[dart-misc] Dart Language and Library Newsletter (2017-08-11)
'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc
2017-08-11 15:35:25 UTC
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Dart Language and Library Newsletter

Welcome to the Dart Language and Library Newsletter.
Arrow Functions

As mentioned in an earlier newsletter, void arrow functions with non-void
expressions (as in void foo() => x++) are supported with Dart 1.24.
However, this feature still has to be used with care. Due to a temporary
limitation of the type inference in strong mode, returning a non-void
expression might not work as expected.

For example:

var f = new Future(() { doSomethingAsynchronously(); };
f.catchError((e) => errorCounter++);

The type-inference algorithm currently infers Null for the generic type of
the Future. Functions without return indeed return null, so technically,
that type is correct. However, the catchError signature requires the
provided function to return the same type as the function it is attached
to. In this case, f is a Future<Null>, but errorCounter++ is an int. Since
int is not Null this throws at runtime.

As mentioned in earlier newsletters, we are actively working on
generalizing void, and once it is supported the inferred type of f will be
Future<void>. The catchError closure then would just need to be a subtype
of void Function() which would work fine for (e) => errorCounter++. Until
then, be careful where you use the void arrow function syntax.

Last time we discussed our plans to allow the use of deferred types even
when the deferred libraries haven't been loaded yet. This makes programs,
like the following, possible:

/// lib1.dartclass A {}
/// lib2.dartexport "lib1.dart" show A;
/// main.dartimport "lib1.dart";import "lib2.dart" deferred as def;
main() {
print(new A() is def.A); // Requires knowledge of `def.A`.

A follow-up mail questioned the need for such a big hammer. In reality,
most programs just want to use the deferred type as a type annotations:

main() async {
def.A a; // <-- Illegal today.
await def.loadLibrary();
a = new def.A();

Is there a simpler / better solution that would allow patterns like these,
but not require full knowledge of the deferred types?

It turns out, that the answer is likely "no". In fact, we find that,
because of type inference, even the current behavior is already
counterintuitive and should be fixed. That is, even without allowing more
uses of deferred types, programs don't behave as expected:

// ------ def.dartclass Box<T> {
T value;
// ------ main.dartimport "def.dart" deferred as def;
main() async {
await def.loadLibrary();
var box = new def.Box(499);
var list = [box.value];

With type inference, users expect three things to happen:

1. box is of type def.Box<int>.
2. the generic type of new def.Box(499) is Box<int>, as if the user had
written new def.Box<int>(499).
3. list is of type List<int>.

Without access to the deferred sources, none of these expectations is met.
Since type inference runs at compile-time, boxhas to be treated like dynamic.
There is simply not more information available. For similar reasons, box must
be of type Box<dynamic>. Since the invocation of the constructor happens at
runtime (where no type-inference happens), the missing generic type is
dynamically filled with dynamic.

Finally, list must be of type List<dynamic> since box.value is a dynamic
invocation, and the type inference doesn't know that the returned value
will be of type int.

This small example shows that type inference requires knowledge of the
deferred types to do its job. This means that all sources must be available
when compiling individual libraries. Once that's the case it doesn't make
sense to restrict the use of deferred types. They don't take up much space
(which is the usual reason for deferring libraries), and giving full access
to them removes a lot of boilerplate or dynamic code.

The language team discussed the possibility of supporting const functions.

class A {
final Function(e) callback;
const A(this.callback);
// Provide a `const` function to `A`'s constructor.const x = const
A(const (e) { print(e); });
// Default values have to be `const`.void sort(List<int> list, [int
compare(int x, int y) = const (x, y) => x - y) {

This feature doesn't add new functionality. Users can already now write a
static function with the same body and use its tear-off (which is
guaranteed to be const) in all of these locations. However, it's more
convenient to write functions closer to where they are needed. For example,
the classic map.putIfAbsent(x, () => []) allocates a new function (a cheap
operation, but still), whereas map.putIfAbsent(x, const () => []) would
always reuse the same function.

