[dart-misc] static context passing implemented! (in Swift)
2015-12-15 19:54:48 UTC
Somebody remembers this discussion?

I was learning Swift the other day, and I couldn't believe my eyes: the
feature is there! Though not in a general form as we discussed, but
still... it's the same idea.

func DLog(message: String,
file: String = __FUNCTION__,
function: String = __FILE__,
line: Int = __LINE__,
column: Int = __COLUMN__)
{ println("\(file) : \(function) : \(line) : \(column) - \(message)") }

All those ugly-looking parameters __FUNCTION__, __FILE__ etc are macros. Values are propagated from calling context.
No way to know whether Swift came up with the idea independently, or it read our discussion (a bit unlikely), or maybe it stole it from some third party, but the fact remains:
the feature is in Swift and not in dart.
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