include a pathparameter, indicating that the
package exists in a subdirectory of the Git repository. For example:
url: git://github.com/dart-lang/multi_package_repo
path: pkg/foobar
Added an --executables option to pub deps command. This will list all
available executables that can be run with pub run.
The Flutter sdk source will now look for packages in
flutter/bin/cache/pkg/ as well as flutter/packages/. In particular, this
means that packages can depend on the sky_engine package from the sdk source
(issue 1775 <https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues/1775>).
Pub now caches compiled packages and snapshots in the .dart_tool/pub directory,
rather than the .pub directory (issue 1795
Other bug fixes and improvements.
For more ways to connect visit https://www.dartlang.org/community
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Announcements" group.
Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/group/announce/.
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md>. The formal
announcement is coming soon. In the meantime, see the migration guide
<https://www.dartlang.org/dart-2> if you're still using Dart v1.*
This is the first major version release of Dart since 1.0.0, so it contains
many significant changes across all areas of the platform. Large changes
(Breaking) The unsound optional static type system has been replaced
with a sound static type system using type inference and runtime checks.
This was formerly called "strong mode
<https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/sound-dart>" and only used by
the Dart for web products. Now it is the one official static type system
for the entire platform and replaces the previous "checked" and
"production" modes.
(Breaking) Functions marked async now run synchronously until the first
await statement. Previously, they would return to the event loop once at
the top of the function body before any code runs (issue 30345
(Breaking) Constants in the core libraries have been renamed from
SCREAMING_CAPS to lowerCamelCase.
(Breaking) Many new methods have been added to core library classes. If
you implement the interfaces of these classes, you will need to implement
the new methods.
(Breaking) "dart:isolate" and "dart:mirrors" are no longer supported
when using Dart for the web. They are still supported in the command-line
(Breaking) Pub's transformer-based build system has been replaced by a
new build system <https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/obsolete>.
The new keyword is optional and can be omitted. Likewise, const can be
omitted inside a const context (issue 30921
Dartium is no longer maintained or supported.
"Strong mode <https://www.dartlang.org/guides/language/sound-dart>" is
now the official type system of the language.
The new keyword is optional and can be omitted. Likewise, const can be
omitted inside a const context.
A string in a part of declaration may now be used to refer to the
library this file is part of. A library part can now declare its library as
part of name.of.library;
part of "uriReferenceOfLibrary.dart";
This allows libraries with no library declarations (and therefore no
name) to have parts, and it allows tools to easily find the library of a
part file. The Dart 1.0 syntax is supported but deprecated.
Functions marked async now run synchronously until the first await statement.
Previously, they would return to the event loop once at the top of the
function body before any code runs (issue 30345
The type void is now a Top type like dynamic, and Object. It also now
has new errors for being used where not allowed (such as being assigned to
any non-void-typed parameter). Some libraries (importantly, mockito) may
need to be updated to accept void values to keep their APIs working.
Future flattening is now done only as specified in the Dart 2.0 spec,
rather than more broadly. This means that the following code has an error
on the assignment to y.
test() {
Future<int> f;
var x = f.then<Future<List<int>>>((x) => []);
Future<List<int>> y = x;
Invocations of noSuchMethod() receive default values for optional args.
The following program used to print "No arguments passed", and now prints
"First argument is 3".
abstract class B {
void m([int x = 3]);
class A implements B {
noSuchMethod(Invocation i) {
if (i.positionalArguments.length == 0) {
print("No arguments passed");
} else {
print("First argument is ${i.positionalArguments[0]}");
void main() {
Bounds on generic functions are invariant. The following program now
issues an invalid override error (issue 29014
class A {
void f<T extends int>() {}
class B extends A {
void f<T extends num>() {}
Numerous corner case bugs around return statements in synchronous and
asynchronous functions fixed. Specifically:
- Issues 31887 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31887>, 32881
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/32881>. Future flattening
should not be recursive.
- Issues 30638 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/30638>, 32233
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/32233>. Incorrect downcast
errors with FutureOr.
- Issue 32233 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/32233>. Errors
when returning FutureOr.
- Issue 33218 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/33218>.
Returns in functions with void related types.
- Issue 31278 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31278>.