Sidenote: in dart2js, many const values (not functions) are allocated at
initialization, which shifts some execution time to the beginning of the
program where many teams already struggle with performance. In the current
dart2js version it's thus not always beneficial to make objects const.
of Core Libraries

When deprecating core library classes (like SplayTreeMap) we intend to
minimize the cost to our users. We copy the deprecated classes to packages
(in this case collection) so that users just need to change their imports
from dart:collection to package:collection. However, that means that
programs that import dart:collection and package:collection at the same
time now see the same class twice; once from each import. Which class
should Dart now use? Is this an error?

For "normal" imports (not dart:), the rules are simple: an ambiguous
reference is an error. There is no good way to decide between class A of
package pkg1 or pkg2. With core libraries, things get a bit more
complicated: whereas upgrading packages is a user-triggered action (with
the fallback to revert to the previous pubspec.lock), upgrading the SDK
should generally be safe. As a consequence, Dart considers core libraries
as less important. That is, shadowing a class from any dart: library is ok.
Importing dart:collection and package:collection/collection.dart is thus
fine and will not lead to errors. It's still good practice to use show and
hide to make the intention completely clear.

We are still unsure how to handle cases when the user explicitly used show to
import a specific core library type:

import 'dart:collection` show SplayTreeMap;import
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Danny Tuppeny
2017-08-14 12:26:25 UTC
On Fri, 11 Aug 2017 at 16:35 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc <
Shadowing of Core Libraries
We are still unsure how to handle cases when the user explicitly used show to
import 'dart:collection` show SplayTreeMap;import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
If it's not clear what the user wants, reject it! :-)
I'd much rather have errors in my editor than ambiguous code (or unexpected
runtime behaviour if it picks the "wrong" one). The fix seems easy; remove
show from the dart: import or add hide to the collection import) - it could
even have code fixes in the analyzer to make it just a few keypresses to

That said; I still think it's a bit ambiguous shadowing without the show..
It seems weird that some random third party package I pull in could
silently replace some built-in types and it not be totally obvious unless I
step in/jump to definition (this might sound quite ridiculous but only last
week I spent several hours investigating an issue that was caused by a
NuGet package declaring its own version
of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute!).
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
2017-08-14 13:07:59 UTC
The reason to have the rule to begin with is that it allows us to add
members to platform libraries without breaking existing code.
Packages are versioned, so if a new version is incompatible, you can stay
on the old version until it's fixed.
An upgrade in the SDK isn't as easy to roll back, so we want there to be
some way to grow the platform libraries without causing *too much* breakage.

In this case, having a `show` on the platform library definitely means that
the collision was not caused by a platform library addition, so it must
have been caused by a package change. So, yes, rejecting is probably the
right thing to do, it won't unduly affect platform library development.
The largest argument against is that it complicates the rule - it's not
just "if multiple imports introduce different declarations for a name, then
it's a conflict, unless there is exactly one non-platform library
declaration being introduced, in which case that one wins" (which is
already long), but you have to add, "unless one of the platform library
declarations is introduced by an import declaration with a show clause".

(well, it's not that bad :)
Post by Danny Tuppeny
On Fri, 11 Aug 2017 at 16:35 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc <
Shadowing of Core Libraries
We are still unsure how to handle cases when the user explicitly used
import 'dart:collection` show SplayTreeMap;import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
If it's not clear what the user wants, reject it! :-)
I'd much rather have errors in my editor than ambiguous code (or
unexpected runtime behaviour if it picks the "wrong" one). The fix seems
easy; remove show from the dart: import or add hide to the collection
import) - it could even have code fixes in the analyzer to make it just a
few keypresses to update?
That said; I still think it's a bit ambiguous shadowing without the show..
It seems weird that some random third party package I pull in could
silently replace some built-in types and it not be totally obvious unless I
step in/jump to definition (this might sound quite ridiculous but only last
week I spent several hours investigating an issue that was caused by a
NuGet package declaring its own version of System.Runtime.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
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Lasse R.H. Nielsen - ***@google.com
'Faith without judgement merely degrades the spirit divine'
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For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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Danny Tuppeny
2017-08-14 17:05:58 UTC
On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 at 14:08 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
The largest argument against is that it complicates the rule - it's not
just "if multiple imports introduce different declarations for a name, then
it's a conflict, unless there is exactly one non-platform library
declaration being introduced, in which case that one wins" (which is
already long), but you have to add, "unless one of the platform library
declarations is introduced by an import declaration with a show clause".
Yeah, ISWYM but I don't think it's too bad. Maybe you could describe that
show clauses are used first, then packages, then platform library, with an
ambiguous error reported if any stage has multiple results (I think that's
the same?).

