[dart-misc] Union types status
Don Olmstead
2015-06-19 18:51:04 UTC
Any updates on union types? Last time they were mentioned was
in http://news.dartlang.org/2015/01/dart-language-evolution-discussed-in.html
and I haven't seen a DEP around them. This still something that could be
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'Gilad Bracha' via Dart Misc
2015-06-19 19:22:55 UTC
It definitely could, but it's perhaps slightly less of a priority than
first seemed. A major motivation was to help with JS interop, but with
dart for the web having more leeway than it used to, it may find its way by
other means. As we are more optimistic about non-nullable types than we
used to, our focus has shifted a bit.
Any updates on union types? Last time they were mentioned was in
and I haven't seen a DEP around them. This still something that could be
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Don Olmstead
2015-06-19 19:56:40 UTC
Thanks for the update Gilad. Thought it was more of a priority as
typescript and closure compiler have that functionality. Is anyone planning
on taking a stab at a dep for it? Been thinking about getting involved in
the dep process.
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'Gilad Bracha' via Dart Misc
2015-06-19 20:03:35 UTC
As I said, dart2js interop was the motivation; it may be that DDC just
learns to read .ts header files or something. Hence it is less of a
priority than it was.
Post by Don Olmstead
Thanks for the update Gilad. Thought it was more of a priority as
typescript and closure compiler have that functionality. Is anyone planning
on taking a stab at a dep for it? Been thinking about getting involved in
the dep process.
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Kasper Peulen
2015-06-28 23:38:11 UTC
Post by 'Gilad Bracha' via Dart Misc
As I said, dart2js interop was the motivation; it may be that DDC just
learns to read .ts header files or something. Hence it is less of a
priority than it was.
I don't understand why this would make it less a priority. If you are doing
interop in dart with union types, then I would think that it is also
desriable that the analyser understand the object is an union type not just
the compiler.

To me it feels union types are really missing in the dart langauge. It is
true that I mostly notice this when I'm doing js interop, but I do think
that that union types can give you sometimes the freedom to come up with
more elegant solution. If you write dart, you don't even think about those
options, as you know it is not possible. I find it sad that there is not a
nice equivalent for this in dart code, and that I need to write uglier code
in dart, than the code written in javascript/typescript.
Post by 'Gilad Bracha' via Dart Misc
As I said, dart2js interop was the motivation; it may be that DDC just
learns to read .ts header files or something. Hence it is less of a
priority than it was.
Post by Don Olmstead
Thanks for the update Gilad. Thought it was more of a priority as
typescript and closure compiler have that functionality. Is anyone planning
on taking a stab at a dep for it? Been thinking about getting involved in
the dep process.
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-06-29 15:56:45 UTC
Post by Kasper Peulen
I don't understand why this would make it less a priority. If you are
doing interop in dart with union types, then I would think that it is also
desriable that the analyser understand the object is an union type not just
the compiler.
The main motivation for union types is better JS interop. But, in many
cases, you can get a much tighter type by using something like TypeScript's
interface overloading feature than you would get using union types.

For example, say you want to call jQuery's bind()
<http://api.jquery.com/bind/> method from Dart. If all you had is union
types, its type is something like:

bind(String | Map eventTypeOrEvents, [Map | Function | bool
eventDataOrHandlerOrPreventBubble, bool | Function,

The types aren't clear. The parameter names aren't clear, and it allows a
bunch of things that are not in fact valid, like passing booleans for both
of the last two parameters. If you have overloading, it's:

bind(String eventType, Function handler);
bind(String eventType, Map eventData, Function handler);
bind(String eventType, [Map eventData, bool preventBubble]);
bind(Map events);

That's much clearer and more explicit.

Since the DDC folks are investigating supporting TypeScript definition
files anyway, we may have to allow overloads like this. In that case, union
types may not add much additional value. (Note that TypeScript has had
overloading since they first launched but is only just now getting around
to adding union types.)


- bob
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Benjamin Strauß
2015-06-29 19:11:11 UTC
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Since the DDC folks are investigating supporting TypeScript definition
files anyway, we may have to allow overloads like this. In that case, union
types may not add much additional value. (Note that TypeScript has had
overloading since they first launched but is only just now getting around
to adding union types.)
I thought type based overloading was not added into Dart because that would
violate the principle that types do not change the semantics?
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'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-06-29 19:55:08 UTC
Post by Benjamin Strauß
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Since the DDC folks are investigating supporting TypeScript definition
files anyway, we may have to allow overloads like this. In that case, union
types may not add much additional value. (Note that TypeScript has had
overloading since they first launched but is only just now getting around
to adding union types.)
I thought type based overloading was not added into Dart because that
would violate the principle that types do not change the semantics?
"Overloading" is a bit misleading in the way TypeScript uses it here. You
can overload the *declaration* of a method in its *interface*. You cannot
overload by having multiple actual concrete definitions of the method. You
have a single method whose body uses type tests to do the right thing.

Overloads are part of the optional static types, but not part of the
runtime behavior.

Another way to look at it is that the one definition of the method has a
single type that's a union of function types.


- bob
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Don Olmstead
2015-06-29 20:59:39 UTC
Yea I would assume that if Dart had union types you would be able to reduce
something like

void doSomething(dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
} else if (value is List<String>) {
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('value is not a String or List of String');


void doSomething(String|List<String> value) {
if (value is String) {

} else {
// I'm for sure a List<String>

and get type checks and be able to see exactly what the function expects.
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Kasper Peulen
2015-06-29 21:45:01 UTC
The example that you gave @Bob Nystorm, I'm not very experienced, but when
writing wrappers for codemirror/polymer 1, I haven't seen such an hairy
example once.
I do agree that union types doesn't feel right there.

