[dart-misc] Deploying dart polymer app to firebase
Ron Gonzalez Lobo
2015-08-22 15:40:33 UTC
Hi everyone,

I just thought giving firebase a try w/ a dart polymer app.

First setup new app with webstorm as dart project with sample content
'Polymer Web Application'.
Next installed firebase via cmd and ran 'firebase init' in newly created
app folder, setting 'web' as public folder within firebase init.
Next built dart app via webstorm and afterwards ran 'firebase deploy' via

Deployment looks good, but when accessing the firebase url it says:

https://flickering-inferno-1837.firebaseapp.com/packages/paper_elements/roboto.html 404
(Not Found)
404 (Not Found)

It seems like packages is symlinked to the web folder.

Any idea how to resolve this or customize the firebase.json to make it work?

Thanks in advance!


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Günter Zöchbauer
2015-08-23 13:21:21 UTC
https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/pubs provides a script that creates a
deployable directory (or zip) which contains all files of all used
packages. It should be able to bring your code in a form so it can just be
moved to any server.
I haven't used pubs since a few weeks. If there is some issue with outdated
dependencies or similar just create an issue in the GitHub repo and I'll
take a look.
Post by Ron Gonzalez Lobo
Hi everyone,
I just thought giving firebase a try w/ a dart polymer app.
First setup new app with webstorm as dart project with sample content
'Polymer Web Application'.
Next installed firebase via cmd and ran 'firebase init' in newly created
app folder, setting 'web' as public folder within firebase init.
Next built dart app via webstorm and afterwards ran 'firebase deploy' via
https://flickering-inferno-1837.firebaseapp.com/packages/paper_elements/roboto.html 404
(Not Found)
404 (Not Found)
It seems like packages is symlinked to the web folder.
Any idea how to resolve this or customize the firebase.json to make it work?
Thanks in advance!
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Ron Gonzalez Lobo
2015-08-23 16:36:51 UTC
Thanks GÃŒnter, I will have a look!
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Ron Gonzalez Lobo
2015-08-23 18:32:51 UTC
Ok, I solved it and it is working.

After building the project with webstorm, the build folder appears and the
path in firebase.json needs to be changed to build/web

Deployed again with via cmd w/ 'firebase deploy' and it works.
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Günter Zöchbauer
2015-08-24 05:59:52 UTC
Oh, it's only client side code. I haven't used Firebase. pubs is for
deploying server side code.
Post by Ron Gonzalez Lobo
Ok, I solved it and it is working.
After building the project with webstorm, the build folder appears and the
path in firebase.json needs to be changed to build/web
Deployed again with via cmd w/ 'firebase deploy' and it works.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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