Incorrect hint on empty returns in async. functions.
An empty return; in an async function with return type Future<Object> does
not report an error.
return exp; where exp has type void in an async function is now an error
unless the return type of the function is void or dynamic.
Mixed return statements of the form return; and return exp; are now
allowed when exp has type void.
A compile time error is emitted for any literal which cannot be exactly
represented on the target platform. As a result, dart2js and DDC report
errors if an integer literal cannot be represented exactly in JavaScript (issue
33282 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/33282>).
New member conflict rules have been implemented. Most cases of
conflicting members with the same name are now static errors (issue 33235
Replaced UPPER_CASE constant names with lowerCamelCase. For example,
HTML_ESCAPE is now htmlEscape.
The Web libraries were re-generated using Chrome 63 WebIDLs (details
- Stream:
- Added cast and castFrom.
- Changed firstWhere, lastWhere, and singleWhere to return Future<T> and
added an optional T orElse()callback.
- StreamTransformer: added cast and castFrom.
- StreamTransformerBase: new class.
- Timer: added tick property.
- Zone
- changed to be strong-mode clean. This required some breaking API
changes. See https://goo.gl/y9mW2x for more information.
- Added bindBinaryCallbackGuarded, bindCallbackGuarded, and
- Renamed Zone.ROOT to Zone.root.
- Removed the deprecated defaultValue parameter on Stream.firstWhere and
- Changed an internal lazily-allocated reusable "null future" to always
belong to the root zone. This avoids race conditions where the first access
to the future determined which zone it would belong to. The zone is only
used for*scheduling* the callback of listeners, the listeners themselves
will run in the correct zone in any case. Issue #32556
- *New* "provisional" library for CLI-specific features.
- waitFor: function that suspends a stack to wait for a Future to
- MapBase: added mapToString.
- LinkedHashMap no longer implements HashMap
- LinkedHashSet no longer implements HashSet.
- Added of constructor to Queue, ListQueue, DoubleLinkedQueue, HashSet,
LinkedHashSet, SplayTreeSet, Map, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, SplayTreeMap.
- Removed Maps class. Extend MapBase or mix in MapMixin instead to
provide map method implementations for a class.
- Removed experimental Document method getCSSCanvasContext and property
- Removed obsolete Element property xtag no longer supported in browsers.
- Exposed ServiceWorker class.
- Added constructor to MessageChannel and MessagePort addEventListener automatically
calls start method to receive queued messages.
- Base64Codec.decode return type is now Uint8List.
- JsonUnsupportedObjectError: added partialResult property
- LineSplitter now implements StreamTransformer<String, String> instead
of Converter. It retains Convertermethods convert and
- Utf8Decoder when compiled with dart2js uses the browser's TextDecoder in
some common cases for faster decoding.
- Renamed ASCII, BASE64, BASE64URI, JSON, LATIN1 and UTF8 to ascii,
base64, base64Uri, json, latin1and utf8.
- Renamed the HtmlEscapeMode constants UNKNOWN, ATTRIBUTE, SQ_ATTRIBUTE
and ELEMENT to unknown, attribute, sqAttribute and elements.
- Added jsonEncode, jsonDecode, base64Encode, base64UrlEncode and
base64Decode top-level functions.
- Changed return type of encode on AsciiCodec and Latin1Codec, and
convert on AsciiEncoder, Latin1Encoder, to Uint8List.
- Allow utf8.decoder.fuse(json.decoder) to ignore leading Unicode BOM.
- BigInt class added to support integers greater than 64-bits.
- Deprecated the proxy annotation.
- Added Provisional class and provisional field.
- Added pragma annotation.
- RegExp added static escape function.
- The Uri class now correctly handles paths while running on Node.js on
- Core collection changes:
- Iterable added members cast, castFrom, followedBy and whereType.
- Iterable.singleWhere added orElse parameter.
- List added + operator, first and last setters, and indexWhere and
lastIndexWhere methods, and static copyRange and writeIterable
- Map added fromEntries constructor.
- Map added addEntries, cast, entries, map, removeWhere, update and
updateAll members.
- MapEntry: new class used by Map.entries.
