I think that Dart's future on the browser may take a better advantage of
the Strong Mode that they seem to have been working on for JavaScript. With
Strong Mode they would have already have access to GC, DOM etc.
I was recently checking out what happened to the Oilpan project and it
seems to have finally reached a mature level to be activated by default for
most things on Chrome. Oilpan was the GC project that promised to make it
possible to also integrate the Dart VM into Chrome. But perhaps they would
take the opportunity to integrate it with Web Assembly instead. Even with
Oilpan though, they still seem to have a tiered approach to GC that they
can use for other kinds of optimizations. They've apparently come up with
one such optimization that removed a ton of code at the same time.
As for how to utilize Web Assembly from Dart, one could hope that the way
that they have started precompiling stuff for the mobile phones that it
could be used for a Web Assembly step. The question is why would that be
something that they would want to. Because Dart already works on the
browser without depending on Web Assembly. Mostly though they don't care
about using Dart for, say, creating web games. Most developers are fine
with Dart being used for CRUD stuff on the browser instead. And for that
Web Assembly would not be needed.
As for Flutter on Web Assembly, that could one day be useful. That could be
part of a paradigm shift because then one would care a little less about
interoperability with the DOM. Then it would be more about reusing good
code that is already targeting mobile devices.
Things like Fletch could find their way into Web Assembly instead. But it
would not necessarily beat the performance of JIT.
It is more likely that languages like Swift would have an easier time
targeting Web Assembly with their lower requirement for GC and already good
ties to the LLVM toolsets as used by Web Assembly.
Post by WarrenThis comment on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10536851
indicates that GC and ES6 module integration is coming to Web Assembly in
the not-too-distant-future.
Does this change the story for Dart at all? I.e. does Web Assembly become
a viable target for the VM?
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