[dart-misc] RFC for draft DEP: const functions and methods for Dart
Yegor Jbanov
2015-08-22 18:52:35 UTC

I started working on (my very first) DEP: const functions and methods for
Dart <https://github.com/yjbanov/dart-const-functions/blob/master/README.md>.
I'd like to get some feedback from the community:

Would you find it useful in your Dart programs?
Do you foresee any potential problems?

It would be especially helpful to hear about use-cases beyond the one I
described in the DEP.

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'Brian Wilkerson' via Dart Misc
2015-08-22 20:03:48 UTC

This is a cool idea, but I think there's a problem. In particular, I think
you did the transformation too quickly between steps 1 and 2.You wrote:

// the example expression from above:
const bind(String).toValue('hello, world!');

// is unwrapped by inlining functions and methods:

// Step 1: inline `bind`
const BindingBuilder(String).toValue('hello, world!');

// Step 2: inline `toValue`
const Binding(String, 'hello, world!');

But I think the result of step 2 is:

const Binding(const BindingBuilder(String)*.type*, value);

Unfortunately, the part in bold isn't a constant expression. In order for
this to work we'd need to also extend the language such that the invocation
of the getter named 'type' could be considered to be a constant expression.
I haven't thought about the implications, but perhaps something along the
lines of making constant expression include implicit getters introduced by
a final field.

Post by Yegor Jbanov
I started working on (my very first) DEP: const functions and methods for
Would you find it useful in your Dart programs?
Do you foresee any potential problems?
It would be especially helpful to hear about use-cases beyond the one I
described in the DEP.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
'Yegor Jbanov' via Dart Misc
2015-08-22 20:28:28 UTC
Post by 'Brian Wilkerson' via Dart Misc
This is a cool idea, but I think there's a problem. In particular, I think
you did the transformation too quickly between steps 1 and 2.
Ah, good catch. Fixed (it's now 3 steps).

const Binding(const BindingBuilder(String)*.type*, value);
Post by 'Brian Wilkerson' via Dart Misc
Unfortunately, the part in bold isn't a constant expression.
You are right, it also requires the new dispatch semantics
same as the unwrapping of toValue. Either we assume that final fields imply
static dispatch in getters inside const expressions, or we support const
final Type type.
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Anders Holmgren
2015-08-23 00:03:54 UTC
+1 for this being a cool idea.

Be very useful for some of my packages that use annotations like constrain and shelf_rest
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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'Natalie Weizenbaum' via Dart Misc
2015-08-24 19:03:59 UTC
If both const functions and const methods must be preceded with the const
keyword, wouldn't your example have to be written as const (const
bind(String)).toValue('hello, world!')?
Post by Anders Holmgren
+1 for this being a cool idea.
Be very useful for some of my packages that use annotations like constrain and shelf_rest
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-08-24 21:12:20 UTC
Long reply is long!

*Theoretical consistency*

I like the proposal in principle. The fact that a semi-arbitrary set of
methods/functions is hardcoded in the language as "these are const and
nothing else is" has always felt magical and special case-y. Also, any time
users can write an expression, they almost always want to be able to create
their own abstractions so they don't have to copy/paste the same expression
over and over again. const expressions have always been a sort of unloved
step-child to normal expressions in Dart.

*Pragmatic usefulness*

Having said that: in practice, I don't think const has proven to be that
useful in Dart. Angular is very metadata and metaprogramming heavy, so it's
a bit of an outlier, but in a lot of Dart code I read, const is rarely
used. I've seen a number of classes start out with const constructors and
then end up becoming non-const over time because the limitations are too
onerous. When that happens, honestly, not much is lost. It's not like using
const gives you that much benefit in Dart.

Given how much complexity they add to the language, I don't feel they've
ever really carried their weight. I could be wrong, but my intuition is
that a lack of const functions/methods isn't what's holding them back. The
main problem is they just *don't do much*.

They exist for two reasons (that I know of):

1. *To possibly enable some VM optimizations.* Since you know a const
expression's result will never change, the VM could cache it. For example,
in code like:

for (var i = 0; i < 9999999; i++) {
var c = const SomeSlowToCreateClass(...);

It's safe to hoist that const constructor out of the loop since it will
never change. Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe smart VMs can and do do that
for regular non-const classes automatically anyway, so I don't find it very
compelling to add a whole shadow "const" sublanguage just to enable that.
Even if the VM can't optimize this, you know, just hoist it yourself.

2. *To have some values that are reliably computable at "compile time".*
This is your use case, because metadata annotations require this. That way,
the values of the parameters to a metadata annotation can be computed at
"compile time."

I would find this more compelling if "compile-time" really meant
something in Dart, but it doesn't right now. We *are* statically
compiled, with dart2js, but it doesn't use annotations for much. We don't
have any real static metaprogramming story unlike, say, D or C++. Our
runtime reflection story doesn't play nice with the dominant way that Dart
is executed in the wild (compiled to JS).

This puts us in a weird position where annotations are sort of
"write-only". You can put them in your code, but it's actually really hard
to do anything useful with them. (And I would put transformers in the
"really hard" category.) Given that, I find it hard to get excited about
making const expressions more expressive without a plan to actually make
const expressions more *useful* to begin with.

For what it's worth, C#'s attributes have always had similar limitations in
the kind of parameters you can pass—basically just literal values—and it
hasn't caused too many problems.