I'm probably in a minority but I wouldn't care if adding a new type to the
SDK colliding with an imported package was just an error and I had to fix
it (eg. don't support shadowing; we have prefixes for name collisions). I
know it can make SDK upgrades more breaking; but in reality I suspect it
won't happen a lot and I don't think anyone should be upgrading the SDK on
a production server without testing it locally first! :D IMO the SDK also
shouldn't be getting lots of new types, it should be made leaner and most
stuff made in packages (.NET has a big fat BCL and seems to be trying to
move away from it).

Avoiding dev-time breaks but potentially introducing runtime breaks isn't a
good trade IMO.. If we want to let the client find our bugs we can use
JavaScript instead of Dart! The compiler shouldn't make assumptions about
my code, it something is not clear it should force me to make it clear! :D
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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Günter Zöchbauer
2017-08-16 17:46:33 UTC
Breaking the source you're currently working on is usually the minor
problem, but what if a package you depend on gets broken because of core
lib changes. You'd need to wait for the maintainer to fix it, or to merge
your PR and publish a new version, or you create a fork that you patch.
When such a broken package is an indirect dependency, you might need to get
a whole chain of packages updated to get unblocked.
Post by Danny Tuppeny
On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 at 14:08 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
The largest argument against is that it complicates the rule - it's not
just "if multiple imports introduce different declarations for a name, then
it's a conflict, unless there is exactly one non-platform library
declaration being introduced, in which case that one wins" (which is
already long), but you have to add, "unless one of the platform library
declarations is introduced by an import declaration with a show clause".
Yeah, ISWYM but I don't think it's too bad. Maybe you could describe that
show clauses are used first, then packages, then platform library, with an
ambiguous error reported if any stage has multiple results (I think that's
the same?).
I'm probably in a minority but I wouldn't care if adding a new type to the
SDK colliding with an imported package was just an error and I had to fix
it (eg. don't support shadowing; we have prefixes for name collisions). I
know it can make SDK upgrades more breaking; but in reality I suspect it
won't happen a lot and I don't think anyone should be upgrading the SDK on
a production server without testing it locally first! :D IMO the SDK also
shouldn't be getting lots of new types, it should be made leaner and most
stuff made in packages (.NET has a big fat BCL and seems to be trying to
move away from it).
Avoiding dev-time breaks but potentially introducing runtime breaks isn't
a good trade IMO.. If we want to let the client find our bugs we can use
JavaScript instead of Dart! The compiler shouldn't make assumptions about
my code, it something is not clear it should force me to make it clear! :D
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Danny Tuppeny
2017-08-16 19:23:05 UTC
Valid point; I'd somewhat forgotten that packages are shipped as source
(I'm used to C#)! ;o(
Post by Günter Zöchbauer
Breaking the source you're currently working on is usually the minor
problem, but what if a package you depend on gets broken because of core
lib changes. You'd need to wait for the maintainer to fix it, or to merge
your PR and publish a new version, or you create a fork that you patch.
When such a broken package is an indirect dependency, you might need to
get a whole chain of packages updated to get unblocked.
Post by Danny Tuppeny
On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 at 14:08 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
The largest argument against is that it complicates the rule - it's not
just "if multiple imports introduce different declarations for a name, then
it's a conflict, unless there is exactly one non-platform library
declaration being introduced, in which case that one wins" (which is
already long), but you have to add, "unless one of the platform library
declarations is introduced by an import declaration with a show clause".
Yeah, ISWYM but I don't think it's too bad. Maybe you could describe that
show clauses are used first, then packages, then platform library, with an
ambiguous error reported if any stage has multiple results (I think that's
the same?).
I'm probably in a minority but I wouldn't care if adding a new type to
the SDK colliding with an imported package was just an error and I had to
fix it (eg. don't support shadowing; we have prefixes for name collisions).
I know it can make SDK upgrades more breaking; but in reality I suspect it
won't happen a lot and I don't think anyone should be upgrading the SDK on
a production server without testing it locally first! :D IMO the SDK also
