[dart-misc] [dart-announce] Announcing Dart SDK 1.14
Kevin Moore
2016-01-30 01:52:28 UTC
Dart 1.13 is now available for download

Read the official announcement
<http://news.dartlang.org/2016/01/dart-1.html> and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.

Thanks for using Dart!

library changes


- Added Future.any static method.
- Added Stream.fromFutures constructor.

- Base64Decoder.convert now takes optional start and end parameters.

- Added current getter to StackTrace class.
- Uri class added support for data URIs
- Added two new constructors: dataFromBytes and dataFromString.
- Added a data getter for data: URIs with a new UriData class for
the return type.
- Added growable parameter to List.filled constructor.
- Added microsecond support to DateTime: DateTime.microsecond,
DateTime.microsecondsSinceEpoch, andnew

- Random added a secure constructor returning a cryptographically secure
random generator which reads from the entropy source provided by the
embedder for every generated random value.

- Platform added a static isIOS getter and Platform.operatingSystem may
now return ios.
- Platform added a static packageConfig getter.
- Added support for WebSocket compression as standardized in RFC 7692.
- Compression is enabled by default for all WebSocket connections.
- The optionally named parameter compression on the methods
WebSocket.connect,WebSocket.fromUpgradedSocket, and
WebSocketTransformer.upgrade and the WebSocketTransformerconstructor
can be used to modify or disable compression using the new
CompressionOptions class.

- Added *experimental* support for Package Resolution Configuration
- Added packageConfig and packageRoot instance getters to Isolate.
- Added a resolvePackageUri method to Isolate.
- Added named arguments packageConfig and
automaticPackageResolution to the Isolate.spawnUriconstructor.




Better line splitting in a variety of cases.

Other optimizations and bug fixes.


*Breaking:* Pub now eagerly emits an error when a pubspec's "name"
field is not a valid Dart identifier. Since packages with non-identifier
names were never allowed to be published, and some of them already caused
crashes when being written to a .packages file, this is unlikely to
break many people in practice.

*Breaking:* Support for barback versions prior to 0.15.0 (released
July 2014) has been dropped. Pub will no longer install these older barback

pub serve now GZIPs the assets it serves to make load times more
similar to real-world use-cases.

pub deps now supports a --no-dev flag, which causes it to emit the
dependency tree as it would be if nodev_dependencies were in use.
This makes it easier to see your package's dependency footprint as your
users will experience it.

pub global run now detects when a global executable's SDK constraint
is no longer met and errors out, rather than trying to run the executable

Pub commands that check whether the lockfile is up-to-date (pub run, pub
deps, pub serve, and pub build) now do additional verification. They
ensure that any path dependencies' pubspecs haven't been changed, and they
ensure that the current SDK version is compatible with all dependencies.

Fixed a crashing bug when using pub global run on a global script
that didn't exist.

Fixed a crashing bug when a pubspec contains a dependency without a
source declared.
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For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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