If you find yourself stuff so much code into metadata annotations that you
find yourself wanting the full expressiveness of the language, to me that
feels like it's going against the grain of the language. Is there a way to
design your API such that that code is just *code*?

For example, the unittest (now just "test") API maybe could have used
metadata annotations for declaring tests and providing descriptions:

@Test("you can add numbers")
testAddition() {
expect(1 + 2, equals(3));

But I put that stuff deliberately as normal parameters in imperative code
because it's more expressive than limiting the user to the half-language of
const expressions.

*Compile time or not, there is no try*

My general feeling is Dart needs to either have a real compile-time
metaprogramming story or not. If it does get one—something like macros,
templates, etc.—then, hell yes, we should have constant functions. We need
to make the compile-time language as complete as possible.

If it doesn't—and right now we don't have any concrete plans to give it
one—then making const expressions incrementally more expressive without
coming up with new ways to do useful things with constant values doesn't
really help users very much.


Here's some more specific comments on the proposal:

For example, this proposal does not include: ... lazy evaluation

For what it's worth, lazy evaluation doesn't need to be mentioned. Since
const expressions are pure, it's not visible to a user whether evaluate is
lazy, eager, by name, whatever.

const expressions can be syntactically and lexically transformed to the
existing syntax that is accepted by current Dart implementations. Anything
that requires more than static transformation is beyond the scope of this
Doing this correctly requires more than a simple textual substitution. The
namespace of the code where a const function is declared may be different
from where it's invoked. Consider:

// fn.dart
const name = "I'm from fn.dart";

const fn() => name;

// main.dart
import 'fn.dart';

const name = "Oops, I'm from main.dart";

main() { ... }

If you just expand the fn() invocation to its body, it's not going to do
the right thing. Scope is hard. Of course, this can be implemented
correctly, but doing so starts to look a lot more like a little term
rewriting language interpreter than like the simple text preprocessor
you're going for.


You don't specify this, but your semantics require that const functions and
methods cannot be recursive or mutually recursive. Otherwise, the expansion
doesn't terminate.

If we add constant functions, I think users will almost immediately want
some kind of flow control, at least branching. Think how nice it would be
to have a const function that allows a single argument or a list of them
and can handle both cases appropriately.

At that point, recursion *could* be allowed as long as there was a reliable
base case. But now you're inching towards Turing-completness and all of the
scariness that causes in code that runs at compile/static-analysis time.


I agree that if you're going to have const functions, you should have const
methods too since Dart is so method-oriented. Also, doing so would give a
coherent way to explain why "1 + 2" is a valid const expression. I do worry
that somehow dynamic dispatch may sneak in. I can't think of any good
examples, so maybe not.

As always, this is just my gut feeling. I definitely don't speak for the
entire team.


- bob

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 12:03 PM, 'Natalie Weizenbaum' via Dart Misc <
If both const functions and const methods must be preceded with the const
keyword, wouldn't your example have to be written as const (const
bind(String)).toValue('hello, world!')?
On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 5:03 PM, Anders Holmgren <
Post by Anders Holmgren
+1 for this being a cool idea.
Be very useful for some of my packages that use annotations like constrain and shelf_rest
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Anders Holmgren
2015-08-24 22:25:51 UTC
Our runtime reflection story doesn't play nice with the dominant way that Dart is executed in the wild (compiled to JS)
If you make too many language decisions based on how Dart is currently used then you will likely just entrench that use and deter others.

Dart is an excellent language on the server side and it would be sad to see useful language features ignored because Dart on the server is not yet that popular.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-08-24 23:54:27 UTC
Our runtime reflection story doesn't play nice with the dominant way
that Dart is executed in the wild (compiled to JS)
If you make too many language decisions based on how Dart is currently
used then you will likely just entrench that use and deter others.
Sure, no one wants to rule out tomorrow's platforms. At the same time, it's
really hard to succeed on two platforms if you don't succeed on one first.

Right now, we're focused on the web. With Sky, we're also hoping to go
somewhere on mobile platforms including iOS. Both of those require static
compilation, so a Dart that doesn't work well statically compiled is
unlikely to live long enough to succeed on platforms where that's less of a

Also, it's not just about static compilation as much as it is static
*tooling*. The Smalltalk ideal where you develop inside a live image
doesn't seem to be the way most programmers work today. Instead, what you
see is lots of static analysis, and programmers spending all day working on
code-as-parsed-text, not code-as-live-objects. Given that, it makes a lot
of sense for Dart to be amenable to static analysis and to have its
metaprogramming story be friendly to that.


- bob
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Anders Holmgren
2015-08-25 00:50:56 UTC
Yes tooling for me is one of the main parts of what I find attractive about
dart. It's a key part of the overall dev experience as is really fast dev
loop (thanks to no compiling and fast startup) at least in cases where you
don't compile it to js.

I'm not really obsessed with classes and type annotations per se but I am
obsessed with the dev experience that facilitates. If that same or better
experience came by different means that would potentially be fine by me.

I'm constantly amazed with the terrible dev experience that js, php and
Python devs not only put up with but seem to almost take pride in.