shouldn't be getting lots of new types, it should be made leaner and most
stuff made in packages (.NET has a big fat BCL and seems to be trying to
move away from it).
Avoiding dev-time breaks but potentially introducing runtime breaks isn't
a good trade IMO.. If we want to let the client find our bugs we can use
JavaScript instead of Dart! The compiler shouldn't make assumptions about
my code, it something is not clear it should force me to make it clear! :D
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc
2017-08-16 21:52:27 UTC
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 8:35 AM, 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc <
Github link: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/
Dart Language and Library Newsletter
Welcome to the Dart Language and Library Newsletter.
Arrow Functions
As mentioned in an earlier newsletter, void arrow functions with non-void
expressions (as in void foo() => x++) are supported with Dart 1.24.
However, this feature still has to be used with care. Due to a temporary
limitation of the type inference in strong mode, returning a non-void
expression might not work as expected.
var f = new Future(() { doSomethingAsynchronously(); };
f.catchError((e) => errorCounter++);
The type-inference algorithm currently infers Null for the generic type
of the Future. Functions without return indeed return null, so
technically, that type is correct. However, the catchError signature
requires the provided function to return the same type as the function it
is attached to. In this case, f is a Future<Null>, but errorCounter++ is
an int. Since int is not Null this throws at runtime.
As mentioned in earlier newsletters, we are actively working on
generalizing void, and once it is supported the inferred type of f will
be Future<void>. The catchError closure then would just need to be a
subtype of void Function() which would work fine for (e) => errorCounter++.
Until then, be careful where you use the void arrow function syntax.
Last time we discussed our plans to allow the use of deferred types even
when the deferred libraries haven't been loaded yet. This makes programs,
/// lib1.dartclass A {}
/// lib2.dartexport "lib1.dart" show A;
/// main.dartimport "lib1.dart";import "lib2.dart" deferred as def;
main() {
print(new A() is def.A); // Requires knowledge of `def.A`.
A follow-up mail questioned the need for such a big hammer. In reality,
main() async {
def.A a; // <-- Illegal today.
await def.loadLibrary();
a = new def.A();
Is there a simpler / better solution that would allow patterns like these,
but not require full knowledge of the deferred types?
It turns out, that the answer is likely "no". In fact, we find that,
because of type inference, even the current behavior is already
counterintuitive and should be fixed. That is, even without allowing more
// ------ def.dartclass Box<T> {
T value;
// ------ main.dartimport "def.dart" deferred as def;
main() async {
await def.loadLibrary();
var box = new def.Box(499);
var list = [box.value];
1. box is of type def.Box<int>.
2. the generic type of new def.Box(499) is Box<int>, as if the user
had written new def.Box<int>(499).
3. list is of type List<int>.
Without access to the deferred sources, none of these expectations is met.
Since type inference runs at compile-time, boxhas to be treated like
dynamic. There is simply not more information available. For similar
reasons, box must be of type Box<dynamic>. Since the invocation of the
constructor happens at runtime (where no type-inference happens), the
missing generic type is dynamically filled with dynamic.
Finally, list must be of type List<dynamic> since box.value is a dynamic
invocation, and the type inference doesn't know that the returned value
will be of type int.
This small example shows that type inference requires knowledge of the
deferred types to do its job. This means that all sources must be available
when compiling individual libraries. Once that's the case it doesn't make
sense to restrict the use of deferred types. They don't take up much space
(which is the usual reason for deferring libraries), and giving full access
to them removes a lot of boilerplate or dynamic code.
The language team discussed the possibility of supporting const functions.
class A {
final Function(e) callback;
const A(this.callback);
// Provide a `const` function to `A`'s constructor.const x = const A(const (e) { print(e); });
// Default values have to be `const`.void sort(List<int> list, [int compare(int x, int y) = const (x, y) => x - y) {
This feature doesn't add new functionality. Users can already now write a
static function with the same body and use its tear-off (which is
guaranteed to be const) in all of these locations. However, it's more
convenient to write functions closer to where they are needed. For example,
the classic map.putIfAbsent(x, () => []) allocates a new function (a
cheap operation, but still), whereas map.putIfAbsent(x, const () => []) would
always reuse the same function.
​Will it reuse the same function as *const () => []* in some other place?

