Danny Tuppeny
2016-09-16 11:38:49 UTC
In C#, by default, the debugger only steps through code I've written; it
- .NET Framework code
- Third party packages (eg. NuGet)
- Code marked as generated
There are some options for debugging through framework/external packages
but to me the defaults seem pretty sane. Currently Dart Code will step
through everything and it bugs me, so I'm planning on adding options to
allow you to individually enable debugging SDK and external libraries.
To me, it seems like the best default would be to have both of these
options off (so the debugger will only step through your own code), but
possibly this is because it's what I'm used to. I don't know if other Dart
editors have options for these but I suspect most Dart devs are probably
used to stepping through the SDK/etc. by default.
So, I'm after opinions - if you use the Dart debugger, what do you think is
the best default? Is stepping through the SDK ever useful or would you
rather it was treated like external native code? What about pub packages
you've added?
- .NET Framework code
- Third party packages (eg. NuGet)
- Code marked as generated
There are some options for debugging through framework/external packages
but to me the defaults seem pretty sane. Currently Dart Code will step
through everything and it bugs me, so I'm planning on adding options to
allow you to individually enable debugging SDK and external libraries.
To me, it seems like the best default would be to have both of these
options off (so the debugger will only step through your own code), but
possibly this is because it's what I'm used to. I don't know if other Dart
editors have options for these but I suspect most Dart devs are probably
used to stepping through the SDK/etc. by default.
So, I'm after opinions - if you use the Dart debugger, what do you think is
the best default? Is stepping through the SDK ever useful or would you
rather it was treated like external native code? What about pub packages
you've added?
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