[dart-misc] Notes from last week's DEP meeting
'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-10-20 17:00:09 UTC
Here's my notes:



– bob
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2015-10-20 19:10:46 UTC
Dealing with lazy compile errorsFor running some prototype code within the
IDE, it is nice that not all code is required to be valid.
For final code and automated testing, any invalid code should be eagerly
refused by the VM or compiler.

Config-specific code
I prefer error detection to be as early and complete as possible.

Besides I see no need for special true value constants if:
- For substitute libraries:
import libraryA or libraryB;
import libraryC if dartium or libraryD;
import libraryA else libraryB;
import libraryC if dartium else libraryD;

- For alternative codeblocks:
import libraryA as x;
import libraryB as y if browser;
if(x) {
if(import libraryC){
} else {

- Optionally something similar in the .packages file

unittest if browser:/home/somebody/.pub/cache/unittest-0.9.9/lib/

unittest if chrome:/home/somebody/.pub/cache/unittest-0.9.9/lib/

- Environment flags like platform flags can be declared in the .packages
file or can be given as arguments to the compiler.
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
– bob
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