If the answer is Yes, this does make everything harder for all
implementations, and opens the question of whether *const (x) => x *and *const
(y) => y* are the same, or *const (_x) => _x* and *const (_x) => _x* in
different libraries, and how does the canonicalization work efficiently for
separate compilation in DDC?

If the answer is No, and each textual occurrence of a const closure is a
separate object, could we not simply make the language create the shared
function whenever possible? If a closure captures no variables, then it is
shared. Most users would expect to not pay for repeated allocations of
trivial closures. The analysis that says 'const is valid for this function'
is (almost) the same analysis that says 'use the same closure object here
each time'.

In the weird edge case of wanting separate closure objects (for example, as
an unbounded number of keys in an identity hash map), we could force that
with the keyword *new*. If this idea seems to 'not pay its way', it shows
we are just throwing away performance for no good reason.
Sidenote: in dart2js, many const values (not functions) are allocated at
initialization, which shifts some execution time to the beginning of the
program where many teams already struggle with performance. In the current
dart2js version it's thus not always beneficial to make objects const.
This is easily fixed provided const or implicitly const closures are not
canonicalized across libraries.

BTW const does not help when there are type parameters. e.g.

Shadowing of Core Libraries
When deprecating core library classes (like SplayTreeMap) we intend to
minimize the cost to our users. We copy the deprecated classes to packages
(in this case collection) so that users just need to change their imports
from dart:collection to package:collection. However, that means that
programs that import dart:collection and package:collection at the same
time now see the same class twice; once from each import. Which class
should Dart now use? Is this an error?
For "normal" imports (not dart:), the rules are simple: an ambiguous
reference is an error. There is no good way to decide between class A of
package pkg1 or pkg2. With core libraries, things get a bit more
complicated: whereas upgrading packages is a user-triggered action (with
the fallback to revert to the previous pubspec.lock), upgrading the SDK
should generally be safe. As a consequence, Dart considers core libraries
as less important. That is, shadowing a class from any dart: library is
ok. Importing dart:collection and package:collection/collection.dart is
thus fine and will not lead to errors. It's still good practice to use
show and hide to make the intention completely clear.
We are still unsure how to handle cases when the user explicitly used show to
import 'dart:collection` show SplayTreeMap;import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc
2017-08-17 05:31:43 UTC
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 11:52 PM 'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc
On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 8:35 AM, 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc
Dart Language and Library Newsletter
Welcome to the Dart Language and Library Newsletter.
Arrow Functions
As mentioned in an earlier newsletter, void arrow functions with
non-void expressions (as in void foo() => x++) are supported with Dart
1.24. However, this feature still has to be used with care. Due to a
temporary limitation of the type inference in strong mode, returning a
non-void expression might not work as expected.
var f = new Future(() { doSomethingAsynchronously(); };
f.catchError((e) => errorCounter++);
The type-inference algorithm currently infers Null for the generic type
of the Future. Functions without return indeed return null, so
technically, that type is correct. However, the catchError signature
requires the provided function to return the same type as the function it
is attached to. In this case, f is a Future<Null>, but errorCounter++ is
an int. Since int is not Null this throws at runtime.
As mentioned in earlier newsletters, we are actively working on
generalizing void, and once it is supported the inferred type of f will
be Future<void>. The catchError closure then would just need to be a
subtype of void Function() which would work fine for (e) =>
errorCounter++. Until then, be careful where you use the void arrow
function syntax.
