Yes, all changes go through ECMA Technical Committee 52
<> before they are
officially in the language.
Post by Cristian GarciaHow does Go evolve as a language?
As far as I know, they don't have a formal open standard process. They are
open source, and work with the larger Go ecosystem, but ultimately
languages decisions are made by the Go team.
Maybe the proposal process is too formal, it could start with some sample
Post by Cristian Garciacode and an explanation (no need for a huge document),
I don't think the document needs to be *huge* but it does need to be pretty
detailed and precise. We want to push much of the burden of due diligence
onto the person proposing the change. They have the most incentive to get
the proposal to succeed and likely the most time to work on it.
If proposals are just rough sketches, it ends up falling onto the Dart team
to work out all of the details, and we don't have the resources to do that
for everyone's proposal. We'll help, of course, but we need to distribute
the work as much as possible.
The document doesn't have to be *done*, but it should be pretty well
thought out.
then an experimental implementation, then a formal document, and finally
Post by Cristian Garciathe full implementation.
We are absolutely moving in the direction of having a working experimental
implementation that's been tried on real-world code before we consider a
proposal complete. This is obvious in retrospect, but almost every time we
*haven't* done that, even on seemingly innocuous proposals, we've
discovered problems that didn't come to light until the proposal was
implemented and used.
I think the pipeline should be something like:
1. Send out rough sketch to core-dev.
2. If people seem to think it has merit, author writes proposal detailed
enough to be implementable.
3. Experimental implementation. If we run into problems here, go to 2 or
4. Try implementation on real programs. If we run into problems here, go
to 2 or bail.
5. Refine implementation to something shippable. If we run into problems
here, go to 2 or bail.
6. Decide if the experiment succeeded and we want to accept the proposal
in the language. If not, go to 2 or bail.
7. Accept the proposal.
By the time a proposal is accepted, we should be absolutely confident there
will be no surprises.
- bob
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