I had that cutting c code in Emacs at the start of my career and was very
happy when ides started pulling their weight in conjunction with more
toolable languages. I'm very unhappy when forced to code in languages where
I have to go back to such a primitive experience.
On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 at 9:55 am, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Anders Holmgren <
Our runtime reflection story doesn't play nice with the dominant way
that Dart is executed in the wild (compiled to JS)
If you make too many language decisions based on how Dart is currently
used then you will likely just entrench that use and deter others.
Sure, no one wants to rule out tomorrow's platforms. At the same time,
it's really hard to succeed on two platforms if you don't succeed on one
Right now, we're focused on the web. With Sky, we're also hoping to go
somewhere on mobile platforms including iOS. Both of those require static
compilation, so a Dart that doesn't work well statically compiled is
unlikely to live long enough to succeed on platforms where that's less of a
Also, it's not just about static compilation as much as it is static
*tooling*. The Smalltalk ideal where you develop inside a live image
doesn't seem to be the way most programmers work today. Instead, what you
see is lots of static analysis, and programmers spending all day working on
code-as-parsed-text, not code-as-live-objects. Given that, it makes a lot
of sense for Dart to be amenable to static analysis and to have its
metaprogramming story be friendly to that.
- bob
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Daniel Joyce
2015-08-25 01:24:49 UTC
Dart was sold as as a web language. The fact it is useful server side
somewhat seems pointless given python exists. It's not even close between
python and dart in terms of mature libraries especially db access.

Dart promised to bring sanity to web development to replace it and now
seems withering in that regard.
Post by Anders Holmgren
Yes tooling for me is one of the main parts of what I find attractive
about dart. It's a key part of the overall dev experience as is really fast
dev loop (thanks to no compiling and fast startup) at least in cases where
you don't compile it to js.
I'm not really obsessed with classes and type annotations per se but I am
obsessed with the dev experience that facilitates. If that same or better
experience came by different means that would potentially be fine by me.
I'm constantly amazed with the terrible dev experience that js, php and
Python devs not only put up with but seem to almost take pride in.
I had that cutting c code in Emacs at the start of my career and was very
happy when ides started pulling their weight in conjunction with more
toolable languages. I'm very unhappy when forced to code in languages where
I have to go back to such a primitive experience.
On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 at 9:55 am, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Anders Holmgren <
Our runtime reflection story doesn't play nice with the dominant way
that Dart is executed in the wild (compiled to JS)
If you make too many language decisions based on how Dart is currently
used then you will likely just entrench that use and deter others.
Sure, no one wants to rule out tomorrow's platforms. At the same time,
it's really hard to succeed on two platforms if you don't succeed on one
Right now, we're focused on the web. With Sky, we're also hoping to go
somewhere on mobile platforms including iOS. Both of those require static
compilation, so a Dart that doesn't work well statically compiled is
unlikely to live long enough to succeed on platforms where that's less of a
Also, it's not just about static compilation as much as it is static
*tooling*. The Smalltalk ideal where you develop inside a live image
doesn't seem to be the way most programmers work today. Instead, what you
see is lots of static analysis, and programmers spending all day working on
code-as-parsed-text, not code-as-live-objects. Given that, it makes a lot
of sense for Dart to be amenable to static analysis and to have its
metaprogramming story be friendly to that.
- bob
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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Daniel Joyce

The meek shall inherit the Earth, for the brave will be among the stars.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Anders Holmgren
2015-08-25 05:21:13 UTC
Totally disagree. Yes Python, JS/Node, Java etc etc have much more
libraries but that is always the case for new languages, just as it was for
go a few years earlier.