Last time we discussed our plans to allow the use of deferred types even
when the deferred libraries haven't been loaded yet. This makes programs,
/// lib1.dartclass A {}
/// lib2.dartexport "lib1.dart" show A;
/// main.dartimport "lib1.dart";import "lib2.dart" deferred as def;
main() {
print(new A() is def.A); // Requires knowledge of `def.A`.
A follow-up mail questioned the need for such a big hammer. In reality,
main() async {
def.A a; // <-- Illegal today.
await def.loadLibrary();
a = new def.A();
Is there a simpler / better solution that would allow patterns like
these, but not require full knowledge of the deferred types?
It turns out, that the answer is likely "no". In fact, we find that,
because of type inference, even the current behavior is already
counterintuitive and should be fixed. That is, even without allowing more
// ------ def.dartclass Box<T> {
T value;
// ------ main.dartimport "def.dart" deferred as def;
main() async {
await def.loadLibrary();
var box = new def.Box(499);
var list = [box.value];
1. box is of type def.Box<int>.
2. the generic type of new def.Box(499) is Box<int>, as if the user
had written new def.Box<int>(499).
3. list is of type List<int>.
Without access to the deferred sources, none of these expectations is
met. Since type inference runs at compile-time, boxhas to be treated
like dynamic. There is simply not more information available. For
similar reasons, box must be of type Box<dynamic>. Since the invocation
of the constructor happens at runtime (where no type-inference happens),
the missing generic type is dynamically filled with dynamic.
Finally, list must be of type List<dynamic> since box.value is a dynamic
invocation, and the type inference doesn't know that the returned value
will be of type int.
This small example shows that type inference requires knowledge of the
deferred types to do its job. This means that all sources must be available
when compiling individual libraries. Once that's the case it doesn't make
sense to restrict the use of deferred types. They don't take up much space
(which is the usual reason for deferring libraries), and giving full access
to them removes a lot of boilerplate or dynamic code.
The language team discussed the possibility of supporting const functions.
class A {
final Function(e) callback;
const A(this.callback);
// Provide a `const` function to `A`'s constructor.const x = const A(const (e) { print(e); });
// Default values have to be `const`.void sort(List<int> list, [int compare(int x, int y) = const (x, y) => x - y) {
This feature doesn't add new functionality. Users can already now write a
static function with the same body and use its tear-off (which is
guaranteed to be const) in all of these locations. However, it's more
convenient to write functions closer to where they are needed. For example,
the classic map.putIfAbsent(x, () => []) allocates a new function (a
cheap operation, but still), whereas map.putIfAbsent(x, const () => []) would
always reuse the same function.
​Will it reuse the same function as *const () => []* in some other place?
If the answer is Yes, this does make everything harder for all
implementations, and opens the question of whether *const (x) => x *and *const
(y) => y* are the same, or *const (_x) => _x* and *const (_x) => _x* in
different libraries, and how does the canonicalization work efficiently for
separate compilation in DDC?
If the answer is No, and each textual occurrence of a const closure is a
separate object, could we not simply make the language create the shared
function whenever possible? If a closure captures no variables, then it is
shared. Most users would expect to not pay for repeated allocations of
trivial closures. The analysis that says 'const is valid for this function'
is (almost) the same analysis that says 'use the same closure object here
each time'.
In the weird edge case of wanting separate closure objects (for example,
as an unbounded number of keys in an identity hash map), we could force
that with the keyword *new*. If this idea seems to 'not pay its way', it
shows we are just throwing away performance for no good reason.
The answer is No: we consider source-location a part of the identity of a
function. Debugging, stack-traces, ... all become completely unmanageable
if we merge functions that have `const`. Also, as you mention, we would
also run into equivalence questions (and you didn't even mention comments
and `=>` vs `return`).

