'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-07-08 17:56:31 UTC
Sorry for the delay. I was out for the 4th of July and some vacation and
didn't get to send out my notes before I left.
Here they are:
In case you don't click that URL, I'll mention here that we aren't having
any more DEP meetings this month. With summer vacations and Gilad focusing
on writing, we felt it was simplest to just put the meetings on hold until
- bob
didn't get to send out my notes before I left.
Here they are:
In case you don't click that URL, I'll mention here that we aren't having
any more DEP meetings this month. With summer vacations and Gilad focusing
on writing, we felt it was simplest to just put the meetings on hold until
- bob
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