I've recently had to do Python code after coding in Dart for a year or two
and I find Python a very poor dev experience in comparison. Admittedly I
haven't tried python 3 and I heard they have type annotations there. Maybe
that would narrow the gap but life's too short for languages without typing.
Post by Daniel Joyce
Dart was sold as as a web language. The fact it is useful server side
somewhat seems pointless given python exists. It's not even close between
python and dart in terms of mature libraries especially db access.
Dart promised to bring sanity to web development to replace it and now
seems withering in that regard.
Post by Anders Holmgren
Yes tooling for me is one of the main parts of what I find attractive
about dart. It's a key part of the overall dev experience as is really fast
dev loop (thanks to no compiling and fast startup) at least in cases where
you don't compile it to js.
I'm not really obsessed with classes and type annotations per se but I am
obsessed with the dev experience that facilitates. If that same or better
experience came by different means that would potentially be fine by me.
I'm constantly amazed with the terrible dev experience that js, php and
Python devs not only put up with but seem to almost take pride in.
I had that cutting c code in Emacs at the start of my career and was very
happy when ides started pulling their weight in conjunction with more
toolable languages. I'm very unhappy when forced to code in languages where
I have to go back to such a primitive experience.
On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 at 9:55 am, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Anders Holmgren <
Our runtime reflection story doesn't play nice with the dominant way
that Dart is executed in the wild (compiled to JS)
If you make too many language decisions based on how Dart is currently
used then you will likely just entrench that use and deter others.
Sure, no one wants to rule out tomorrow's platforms. At the same time,
it's really hard to succeed on two platforms if you don't succeed on one
Right now, we're focused on the web. With Sky, we're also hoping to go
somewhere on mobile platforms including iOS. Both of those require static
compilation, so a Dart that doesn't work well statically compiled is
unlikely to live long enough to succeed on platforms where that's less of a
Also, it's not just about static compilation as much as it is static
*tooling*. The Smalltalk ideal where you develop inside a live image
doesn't seem to be the way most programmers work today. Instead, what you
see is lots of static analysis, and programmers spending all day working on
code-as-parsed-text, not code-as-live-objects. Given that, it makes a lot
of sense for Dart to be amenable to static analysis and to have its
metaprogramming story be friendly to that.
- bob
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
Daniel Joyce
The meek shall inherit the Earth, for the brave will be among the stars.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Günter Zöchbauer
2015-08-25 07:37:37 UTC
I used Go on the server at first and switched to Dart later because it's
such a big advantage to use the same language on client and server.
Post by Daniel Joyce
Dart was sold as as a web language. The fact it is useful server side
somewhat seems pointless given python exists. It's not even close between
python and dart in terms of mature libraries especially db access.
Dart promised to bring sanity to web development to replace it and now
seems withering in that regard.
Post by Anders Holmgren
Yes tooling for me is one of the main parts of what I find attractive
about dart. It's a key part of the overall dev experience as is really fast
dev loop (thanks to no compiling and fast startup) at least in cases where
you don't compile it to js.
I'm not really obsessed with classes and type annotations per se but I am
obsessed with the dev experience that facilitates. If that same or better
experience came by different means that would potentially be fine by me.
I'm constantly amazed with the terrible dev experience that js, php and
Python devs not only put up with but seem to almost take pride in.
I had that cutting c code in Emacs at the start of my career and was very
happy when ides started pulling their weight in conjunction with more
toolable languages. I'm very unhappy when forced to code in languages where
I have to go back to such a primitive experience.
On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 at 9:55 am, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Our runtime reflection story doesn't play nice with the dominant way
that Dart is executed in the wild (compiled to JS)
If you make too many language decisions based on how Dart is currently
used then you will likely just entrench that use and deter others.
Sure, no one wants to rule out tomorrow's platforms. At the same time,
it's really hard to succeed on two platforms if you don't succeed on one
Right now, we're focused on the web. With Sky, we're also hoping to go
somewhere on mobile platforms including iOS. Both of those require static
compilation, so a Dart that doesn't work well statically compiled is
unlikely to live long enough to succeed on platforms where that's less of a
Also, it's not just about static compilation as much as it is static
*tooling*. The Smalltalk ideal where you develop inside a live image
doesn't seem to be the way most programmers work today. Instead, what you
see is lots of static analysis, and programmers spending all day working on
code-as-parsed-text, not code-as-live-objects. Given that, it makes a lot
of sense for Dart to be amenable to static analysis and to have its
metaprogramming story be friendly to that.
- bob
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
Daniel Joyce
The meek shall inherit the Earth, for the brave will be among the stars.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
2015-08-25 06:09:19 UTC
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:12 PM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Long reply is long!
*Theoretical consistency*
I like the proposal in principle. The fact that a semi-arbitrary set of
methods/functions is hardcoded in the language as "these are const and
nothing else is" has always felt magical and special case-y. Also, any time
users can write an expression, they almost always want to be able to create
their own abstractions so they don't have to copy/paste the same expression
over and over again. const expressions have always been a sort of unloved
step-child to normal expressions in Dart.
I agree, and I would like const functions.

That said, the current hardwired functions are almost exclusively ones that
could not be expressed with the proposed const function syntax. They all do
meaningful computation (e.g., arithmetic or toString).

