[dart-misc] Dart/C++ bindings library
Ian Mackenzie
2015-08-03 00:55:25 UTC
Has anyone looked at creating a Dart/C++ bindings library along the lines
of Boost.Python? I couldn't find anything general-purpose after a bit of
searching. There's https://github.com/StevenChristy/SFML2-Dart-Binding and
https://github.com/donny-dont/DartEmbeddingDemo as examples of how to use
the Dart native API, but nothing that I could find that attempts to provide
a general solution.

How much interest would there be in something like this? I will likely end
up writing something fairly simple for my own use, but I could also see
creating/contributing to a standalone library. One option would be to add
Dart support to SWIG, but I'd love to include good support for both
synchronous and asynchronous calls and I'm not sure how well that would fit
with the SWIG model.
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'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
2015-08-03 05:07:48 UTC
I guess you already looked at the existing native extensions support in the

I am currently experimenting with the FFI library [1] in fletch (which is
quite different from the natives extenstions support in the vm), and will
be looking into the feasibility of generating a SWIG module for generating
dart interfaces. Nothing much to share at this point though, but stay tuned.


[1] https://github.com/dart-lang/fletch/blob/master/lib/ffi/ffi.dart
Post by Ian Mackenzie
Has anyone looked at creating a Dart/C++ bindings library along the lines
of Boost.Python? I couldn't find anything general-purpose after a bit of
searching. There's https://github.com/StevenChristy/SFML2-Dart-Binding
and https://github.com/donny-dont/DartEmbeddingDemo as examples of how to
use the Dart native API, but nothing that I could find that attempts to
provide a general solution.
How much interest would there be in something like this? I will likely end
up writing something fairly simple for my own use, but I could also see
creating/contributing to a standalone library. One option would be to add
Dart support to SWIG, but I'd love to include good support for both
synchronous and asynchronous calls and I'm not sure how well that would fit
with the SWIG model.
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Ian Mackenzie
2015-08-03 06:14:47 UTC
Hi Rico,

Yes, a while ago I did get some simple bindings working based on the
existing native extensions support as described in that article - the sort
of bindings library I imagined would build on top of the existing
functionality to make it easier to expose a large set of C++ classes to

Your FFI stuff looks cool - can you comment at all on what sort of use
cases you're considering as you design it? I can imagine that a binding
layer aimed at (for instance) high-performance C function calls could look
rather different than one aimed at exposing complex C++ classes and objects
(where ownership/lifetime management can get more tricky).

Look forward to hearing more about it!

Post by 'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
I guess you already looked at the existing native extensions support in
I am currently experimenting with the FFI library [1] in fletch (which is
quite different from the natives extenstions support in the vm), and will
be looking into the feasibility of generating a SWIG module for generating
dart interfaces. Nothing much to share at this point though, but stay tuned.
[1] https://github.com/dart-lang/fletch/blob/master/lib/ffi/ffi.dart
Post by Ian Mackenzie
Has anyone looked at creating a Dart/C++ bindings library along the lines
of Boost.Python? I couldn't find anything general-purpose after a bit of
searching. There's https://github.com/StevenChristy/SFML2-Dart-Binding
and https://github.com/donny-dont/DartEmbeddingDemo as examples of how
to use the Dart native API, but nothing that I could find that attempts to
provide a general solution.
How much interest would there be in something like this? I will likely
end up writing something fairly simple for my own use, but I could also see
creating/contributing to a standalone library. One option would be to add
Dart support to SWIG, but I'd love to include good support for both
synchronous and asynchronous calls and I'm not sure how well that would fit
with the SWIG model.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
2015-08-03 06:38:07 UTC
Post by Ian Mackenzie
Hi Rico,
Yes, a while ago I did get some simple bindings working based on the
existing native extensions support as described in that article - the sort
of bindings library I imagined would build on top of the existing
functionality to make it easier to expose a large set of C++ classes to
Your FFI stuff looks cool - can you comment at all on what sort of use
cases you're considering as you design it? I can imagine that a binding
layer aimed at (for instance) high-performance C function calls could look
rather different than one aimed at exposing complex C++ classes and objects
(where ownership/lifetime management can get more tricky).
The short answer is: we don't completely know yet :-)
You are completely right that the overhead that you are willing to take are
quite different. We have been discussing several things, but the basic idea
is to that all of the lower level functionality we would use to call
something like more complex c++ stuff is available generally (i.e., you as
a programmer have access to if if you want)

As an example, the overhead of calling a c function in the current
interface is pretty low (we use it internally in fletch as well). You can
optimize this by having handwritten platform specific natives for pushing
arguments to the stack (or into registers depending on ABI). We are
considering exposing natives that allow you to do this manually, for more
efficient/elegant handling of structs/classes. There is absolutely no
reason to make the simple c call slower to allow for more complex stuff.