- *Note*: if a class extends IterableBase, ListBase, SetBase or
MapBase (or uses the corresponding mixins) from dart:collection, the
new members are implemented automatically.
- Added of constructor to List, Set, Map.
- Renamed double.INFINITY, double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, double.NAN,
double.MAX_FINITE and double.MIN_POSITIVE to double.infinity,
double.negativeInfinity, double.nan, double.maxFinite and
- Renamed the following constants in DateTime to lower case: MONDAY
through SUNDAY, DAYS_PER_WEEK (as daysPerWeek), JANUARY through DECEMBER
and MONTHS_PER_YEAR (as monthsPerYear).
- Renamed the following constants in Duration to lower case:
MICROSECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND to microsecondsPerMillisecond,
secondsPerMinute, MINUTES_PER_HOUR to minutesPerHour, HOURS_PER_DAY to
hoursPerDay, MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND to microsecondsPerSecond,
to microsecondsPerHour, MICROSECONDS_PER_DAY to microsecondsPerDay,
to millisecondsPerHour,MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY to millisecondsPerDay,
SECONDS_PER_HOUR to secondsPerHour, SECONDS_PER_DAY to secondsPerDay,
MINUTES_PER_DAY to minutesPerDay, and ZERO to zero.
- Added typeArguments to Invocation class.
- Added constructors to invocation class that allows creation of
Invocation objects directly, without going through noSuchMethod.
- Added unaryMinus and empty constant symbols on the Symbol class.
- Changed return type of UriData.dataAsBytes to Uint8List.
- Added tryParse static method to int, double, num, BigInt, Uri and
- Deprecated onError parameter on int.parse, double.parse and num.parse.
- Deprecated the NoSuchMethodError constructor.
- int.parse on the VM no longer accepts unsigned hexadecimal numbers
greater than or equal to 2**63 when not prefixed by 0x. (SDK issue 32858
- Flow class added.
- Timeline.startSync and Timeline.timeSync now accept an optional
parameter flow of type Flow. The flowparameter is used to generate flow
timeline events that are enclosed by the slice described by
Timeline.{start,finish}Sync and Timeline.timeSync.
- Removed deprecated query and queryAll. Use querySelector and
- HttpStatus added UPGRADE_REQUIRED.
- IOOverrides and HttpOverrides added to aid in writing tests that wish
to mock varios dart:io objects.
- Platform.operatingSystemVersion added that gives a platform-specific
String describing the version of the operating system.
- ProcessStartMode.INHERIT_STDIO added, which allows a child process to
inherit the parent's stdio handles.
- RawZLibFilter added for low-level access to compression and
decompression routines.
- Unified backends for SecureSocket, SecurityContext, and X509Certificate to
be consistent across all platforms. All SecureSocket, SecurityContext,
and X509Certificate properties and methods are now supported on iOS and
- SecurityContext.alpnSupported deprecated as ALPN is now supported on
all platforms.
- SecurityContext: added withTrustedRoots named optional parameter
constructor, which defaults to false.
- Added a timeout parameter to Socket.connect, RawSocket.connect,
SecureSocket.connect and RawSecureSocket.connect. If a connection
attempt takes longer than the duration specified in timeout, a
SocketException will be thrown. Note: if the duration specified in
timeout is greater than the OS level timeout, a timeout may occur sooner
than specified in timeout.
- Stdin.hasTerminal added, which is true if stdin is attached to a
- WebSocket added static userAgent property.
- RandomAccessFile.close returns Future<void>
- Added IOOverrides.socketConnect.
- Added Dart-styled constants to ZLibOptions, FileMode, FileLock,
FileSystemEntityType, FileSystemEvent, ProcessStartMode, ProcessSignal,
InternetAddressType, InternetAddress, SocketDirection, SocketOption,
RawSocketEvent, and StdioType, and deprecated the old SCREAMING_CAPS
- Added the Dart-styled top-level constants zlib, gzip, and
systemEncoding, and deprecated the old SCREAMING_CAPS top-level
- Removed the top-level FileMode constants READ, WRITE, APPEND,
WRITE_ONLY, and WRITE_ONLY_APPEND. Please use e.g. FileMode.read instead.