A const function would only be able to do what a potential compile-time
constant expression can do, like the ones we have in initializer lists. One
of the use cases I can see is exactly moving such code out of initializer
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
*Pragmatic usefulness*
Having said that: in practice, I don't think const has proven to be that
useful in Dart. Angular is very metadata and metaprogramming heavy, so it's
a bit of an outlier, but in a lot of Dart code I read, const is rarely
used. I've seen a number of classes start out with const constructors and
then end up becoming non-const over time because the limitations are too
onerous. When that happens, honestly, not much is lost. It's not like using
const gives you that much benefit in Dart.
Given how much complexity they add to the language, I don't feel they've
ever really carried their weight. I could be wrong, but my intuition is
that a lack of const functions/methods isn't what's holding them back. The
main problem is they just *don't do much*.
True. The guaranteed canonicalization is the only real advantage. Apart
from that, generating the object at compile time would be just a compiler
I still like the concept, and think it actually works very, even if it
doesn't do *much*.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
1. *To possibly enable some VM optimizations.* Since you know a const
expression's result will never change, the VM could cache it. For example,
for (var i = 0; i < 9999999; i++) {
var c = const SomeSlowToCreateClass(...);
It's safe to hoist that const constructor out of the loop since it
will never change. Maybe I'm wrong, but I believe smart VMs can and do do
that for regular non-const classes automatically anyway, so I don't find it
very compelling to add a whole shadow "const" sublanguage just to enable
that. Even if the VM can't optimize this, you know, just hoist it yourself.
There are few slow-to-create const classes because of the restrictions on
const constructors.
Where I see this used is mainly on tables (lists or maps) where you can
inline a const table without creating it every time the function is called.
That is, function hoisting rather than loop hoisting.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2. *To have some values that are reliably computable at "compile
time".* This is your use case, because metadata annotations require
this. That way, the values of the parameters to a metadata annotation can
be computed at "compile time."
It's also used for the default values of parameters, which I think is a
more common use (even if we tend to use null as default and replace it with
the actual default value using code).
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
I would find this more compelling if "compile-time" really meant
something in Dart, but it doesn't right now. We *are* statically
compiled, with dart2js, but it doesn't use annotations for much. We don't
have any real static metaprogramming story unlike, say, D or C++. Our
runtime reflection story doesn't play nice with the dominant way that Dart
is executed in the wild (compiled to JS).
This puts us in a weird position where annotations are sort of
"write-only". You can put them in your code, but it's actually really hard
to do anything useful with them. (And I would put transformers in the
"really hard" category.) Given that, I find it hard to get excited about
making const expressions more expressive without a plan to actually make
const expressions more *useful* to begin with.
For what it's worth, C#'s attributes have always had similar limitations
in the kind of parameters you can pass—basically just literal values—and it
hasn't caused too many problems.
If you find yourself stuff so much code into metadata annotations that you
find yourself wanting the full expressiveness of the language, to me that
feels like it's going against the grain of the language. Is there a way to
design your API such that that code is just *code*?
For example, the unittest (now just "test") API maybe could have used
@Test("you can add numbers")
testAddition() {
expect(1 + 2, equals(3));
But I put that stuff deliberately as normal parameters in imperative code
because it's more expressive than limiting the user to the half-language of
const expressions.
*Compile time or not, there is no try*
My general feeling is Dart needs to either have a real compile-time
metaprogramming story or not. If it does get one—something like macros,
templates, etc.—then, hell yes, we should have constant functions. We need
to make the compile-time language as complete as possible.
If it doesn't—and right now we don't have any concrete plans to give it
one—then making const expressions incrementally more expressive without
coming up with new ways to do useful things with constant values doesn't
really help users very much.
For example, this proposal does not include: ... lazy evaluation
For what it's worth, lazy evaluation doesn't need to be mentioned. Since
const expressions are pure, it's not visible to a user whether evaluate is
lazy, eager, by name, whatever.
const expressions can be syntactically and lexically transformed to the
existing syntax that is accepted by current Dart implementations. Anything
that requires more than static transformation is beyond the scope of this
Doing this correctly requires more than a simple textual substitution. The
namespace of the code where a const function is declared may be different
// fn.dart
const name = "I'm from fn.dart";
const fn() => name;
// main.dart
import 'fn.dart';
const name = "Oops, I'm from main.dart";
main() { ... }
If you just expand the fn() invocation to its body, it's not going to do
the right thing. Scope is hard. Of course, this can be implemented
correctly, but doing so starts to look a lot more like a little term
rewriting language interpreter than like the simple text preprocessor
you're going for.
True, you can't just move the const expression - it might depend on private
const variables from its original scope, nothing will make that work.
However, it's just a matter of how deeply you need to expand the const
expression before all the variables are either basic values or visible from
where it's expanded.
Worst case, it will expand to a complete const expression with no variables.

Internally in a compiler, scope should not be a problem, you can probably
just refer to the const value.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
You don't specify this, but your semantics require that const functions
and methods cannot be recursive or mutually recursive. Otherwise, the
expansion doesn't terminate.
It is important to avoid having more than a finite number of compile-time
constants (and preferably at most linear in the actual source code size),
so any recursion of a const function should be prohibited.

Currently we avoid arbitrarily recursive const constructors because the
arguments to a const constructor call in an initializer list must be
compile-time constants, not just potential compile-time constants, so any
call will have a value fixed value by the call site, and therefore any
recursive call will diverge.
(Well, and because we just prohibit it in the VM, dart2js gets a stack
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
If we add constant functions, I think users will almost immediately want
some kind of flow control, at least branching. Think how nice it would be
to have a const function that allows a single argument or a list of them
and can handle both cases appropriately.
Using ?: is already a compile time constant if the operands are, so we have
that. What we might want is a compile-time constant "is" check.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
At that point, recursion *could* be allowed as long as there was a
reliable base case. But now you're inching towards Turing-completness and
all of the scariness that causes in code that runs at
compile/static-analysis time.
Yes, let's not go down that road. It does matter that it's undecidable,
even if there are efficient algorithms.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
I agree that if you're going to have const functions, you should have
const methods too since Dart is so method-oriented. Also, doing so would
give a coherent way to explain why "1 + 2" is a valid const expression. I
do worry that somehow dynamic dispatch may sneak in. I can't think of any
good examples, so maybe not.
It shouldn't - const methods will only make sense on const objects, so it's
the actual method on that object that needs to be const, and if it is, you
are fine.

We do need to consider whether overriding a non-const method with a const
method (or vice versa) is a warning or error. It might not need to be.

We probably also want to allow access to final fields on const objects.
That breaks the field/getter symmetry, so we might want to define const
instance fields (the ones you are allowed to read at compile-time) vs
non-const (just plain final) fields. That way, you can see that changing a
const instance field to a non-const getter will break code. If a field is
just final, you keep the option of making it a non-const getter later.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
As always, this is just my gut feeling. I definitely don't speak for the
entire team.
I like this, but you are probably right that it's not a big gain.
It *is* doable as a preprocessor.
I should write a preprocessor [img: procrastinator cat].

Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
- bob
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 12:03 PM, 'Natalie Weizenbaum' via Dart Misc <
If both const functions and const methods must be preceded with the const
keyword, wouldn't your example have to be written as const (const
bind(String)).toValue('hello, world!')?
On Sat, Aug 22, 2015 at 5:03 PM, Anders Holmgren <
Post by Anders Holmgren
+1 for this being a cool idea.
Be very useful for some of my packages that use annotations like
constrain and shelf_rest
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Lasse R.H. Nielsen - ***@google.com
'Faith without judgement merely degrades the spirit divine'
Google Denmark ApS - Frederiksborggade 20B, 1 sal - 1360 KÞbenhavn K
- Denmark - CVR nr. 28 86 69 84
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-08-25 22:49:36 UTC
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:09 PM, 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc <
I do worry that somehow dynamic dispatch may sneak in. I can't think of
any good examples, so maybe not.
It shouldn't - const methods will only make sense on const objects, so
it's the actual method on that object that needs to be const, and if it is,
you are fine.
Since you mentioned ?: can be used in const expressions, then consider:

class Foo {
const method() => "Foo";

class Bar {
const method() => "Bar";

const fn(bool condition, Foo foo, Bar bar) => (condition ? foo :

Is this OK? If we evaluate the ternary operator at compile time, then after
that, we know which branch was chosen and can then dispatch the method() call
at compile time too, and it works. But the least upper bound of the ?:
operands gives a result type of Object, which doesn't have method().

I guess this would be a static warning, but could work by "dynamically
dispatching at compile time"! This feels like a rathole to me.
We do need to consider whether overriding a non-const method with a const
method (or vice versa) is a warning or error. It might not need to be.
We probably also want to allow access to final fields on const objects.
That breaks the field/getter symmetry, so we might want to define const
instance fields (the ones you are allowed to read at compile-time) vs
non-const (just plain final) fields. That way, you can see that changing a
const instance field to a non-const getter will break code. If a field is
just final, you keep the option of making it a non-const getter later.
Oof, this also feels really complex. I'd rather keep const dead simple like
it is now and like C# attributes are, or just use regular Dart expressions.
It feels like we have to add a ton of complexity to const just to get an
incremental increase in expressiveness otherwise.


- bob
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'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
2015-08-26 07:49:21 UTC
On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 12:49 AM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:09 PM, 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc <
I do worry that somehow dynamic dispatch may sneak in. I can't think of
any good examples, so maybe not.
It shouldn't - const methods will only make sense on const objects, so
it's the actual method on that object that needs to be const, and if it is,
you are fine.
class Foo {
const method() => "Foo";
class Bar {
const method() => "Bar";
Is this OK? If we evaluate the ternary operator at compile time, then
after that, we know which branch was chosen and can then dispatch the
method() call at compile time too, and it works. But the least upper
bound of the ?: operands gives a result type of Object, which doesn't
have method().
I guess this would be a static warning, but could work by "dynamically
dispatching at compile time"! This feels like a rathole to me.
Compile-time constants are independent of static type checking, they just
happen to be mostly type-safe so you don't see warnings like this much.

We designed compile-time constant expressions to have the same meaning as
if they were executed at runtime - except for the canonicalization, so if
it works at runtime, it should work at compile-time.
You could argue that you should get the same warnings too - the static type
analysis doesn't have to do constant evaluation, so it doesn't know the
actual type of the constant.

We already have the problem of the actual type not matching the static type
in other places, even at compile-time.

class C {
const factory C.a() = A;

class A implements C, Z {
const A();

class Z {}

main() {
const Z z = const C.a(); // Warning, compile-time safe.

It's just that the ?: operator is very good at loosing the static type.

Another example:
class A {
const factory A() = C.a;
class B {
const factory B() = C.b;
class C implements A, B {
final int id;
const C.a() : id = 0;
const C.b() : id = 1;
main() {
const C c = (const bool.fromEnvironment("foo") ? const A() : const B());
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
We do need to consider whether overriding a non-const method with a const
method (or vice versa) is a warning or error. It might not need to be.
We probably also want to allow access to final fields on const objects.
That breaks the field/getter symmetry, so we might want to define const
instance fields (the ones you are allowed to read at compile-time) vs
non-const (just plain final) fields. That way, you can see that changing a
const instance field to a non-const getter will break code. If a field is
just final, you keep the option of making it a non-const getter later.
Oof, this also feels really complex. I'd rather keep const dead simple
like it is now and like C# attributes are, or just use regular Dart
expressions. It feels like we have to add a ton of complexity to const just
to get an incremental increase in expressiveness otherwise.
Agree, it's probably not worth the complexity it introduces
Lasse R.H. Nielsen - ***@google.com
'Faith without judgement merely degrades the spirit divine'
Google Denmark ApS - Frederiksborggade 20B, 1 sal - 1360 KÞbenhavn K
- Denmark - CVR nr. 28 86 69 84
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'Erik Ernst' via Dart Misc
2015-08-26 08:46:50 UTC
On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 9:49 AM, 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 12:49 AM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:09 PM, 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc <
I do worry that somehow dynamic dispatch may sneak in. I can't think of
any good examples, so maybe not.
It shouldn't - const methods will only make sense on const objects, so
it's the actual method on that object that needs to be const, and if it is,
you are fine.
Since we are discussing compile-time evaluation of expressions, everything
we do will be done "statically", so in that sense there is no dynamic
dispatch. ;)

The real distinction is whether or not we will accept potential
non-termination. If we accept it, there is no significant difference
between allowing dynamic dispatch (including potentially-recursive
invocations like `other.foo(..)` inside an implementation of `foo`) and
plain recursion.

