[dart-misc] dartdoc: abstract classes and factory constructors - qualifiers not part of docs
Patrice Chalin
2015-09-25 23:37:40 UTC

It seems to me that dartdoc generated documentation doesn't indicate
whether a class is *abstract* (e.g., Iterator
<https://api.dartlang.org/1.12.1/dart-core/Iterator-class.html>), or am I
missing something? I believe that the *abstract* qualifier was being output
when dartdoc was in beta at some point. What was the rationale for removing
it? It seems to me that it is useful to know whether a class is abstract or

Likewise, it would be useful to know (in the documentation) if a
constructor is a *factory* or a generative constructor. Again, was there a
rational for not indicating this in the documentation?

I can file an issue for these two items if they aren't already considered
features ;).

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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-09-28 20:37:13 UTC
Post by Patrice Chalin
It seems to me that dartdoc generated documentation doesn't indicate
whether a class is *abstract* (e.g., Iterator
<https://api.dartlang.org/1.12.1/dart-core/Iterator-class.html>), or am I
missing something? I believe that the *abstract* qualifier was being
output when dartdoc was in beta at some point. What was the rationale for
removing it? It seems to me that it is useful to know whether a class is
abstract or not.
Likewise, it would be useful to know (in the documentation) if a
constructor is a *factory* or a generative constructor. Again, was there
a rational for not indicating this in the documentation?
I can file an issue for these two items if they aren't already considered
features ;).
I'm not sure if these are deliberate or not, but filing issues
<https://github.com/dart-lang/dartdoc/issues> sounds like a great idea.


– bob
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