[dart-misc] Is Google (outside of Dart team) using Dart for server dev ?
2016-05-07 13:42:23 UTC
I use Dart extensively with Angular and Polymer on client side
and we all know that AdWords UI uses Dart

Are there any bigger or smaller dart *server* apps done by Google teams
outside Dart team ?

I have to decide whether to use it on server for app engine project
(I would like to use Dart but it seems way easier to start with Python or
Go since they support both standard and flexible environment)

Also question to non-Googlers - what's your overall experience doing
backend with Dart ?
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Joel Trottier-Hébert
2016-05-07 13:56:20 UTC
What kind of environment does go or python support that Dart doesn't?

I also have several backend apps. I've been enjoying server side
development in Dart a lot too. It's pretty nice if you also have a Dart
frontend since you can share code between both places.

Finally I think the piece that is missing from out of the box Dart is json
serialization without reflexion, but the community has taken care of that.
My personal choice for it is dogma codegen.

Have fun!
Post by tomaszkubacki
I use Dart extensively with Angular and Polymer on client side
and we all know that AdWords UI uses Dart
Are there any bigger or smaller dart *server* apps done by Google teams
outside Dart team ?
I have to decide whether to use it on server for app engine project
(I would like to use Dart but it seems way easier to start with Python or
Go since they support both standard and flexible environment)
Also question to non-Googlers - what's your overall experience doing
backend with Dart ?
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Robert Åkerblom-Andersson
2016-05-07 14:09:17 UTC
Hi Tomas, "non-googler" here..

Not sure if I have too much to add to the conversation here, but I just
wanted to chime in that I have had a good experience with
Dart on the server. Depending on the kind of app your building the data
models can becomes quite big, at least in my case, then
it's nice that you can share them directly between the server and the

We have built a Dart client library on top of a Dart REST API that uses the
shared models, right now it's only used in the browser
but that same client library will be used for a CLI client later on,
reusing the models on server, web and cli is pretty nice I must say.

In the future I could see a similar use case where you could reuse a client
lib and models both in a web app and a mobile app
with flutter.

Cheers, Robert
Post by tomaszkubacki
I use Dart extensively with Angular and Polymer on client side
and we all know that AdWords UI uses Dart
Are there any bigger or smaller dart *server* apps done by Google teams
outside Dart team ?
I have to decide whether to use it on server for app engine project
(I would like to use Dart but it seems way easier to start with Python or
Go since they support both standard and flexible environment)
Also question to non-Googlers - what's your overall experience doing
backend with Dart ?
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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Nick Reid
2016-05-07 15:47:59 UTC
I had a good time building our small app's backend in Dart. Probably should have used some third party libraries but even choosing to write bare-bones version of my own it only took a few weeks. One big plus was type strictness in our JSON API; no truthy-falesy games or String-int mix ups. The SDK libs were also full of useful design choices.

If you feel confident writing client side Dart it's even better on the server. You get to run the source directly; no transpilation issues. It's a pleasant update from Java with more structure than Python.
Post by tomaszkubacki
I use Dart extensively with Angular and Polymer on client side
Are there any bigger or smaller dart server apps done by Google teams outside Dart team ?
I have to decide whether to use it on server for app engine project
(I would like to use Dart but it seems way easier to start with Python or Go since they support both standard and flexible environment)
Also question to non-Googlers - what's your overall experience doing backend with Dart ?
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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Günter Zöchbauer
2016-05-09 04:14:49 UTC
I started with Go on the server and enjoyed it a lot but dropped it after I
started using Dart on the client because being able to use the same
language on client and server is a big advantage. You only need to know one
language well to be able to work efficiently and you can share lots of code.
Post by tomaszkubacki
I use Dart extensively with Angular and Polymer on client side
and we all know that AdWords UI uses Dart
Are there any bigger or smaller dart *server* apps done by Google teams
outside Dart team ?
I have to decide whether to use it on server for app engine project
(I would like to use Dart but it seems way easier to start with Python or
Go since they support both standard and flexible environment)
Also question to non-Googlers - what's your overall experience doing
backend with Dart ?
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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Петър Събев
2016-05-09 04:23:02 UTC
GÌnter Zöchbauer

Isomorphic software development is something which should gain more
attention especially for SPA's. Being able to share code between server and
client is a big gain...
Post by Günter Zöchbauer
I started with Go on the server and enjoyed it a lot but dropped it after
I started using Dart on the client because being able to use the same
language on client and server is a big advantage. You only need to know one
language well to be able to work efficiently and you can share lots of code.
Post by tomaszkubacki
I use Dart extensively with Angular and Polymer on client side
and we all know that AdWords UI uses Dart
Are there any bigger or smaller dart *server* apps done by Google teams
outside Dart team ?
I have to decide whether to use it on server for app engine project
(I would like to use Dart but it seems way easier to start with Python or
Go since they support both standard and flexible environment)
Also question to non-Googlers - what's your overall experience doing
backend with Dart ?
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
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