If, on the contrary, we insist that each method implementation is provably
terminating (among other things, we'd rule out all kinds of recursive
invocation), then it's easy to see that dynamic dispatch does not introduce
any non-terminating computations.
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
class Foo {
const method() => "Foo";
class Bar {
const method() => "Bar";
Is this OK? If we evaluate the ternary operator at compile time, then
after that, we know which branch was chosen and can then dispatch the
method() call at compile time too, and it works. But the least upper
bound of the ?: operands gives a result type of Object, which doesn't
have method().
I guess this would be a static warning, but could work by "dynamically
dispatching at compile time"! This feels like a rathole to me.
Maybe it would be useful to make the threats concrete? If we decide that
non-termination is a rare problem that we can just handle pragmatically,
what else is dangerous about dynamic dispatch? We don't require programs in
general to avoid all these fancy Turing-completeness related mechanisms, so
why should we be scared of them when they are running a bit earlier?

Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
Compile-time constants are independent of static type checking, they just
happen to be mostly type-safe so you don't see warnings like this much.
We designed compile-time constant expressions to have the same meaning as
if they were executed at runtime - except for the canonicalization, so if
it works at runtime, it should work at compile-time.
You could argue that you should get the same warnings too - the static
type analysis doesn't have to do constant evaluation, so it doesn't know
the actual type of the constant.
Good idea! No need to make constant evaluation different from plain Dart,
it should just be a subset (where, of course, "runtime errors" will be
detected and hence processed at compile-time).
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
We already have the problem of the actual type not matching the static
type in other places, even at compile-time.
class C {
const factory C.a() = A;
class A implements C, Z {
const A();
class Z {}
main() {
const Z z = const C.a(); // Warning, compile-time safe.
A warning makes sense for const expressions as well, because the code is
less easy to read and understand when it contains such a twisted "forget
it's a Z, then require that it's a Z" data flow. Should be refactored for
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
It's just that the ?: operator is very good at loosing the static type.
class A {
const factory A() = C.a;
class B {
const factory B() = C.b;
class C implements A, B {
final int id;
const C.a() : id = 0;
const C.b() : id = 1;
main() {
const C c = (const bool.fromEnvironment("foo") ? const A() : const B());
So it gets more complex, but not nearly as complex as Dart code in general,
and we insist that a successful compilation includes a finite evaluation of
all const values in the program (somehow we'll stop with a compile-time
error if there is an infinite loop), so we will actually be able to
investigate the result in detail if we wish to do so (just inspect const
values in a debugger). I don't really see why that should be a problem.

We do need to consider whether overriding a non-const method with a const
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
method (or vice versa) is a warning or error. It might not need to be.
If we keep const evaluation strictly as a sublanguage (same behavior as
plain Dart if you replace `const` by `final`) then these overriding
relations could be allowed (so a const computation could end up attempting
to call a non-const method, which is a const evaluation error) or they
could be disallowed (built-in safety in return for less flexibility). The
discussions about exactly where to go for safety and where to go for
flexibility can go on forever, of course, but I'm on the flexible side as
long as we rule out side-effects on the (non-existing) heap.

We probably also want to allow access to final fields on const objects.
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
That breaks the field/getter symmetry, so we might want to define const
instance fields (the ones you are allowed to read at compile-time) vs
non-const (just plain final) fields. That way, you can see that changing a
const instance field to a non-const getter will break code. If a field is
just final, you keep the option of making it a non-const getter later.
One could hope that it would be possible to avoid final fields on const
objects, given that there is more flexibility in the computation of const
values (and hence we might be able to change `final` to `const` on those

Oof, this also feels really complex. I'd rather keep const dead simple like
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
it is now and like C# attributes are, or just use regular Dart expressions.
It feels like we have to add a ton of complexity to const just to get an
incremental increase in expressiveness otherwise.
Agree, it's probably not worth the complexity it introduces
That's definitely one of the reasonable conclusions. I think another one is
"let's allow for recursion and dispatch, and catch infinite loops

best regards,
Erik Ernst - Google Danmark ApS
Skt Petri Passage 5, 2 sal, 1165 KÞbenhavn K, Denmark
CVR no. 28866984
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2015-08-26 14:22:25 UTC
Can someone explain why const constructors are so important? To me, the
whole "const" thing looks like arbitrary sub-language inside dart that
serves unknown purpose.
Constant expressions in java are much simpler, and no one complained:

I think overly complicated, unmotivated "const" sub-language subtracts from
the overall quality of dart. Developing it further will make the effect
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'Erik Ernst' via Dart Misc
2015-08-26 15:09:30 UTC
Post by tatumizer-v0.2
Can someone explain why const constructors are so important? To me, the
whole "const" thing looks like arbitrary sub-language inside dart that
serves unknown purpose.
I think overly complicated, unmotivated "const" sub-language subtracts
from the overall quality of dart. Developing it further will make the
effect worse.
I've heard that critique before, and it is certainly an area of the
language which tends to pull in some complexity because it includes a
subset of several semantic areas in Dart. But if you want to make sure that
certain expressions will have a single value that we can compute at
compile-time, e.g., because we want to inline it during compilation, then
you need something like `const`.

In Java you can only have compile-time constant values if they are (1) of a
primitive type or of type String, and (2) provided by a `final` declaration
that (3) is initialized by an initializer in the declaration (not by a
constructor); finally, (4) that initializer must be a constant expression
(see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se8/jls8.pdf, 15.28 for
that). That doesn't include any objects, so we need to blend in most of
the chapter about annotations (p294-321 in jls8.pdf) in order to get
something which is similar to Dart `const` values. In the end it's not
obvious to me that it is so much simpler in Java.