- Added X509Certificate.der, X509Certificate.pem, and
- Added FileSystemEntity.fromRawPath constructor to allow for the
creation of FileSystemEntity using Uint8Listbuffers.
- Dart-styled constants have been added for HttpStatus, HttpHeaders,
ContentType, HttpClient, WebSocketStatus, CompressionOptions, and
WebSocket. The SCREAMING_CAPS constants are marked deprecated. Note that
HttpStatus.CONTINUE is now HttpStatus.continue_, and that e.g.
HttpHeaders.FIELD_NAME is now HttpHeaders.fieldNameHeader.
- Deprecated Platform.packageRoot, which is only used for packages/ directory
resolution which is no longer supported. It will now always return null,
which is a value that was always possible for it to return previously.
- Adds HttpClient.connectionTimeout.
- Adds {Socket,RawSocket,SecureSocket}.startConnect. These return a
ConnectionTask, which can be used to cancel an in-flight connection
- Make Isolate.spawn take a type parameter representing the argument
type of the provided function. This allows functions with arguments types
other than Object in strong mode.
- Rename IMMEDIATE and BEFORE_NEXT_EVENT on Isolate to immediate and
- Deprecated Isolate.packageRoot, which is only used for packages/ directory
resolution which is no longer supported. It will now always return null,
which is a value that was always possible for it to return previously.
- Deprecated packageRoot parameter in Isolate.spawnUri, which is was
previously used only for packages/directory resolution. That style of
resolution is no longer supported in Dart 2.
- Renamed E, LN10, LN, LOG2E, LOG10E, PI, SQRT1_2 and SQRT2 to e, ln10,
ln, log2e, log10e, pi, sqrt1_2 and sqrt2.
- Added IsolateMirror.loadUri, which allows dynamically loading
additional code.
- Marked MirrorsUsed as deprecated. The MirrorsUsed annotation was only
used to inform the dart2js compiler about how mirrors were used, but
dart2js no longer supports the mirrors library altogether.
- Added Unmodifiable view classes over all List types.
- Renamed BYTES_PER_ELEMENT to bytesPerElement on all typed data lists.
- Renamed constants XXXX through WWWW on Float32x4 and Int32x4 to
lower-case xxxx through wwww.
- Renamed Endinanness to Endian and its constants from BIG_ENDIAN,
LITTLE_ENDIAN and HOST_ENDIAN to little, big and host.
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#dart-vm>Dart VM
Support for MIPS has been removed.
Dart int is now restricted to 64 bits. On overflow, arithmetic
operations wrap around, and integer literals larger than 64 bits are not
allowed. See
https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/docs/language/informal/int64.md for
The Dart VM no longer attempts to perform packages/ directory resolution
(for loading scripts, and in Isolate.resolveUri). Users relying on
packages/ directories should switch to .packages files.
for the Web
Expose JavaScript Promise APIs using Dart futures. For example,
BackgroundFetchManager.get is defined as:
Future<BackgroundFetchRegistration> get(String id)
It can be used like:
BackgroundFetchRegistration result = await fetchMgr.get('abc');
The underlying JS Promise-to-Future mechanism will be exposed as a
public API in the future.
Dev Compiler (DDC)
dartdevc will no longer throw an error from is checks that return a
different result in weak mode (SDK issue 28988
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/28988>). For example:
main() {
List l = [];
// Prints "false", does not throw.
print(l is List<String>);
Failed as casts on Iterable<T>, Map<T>, Future<T>, and Stream<T> are no
longer ignored. These failures were ignored to make it easier to migrate
Dart 1 code to strong mode, but ignoring them is a hole in the type system.
This closes part of that hole. (We still need to stop ignoring "as" cast
failures on function types, and implicit cast failures on the above types
and function types.)
dart2js now compiles programs with Dart 2.0 semantics. Apps are expected
to be bigger than before, because Dart 2.0 has many more implicit checks
(similar to the --checked flag in Dart 1.0).
We exposed a --omit-implicit-checks flag which removes most of the extra
implicit checks. Only use this if you have enough test coverage to know
that the app will work well without the checks. If a check would have
failed and it is omitted, your app may crash or behave in unexpected ways.