But again, the above will be driven by the use cases and issues we see
moving forward

Post by Ian Mackenzie
Look forward to hearing more about it!
Post by 'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
I guess you already looked at the existing native extensions support in
I am currently experimenting with the FFI library [1] in fletch (which is
quite different from the natives extenstions support in the vm), and will
be looking into the feasibility of generating a SWIG module for generating
dart interfaces. Nothing much to share at this point though, but stay tuned.
[1] https://github.com/dart-lang/fletch/blob/master/lib/ffi/ffi.dart
Post by Ian Mackenzie
Has anyone looked at creating a Dart/C++ bindings library along the
lines of Boost.Python? I couldn't find anything general-purpose after a bit
of searching. There's
https://github.com/StevenChristy/SFML2-Dart-Binding and
https://github.com/donny-dont/DartEmbeddingDemo as examples of how to
use the Dart native API, but nothing that I could find that attempts to
provide a general solution.
How much interest would there be in something like this? I will likely
end up writing something fairly simple for my own use, but I could also see
creating/contributing to a standalone library. One option would be to add
Dart support to SWIG, but I'd love to include good support for both
synchronous and asynchronous calls and I'm not sure how well that would fit
with the SWIG model.
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Ian Mackenzie
2015-08-03 07:26:30 UTC
Post by 'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
As an example, the overhead of calling a c function in the current
interface is pretty low (we use it internally in fletch as well). You can
optimize this by having handwritten platform specific natives for pushing
arguments to the stack (or into registers depending on ABI). We are
considering exposing natives that allow you to do this manually, for more
efficient/elegant handling of structs/classes. There is absolutely no
reason to make the simple c call slower to allow for more complex stuff.
But again, the above will be driven by the use cases and issues we see
moving forward
Sounds great - I seem to remember reading that the existing Dart VM native
API has non-trivial overhead, so I'm glad a low-overhead FFI seems to be a
priority for Fletch. Getting into the weeds a bit, do you have plans for
(or is there already) a mechanism similar to the current
Dart_WeakPersistentHandleFinalizer stuff that would allow native resources
to be freed when a Dart object is garbage collected? That's the sort of
thing that cannot easily be built on top of a lower-level FFI since it
requires tying into the VM, and as I understand it can be tricky to support
without impacting performance when it's not needed.
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'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
2015-08-03 07:56:01 UTC
Post by 'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
As an example, the overhead of calling a c function in the current
Post by 'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
interface is pretty low (we use it internally in fletch as well). You can
optimize this by having handwritten platform specific natives for pushing
arguments to the stack (or into registers depending on ABI). We are
considering exposing natives that allow you to do this manually, for more
efficient/elegant handling of structs/classes. There is absolutely no
reason to make the simple c call slower to allow for more complex stuff.
But again, the above will be driven by the use cases and issues we see
moving forward
Sounds great - I seem to remember reading that the existing Dart VM native
API has non-trivial overhead, so I'm glad a low-overhead FFI seems to be a
priority for Fletch. Getting into the weeds a bit, do you have plans for
(or is there already) a mechanism similar to the current
Dart_WeakPersistentHandleFinalizer stuff that would allow native resources
to be freed when a Dart object is garbage collected? That's the sort of
thing that cannot easily be built on top of a lower-level FFI since it
requires tying into the VM, and as I understand it can be tricky to support
without impacting performance when it's not needed.
Somewhat yes, but not full yet, e.g., you can do:
var mem = ForeignMemory.allocatedFinalize(42);
This will allocate 42 bytes of c memory, and it will be freed when mem is
garbage collected.

Post by 'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Ian Mackenzie
2015-08-04 02:24:21 UTC
Thanks for all the detailed answers Rico! Something like
allocatedFinalize() could work for a lot of cases. I'm also assuming that
even if full finalization support is added later, allocatedFinalize() might
still be faster for the cases where it's sufficient on its own, so it's
nice to have that option.
Post by 'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
var mem = ForeignMemory.allocatedFinalize(42);
This will allocate 42 bytes of c memory, and it will be freed when mem is
garbage collected.
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Don Olmstead
2015-08-04 17:18:27 UTC
I thought about making something similar to luabind to accomplish it. I
didn't really get around to it cause its still not possible to have a
native extension in pub.
Post by Ian Mackenzie
Thanks for all the detailed answers Rico! Something like
allocatedFinalize() could work for a lot of cases. I'm also assuming that
even if full finalization support is added later, allocatedFinalize() might
still be faster for the cases where it's sufficient on its own, so it's
nice to have that option.
Post by 'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
var mem = ForeignMemory.allocatedFinalize(42);
This will allocate 42 bytes of c memory, and it will be freed when mem is
garbage collected.
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