+1 for that example @Don Olmstead. This kind of code I see very often when
trying to make a dart wrapper for a js library, and I do think that union
types would do a very good job here.
I'm always in doubt how to documentate that as well, follow the JSDoc
coventions ? Maybe just say something like:
/// This method accepts only String or List<String> as input.
void doSomething(dynamic value) {

Sometimes, I choose to do something like:
/// Make sure that one and only one of the two optional arguments are
void doSomething({String string, List<String> list}) {
if (string == null && list == null) {
throw ....

Which feels equally dirty...
Post by Don Olmstead
Yea I would assume that if Dart had union types you would be able to
reduce something like
void doSomething(dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
} else if (value is List<String>) {
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('value is not a String or List of String');
void doSomething(String|List<String> value) {
if (value is String) {
} else {
// I'm for sure a List<String>
and get type checks and be able to see exactly what the function expects.
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DoHyung Kim
2015-06-30 03:55:37 UTC
Dear Kasper,

To my understanding, the tentative position of Dart team is not to have
union type in Dart language, but supports it in the context of toolings if
target functions and methods are from JS. So if we are only concern about
smoother JS interop, then we may see what solution Dart team will come out

I was with Don on union type in Dart, but now am not sure if it is worth
the complexity afer following discussions here in this thread.
Post by Kasper Peulen
writing wrappers for codemirror/polymer 1, I haven't seen such an hairy
example once.
I do agree that union types doesn't feel right there.
trying to make a dart wrapper for a js library, and I do think that union
types would do a very good job here.
I'm always in doubt how to documentate that as well, follow the JSDoc
/// This method accepts only String or List<String> as input.
void doSomething(dynamic value) {
/// Make sure that one and only one of the two optional arguments are
void doSomething({String string, List<String> list}) {
if (string == null && list == null) {
throw ....
Which feels equally dirty...
Post by Don Olmstead
Yea I would assume that if Dart had union types you would be able to
reduce something like
void doSomething(dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
} else if (value is List<String>) {
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('value is not a String or List of String');
void doSomething(String|List<String> value) {
if (value is String) {
} else {
// I'm for sure a List<String>
and get type checks and be able to see exactly what the function expects.
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DoHyung Kim
2015-06-30 03:20:03 UTC
Dear Don,

Considering we cannot get a guarantee that doSomething always gets either
String or List<String>,removing the second check for List<String> doesn't
seem so safe.

Personally I find myself preferring codes like your example below, when I
create kinda DSLs. Otherwise I'll create separate methods for String and
List<String> in Dart. When I do DSL stuffs, I definitely miss the union
type. But I'm not sure it is worth the complexity introduced by addition of
union type.
Post by Don Olmstead
Yea I would assume that if Dart had union types you would be able to
reduce something like
void doSomething(dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
} else if (value is List<String>) {
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('value is not a String or List of String');
void doSomething(String|List<String> value) {
if (value is String) {
} else {
// I'm for sure a List<String>
and get type checks and be able to see exactly what the function expects.
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Cristian Garcia
2015-06-30 03:53:26 UTC
You can guarantee it with the "non-nullable types by default" proposal
which (given those in favor) might be implemented.
Post by DoHyung Kim
Dear Don,
Considering we cannot get a guarantee that doSomething always gets either
String or List<String>,removing the second check for List<String> doesn't
seem so safe.
Personally I find myself preferring codes like your example below, when I
create kinda DSLs. Otherwise I'll create separate methods for String and
List<String> in Dart. When I do DSL stuffs, I definitely miss the union
type. But I'm not sure it is worth the complexity introduced by addition of
union type.
Post by Don Olmstead
Yea I would assume that if Dart had union types you would be able to
reduce something like
void doSomething(dynamic value) {
if (value is String) {
} else if (value is List<String>) {
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('value is not a String or List of String');
void doSomething(String|List<String> value) {
if (value is String) {
} else {
// I'm for sure a List<String>
and get type checks and be able to see exactly what the function expects.
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'Lasse R.H. Nielsen' via Dart Misc
2015-06-30 06:19:49 UTC
On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 5:56 PM, 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
Post by Kasper Peulen
I don't understand why this would make it less a priority. If you are
doing interop in dart with union types, then I would think that it is also
desriable that the analyser understand the object is an union type not just
the compiler.
The main motivation for union types is better JS interop. But, in many
cases, you can get a much tighter type by using something like TypeScript's
interface overloading feature than you would get using union types.
For example, say you want to call jQuery's bind()
<http://api.jquery.com/bind/> method from Dart. If all you had is union
bind(String | Map eventTypeOrEvents, [Map | Function | bool
eventDataOrHandlerOrPreventBubble, bool | Function,
The types aren't clear. The parameter names aren't clear, and it allows a
bunch of things that are not in fact valid, like passing booleans for both
bind(String eventType, Function handler);
bind(String eventType, Map eventData, Function handler);
bind(String eventType, [Map eventData, bool preventBubble]);
bind(Map events);
That's much clearer and more explicit.
I would like that very much. We would probably still need union types, at
least in the static type system, to account for these types, but I think it
will cover enough use-cases that we won't need union type syntax.

We could even express the "number operator exceptions" of the type system
int operator+(int a, int b);
double operator+(double a, num b);
double operator+(num a, double b);

And for Future<T>.sync:
Future.sync(T action());
Future.sync(Future<T> action());
And Future.catchError:
Future.catchError(errorHandler(error), [bool test(error)]);
Future.catchError(errorHandler(error, StackTrace stack), [bool

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