Philipp S
2018-07-19 22:22:32 UTC
I'm trying to write a Builder using package:build. Right now I need to
debug what I wrote, but I have serious problems to access the state of my
program: The debugger doesn't stop on breakpoints or thrown exceptions.
My setup is:
- I run `pub run build_runner build` to generate a
.dart_tool/build/entrypoint/build.dart file.
- I run `dart --observe --pause-isolates-on-start
.dart_tool/build/entrypoint/build.dart build`.
- I set a breakpoint in my builder class. (here[1] to be exact)
- When continuing the program, the breakpoint is ignored, and some lines
later an exception is thrown.
I use Dart 2.0.0-dev.68.0 and build 0.12.7+2.
I appreciate any hints how I can approach this situation. As a last resort,
I tried using `print()` calls to get any information out of the program,
but even the print output is somehow intercepted.
Best regards
I'm trying to write a Builder using package:build. Right now I need to
debug what I wrote, but I have serious problems to access the state of my
program: The debugger doesn't stop on breakpoints or thrown exceptions.
My setup is:
- I run `pub run build_runner build` to generate a
.dart_tool/build/entrypoint/build.dart file.
- I run `dart --observe --pause-isolates-on-start
.dart_tool/build/entrypoint/build.dart build`.
- I set a breakpoint in my builder class. (here[1] to be exact)
- When continuing the program, the breakpoint is ignored, and some lines
later an exception is thrown.
I use Dart 2.0.0-dev.68.0 and build 0.12.7+2.
I appreciate any hints how I can approach this situation. As a last resort,
I tried using `print()` calls to get any information out of the program,
but even the print output is somehow intercepted.
Best regards
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