This flag is similar to --trust-type-annotations in Dart 1.0.
dart2js replaced its front-end with the common front-end (CFE). Thanks
to the CFE, dart2js errors are more consistent with all other Dart tools.
dart2js replaced its source-map implementation. There aren't any big
differences, but more data is emitted for synthetic code generated by the
dart:mirrors support was removed. Frameworks are encouraged to use
code-generation instead. Conditional imports indicate that mirrors are not
supported, and any API in the mirrors library will throw at runtime.
The generated output of dart2js can now be run as a webworker.
dart:isolate support was removed. To launch background tasks, please use
webworkers instead. APIs for webworkers can be accessed from dart:html or
dart2js no longer supports the --package-root flag. This flag was
deprecated in favor of --packages long ago.
Changes <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#analyzer>
The analyzer will no longer issue a warning when a generic type
parameter is used as the type in an instance check. For example:
test<T>() {
print(3 is T); // No warning
New static checking of @visibleForTesting elements. Accessing a method,
function, class, etc. annotated with @visibleForTesting from a file *not* in
a test/ directory will result in a new hint (issue 28273
Static analysis now respects functions annotated with @alwaysThrows (issue
31384 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/31384>).
New hints added:
NULL_AWARE_BEFORE_OPERATOR when an operator is used after a
null-aware access. For example:
x?.a - ''; // HINT
NULL_AWARE_IN_LOGICAL_OPERATOR when an expression with null-aware
access is used as a condition in logical operators. For example:
x.a || x?.b; // HINT
The command line analyzer (dartanalyzer) and the analysis server no
longer treat directories named packagesspecially. Previously they had
ignored these directories - and their contents - from the point of view of
analysis. Now they'll be treated just as regular directories. This
special-casing of packages directories was to support using symlinks for
package: resolution; that functionality is now handled by .packages
New static checking of duplicate shown or hidden names in an export
directive (issue 33182 <https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/33182>).
The analysis server will now only analyze code in Dart 2 mode ('strong
mode'). It will emit warnings for analysis options files that have strong-mode:
false set (and will emit a hint for strong-mode: true, which is no
longer necessary).
The dartanalyzer --strong flag is now deprecated and ignored. The
command-line analyzer now only analyzes code in strong mode.
Support assert() in const constructor initializer lists.
Better formatting for multi-line strings in argument lists.
Force splitting an empty block as the then body of an if with an else.
Support metadata annotations on enum cases.
Add --fix to remove unneeded new and const keywords, and change : to = before
named parameter default values.
Change formatting rules around static methods to uniformly format code
with and without new and const.
Format expressions inside string interpolation.
Pub has a brand new version solver! It supports all the same features as
the old version solver, but it's much less likely to stall out on difficult
package graphs, and it's much clearer about why a solution can't be found
when version solving fails.
Remove support for transformers, pub build, and pub serve. Use the new
build system <https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/obsolete> instead.
There is now a default SDK constraint of <2.0.0 for any package with no
existing upper bound. This allows us to move more safely to 2.0.0. All new
packages published on pub will now require an upper bound SDK constraint so
future major releases of Dart don't destabilize the package ecosystem.
All SDK constraint exclusive upper bounds are now treated as though they
allow pre-release versions of that upper bound. For example, the SDK
constraint >=1.8.0 <2.0.0 now allows pre-release SDK versions such as
2.0.0-beta.3.0. This allows early adopters to try out packages that
don't explicitly declare support for the new version yet. You can disable
this functionality by setting the PUB_ALLOW_PRERELEASE_SDK environment
variable to false.
Allow depending on a package in a subdirectory of a Git repository. Git
dependencies may now include a pathparameter, indicating that the
package exists in a subdirectory of the Git repository. For example:
url: git://github.com/dart-lang/multi_package_repo
path: pkg/foobar
Added an --executables option to pub deps command. This will list all
available executables that can be run with pub run.
The Flutter sdk source will now look for packages in
flutter/bin/cache/pkg/ as well as flutter/packages/. In particular, this
means that packages can depend on the sky_engine package from the sdk source
(issue 1775 <https://github.com/dart-lang/pub/issues/1775>).
Pub now caches compiled packages and snapshots in the .dart_tool/pub directory,
rather than the .pub directory (issue 1795
Other bug fixes and improvements.
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