Can compilers automatically canonicalize closures if they don't capture any
non-const state?: it's something we think about. This is similar to the
question whether `Duration(milliseconds: 499)` should be a const object
once we make `new` and `const` optional. That is: should we always insert
`const` automatically, when there is no explicit `new` (and `const` works,
of course)?
This is still under discussion.
Post by 'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc
Post by 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc
Sidenote: in dart2js, many const values (not functions) are allocated at
initialization, which shifts some execution time to the beginning of the
program where many teams already struggle with performance. In the current
dart2js version it's thus not always beneficial to make objects const.
This is easily fixed provided const or implicitly const closures are not
canonicalized across libraries.
BTW const does not help when there are type parameters. e.g.
Post by 'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc
Shadowing of Core Libraries
Post by 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc
When deprecating core library classes (like SplayTreeMap) we intend to
minimize the cost to our users. We copy the deprecated classes to packages
(in this case collection) so that users just need to change their
imports from dart:collection to package:collection. However, that means
that programs that import dart:collection and package:collection at the
same time now see the same class twice; once from each import. Which class
should Dart now use? Is this an error?
For "normal" imports (not dart:), the rules are simple: an ambiguous
reference is an error. There is no good way to decide between class A of
package pkg1 or pkg2. With core libraries, things get a bit more
complicated: whereas upgrading packages is a user-triggered action (with
the fallback to revert to the previous pubspec.lock), upgrading the SDK
should generally be safe. As a consequence, Dart considers core libraries
as less important. That is, shadowing a class from any dart: library is
ok. Importing dart:collection and package:collection/collection.dart is
thus fine and will not lead to errors. It's still good practice to use
show and hide to make the intention completely clear.
We are still unsure how to handle cases when the user explicitly used
import 'dart:collection` show SplayTreeMap;import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
Post by 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc
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Günter Zöchbauer
2017-08-17 12:24:53 UTC
That is: should we always insert `const` automatically, when there is no
explicit `new` (and `const` works, of course)?
This is still under discussion.
I'd prefer `const` to be required when not in a context where only const is
allowed anyway, to make it more obvious what's going on.

myMethod({MyClass a = MyClass()}) {

class MyClass {
static const a = MyClass();

class MyClass {
final a = const MyClass({'foo': 'bar'});
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2017-08-17 16:47:47 UTC
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 10:31 PM, 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 11:52 PM 'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc
Post by 'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc
If the answer is No, and each textual occurrence of a const closure is a
separate object, could we not simply make the language create the shared
function whenever possible? If a closure captures no variables, then it is
shared. Most users would expect to not pay for repeated allocations of
trivial closures. The analysis that says 'const is valid for this function'
is (almost) the same analysis that says 'use the same closure object here
each time'.
In the weird edge case of wanting separate closure objects (for example,
as an unbounded number of keys in an identity hash map), we could force
that with the keyword *new*. If this idea seems to 'not pay its way', it
shows we are just throwing away performance for no good reason.
The answer is No: we consider source-location a part of the identity of a
function. Debugging, stack-traces, ... all become completely unmanageable
if we merge functions that have `const`. Also, as you mention, we would
also run into equivalence questions (and you didn't even mention comments
and `=>` vs `return`).
I thought one of the key motivations for the const function proposal is
that Angular code ends up with () => null and other similar tiny functions
all over the place. Those contribute a lot of code size to the resulting JS
and they wanted a way to have those be automatically collapsed to avoid the
redundancy. If const functions don't do that, what's the main customer use
case pushing for them?

– bob
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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Matan Lurey
2017-08-17 16:50:12 UTC
FWIW, the specification can say anything it wants, as long as dart2js
implements it differently (dart2js isn't spec complaint anyway).

On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 9:48 AM 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 10:31 PM, 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Florian Loitsch' via Dart Misc
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 11:52 PM 'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Stephen Adams' via Dart Misc
If the answer is No, and each textual occurrence of a const closure is
a separate object, could we not simply make the language create the shared
function whenever possible? If a closure captures no variables, then it is
shared. Most users would expect to not pay for repeated allocations of
trivial closures. The analysis that says 'const is valid for this function'
is (almost) the same analysis that says 'use the same closure object here
each time'.
In the weird edge case of wanting separate closure objects (for example,
as an unbounded number of keys in an identity hash map), we could force
that with the keyword *new*. If this idea seems to 'not pay its way',
it shows we are just throwing away performance for no good reason.
The answer is No: we consider source-location a part of the identity of a
function. Debugging, stack-traces, ... all become completely unmanageable
if we merge functions that have `const`. Also, as you mention, we would
also run into equivalence questions (and you didn't even mention comments
and `=>` vs `return`).
I thought one of the key motivations for the const function proposal is
that Angular code ends up with () => null and other similar tiny
functions all over the place. Those contribute a lot of code size to the
resulting JS and they wanted a way to have those be automatically collapsed
to avoid the redundancy. If const functions don't do that, what's the main
customer use case pushing for them?
– bob
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