But, of course, if there is a way to avoid a lot of complexity that turns
out to be unnecessary then lets go for it!

best regards,
Erik Ernst - Google Danmark ApS
Skt Petri Passage 5, 2 sal, 1165 KÞbenhavn K, Denmark
CVR no. 28866984
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-08-26 16:18:16 UTC
On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 8:09 AM, 'Erik Ernst' via Dart Misc <
But if you want to make sure that certain expressions will have a single
value that we can compute at compile-time, e.g., because we want to inline
it during compilation, then you need something like `const`.
It seems like we added an awful lot of complexity to the language just for
that. (Though I do appreciate that constructor initialization lists make it
easier to add non-nullable types.) All of this baggage is odd given that it
seems like a little constant folding + escape analysis would accomplish the
same thing automatically. Or, hell, just tell users to cache things
themselves if they're worried about redundant computation.

Dart's love for const seems particularly out of character to me given how
tepid its feelings towards static types are. I really don't need to be able
to express arbitrary recursive computation at compile time. But I sure as
hell could use the ability to express "this function returns a value of the
same type as its argument".


- bob
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Alex Tatumizer
2015-08-26 16:27:19 UTC
Perhaps we need to find a different perspective here, too? For example:
"const" sub-language is just a euphemism for pre-processor. Very limited
one, but still. In another thread, Lasse's comment indicates that dart
might have warmed up to the idea of preprocessing (if my understanding is
correct). This would make things simpler in many areas - e.g, right now
"configurable imports" proposals are on their way to create yet another
weird sub-language. Preprocessor makes this unnecessary.

My point is that the idea of eschewing preprocessor is getting more costly
by the day. Maybe it makes sense to look at nim language for inspiration:
"Nim meta-programming is done with the Nim language itself. That means that
most Nim code can be executed at compile time, and Nim's ability to
generate Nim-code at compile time is much more sophisticated"
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-08-26 16:56:26 UTC
Post by Alex Tatumizer
"const" sub-language is just a euphemism for pre-processor. Very limited
one, but still. In another thread, Lasse's comment indicates that dart
might have warmed up to the idea of preprocessing (if my understanding is
correct). This would make things simpler in many areas - e.g, right now
"configurable imports" proposals are on their way to create yet another
weird sub-language. Preprocessor makes this unnecessary.
We have considered this for handling configuration-specific code. The main
problem is that it makes your tooling story *much* harder. Having decent
static analysis—hell, even *syntax highlighting*—is much more complex when
a preprocessor gets involved.
Post by Alex Tatumizer
My point is that the idea of eschewing preprocessor is getting more costly
"Nim meta-programming is done with the Nim language itself. That means
that most Nim code can be executed at compile time, and Nim's ability to
generate Nim-code at compile time is much more sophisticated"
Yeah, there are a number of languages that go down this path. You'll note
that almost all of them don't have any kind of IDE story, just plain text

It's not an unreasonable path, but I don't think it's the right path for
Dart, which is trying to appeal to application programmers used to and
happy working inside static analysis-based IDEs.


- bob
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Anders Holmgren
2015-08-27 20:40:19 UTC
To me tool-ability combined with dev speed is Dart's secret sauce. That's
why I find it the most productive and enjoyable language to work with.

Languages that concentrate on the features and aesthetics of the language
without regard for how that works with tooling are great for academia, but
I prefer to not use them day to day.

I hope Dart continues to keep developer experience at the forefront of it's
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Post by Alex Tatumizer
"const" sub-language is just a euphemism for pre-processor. Very limited
one, but still. In another thread, Lasse's comment indicates that dart
might have warmed up to the idea of preprocessing (if my understanding is
correct). This would make things simpler in many areas - e.g, right now
"configurable imports" proposals are on their way to create yet another
weird sub-language. Preprocessor makes this unnecessary.
We have considered this for handling configuration-specific code. The main
problem is that it makes your tooling story *much* harder. Having decent
static analysis—hell, even *syntax highlighting*—is much more complex
when a preprocessor gets involved.
Post by Alex Tatumizer
My point is that the idea of eschewing preprocessor is getting more
costly by the day. Maybe it makes sense to look at nim language for
"Nim meta-programming is done with the Nim language itself. That means
that most Nim code can be executed at compile time, and Nim's ability to
generate Nim-code at compile time is much more sophisticated"
Yeah, there are a number of languages that go down this path. You'll note
that almost all of them don't have any kind of IDE story, just plain text
It's not an unreasonable path, but I don't think it's the right path for
Dart, which is trying to appeal to application programmers used to and
happy working inside static analysis-based IDEs.
- bob
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For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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Günter Zöchbauer
2015-08-25 07:38:17 UTC
Here is a similar
proposal https://github.com/Pajn/dep-const-function-literals/blob/master/proposal.md
Post by Yegor Jbanov
I started working on (my very first) DEP: const functions and methods for
Would you find it useful in your Dart programs?
Do you foresee any potential problems?
It would be especially helpful to hear about use-cases beyond the one I
described in the DEP.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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Yegor Jbanov
2015-09-15 22:45:35 UTC
Thanks, everyone, for feedback! This discussion was great. I turned the
feedback into a set of GitHub issues
<https://github.com/yjbanov/dart-const-functions/issues> and will address
them in the DEP. Let's continue the discussion on GitHub.


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To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.