Pete Blois
2013-01-11 19:15:44 UTC
One of our goals for exposing DOM events in Dart is to have them follow the
'best practices' for events- particularly events which are exposed in
places such as your application data model.
The current plan is that DOM events would be exposed as:
class Element {
static const HtmlStreamProvider<MouseEvent> clickEvent =
const HtmlStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('click');
Stream<MouseEvent> get onClick => clickEvent.forTarget(this);
The HtmlStreamProvider class is:
class HtmlStreamProvider<T extends Event> {
const HtmlStreamProvider(String eventType);
Stream<T> forTarget(EventTarget e, {bool useCapture: false})
There's basically two parts-
1. The static declaration of the event as an HtmlStreamProvider which
provides a Stream for a DOM event on a specific target. This is only really
used for bubbling DOM events.
2. A Stream<> getter on the object instance to allow easy access to the
event stream.
*NOTE*: we will not remove the old APIs until the new APIs have been in &
baked for a while.
Examples of old vs new syntax:
*Listening to an event*
Old: {
element.onClick.listen((e) {
*Capturing an event*
Old: {
}, true);
Element.clickEvent.forTarget(element, useCapture:true).listen((e) {
*Listening to a bubbled event*
Old (not really supported):
document.body.$dom_addEventListener('canPlay', (e) {}, false);
MediaElement.canPlayEvent.forTarget(document.body).listen((e) {
1. Are you planning on exposing all model events as Streams? By this I
mean something like backbone.js-style events<>.
Our goal for DOM events is to be consistent with the dominant data event
2. Any opinions on naming? Currently the events are exposed as
onEventName, but it's often common to use this naming style for virtual
methods. Using just eventName has a number of conflicts with members. We
aren't entirely thrilled with onEventName.
If you're interested in taking a peek, the CL with the changes is at:
'best practices' for events- particularly events which are exposed in
places such as your application data model.
The current plan is that DOM events would be exposed as:
class Element {
static const HtmlStreamProvider<MouseEvent> clickEvent =
const HtmlStreamProvider<MouseEvent>('click');
Stream<MouseEvent> get onClick => clickEvent.forTarget(this);
The HtmlStreamProvider class is:
class HtmlStreamProvider<T extends Event> {
const HtmlStreamProvider(String eventType);
Stream<T> forTarget(EventTarget e, {bool useCapture: false})
There's basically two parts-
1. The static declaration of the event as an HtmlStreamProvider which
provides a Stream for a DOM event on a specific target. This is only really
used for bubbling DOM events.
2. A Stream<> getter on the object instance to allow easy access to the
event stream.
*NOTE*: we will not remove the old APIs until the new APIs have been in &
baked for a while.
Examples of old vs new syntax:
*Listening to an event*
Old: {
element.onClick.listen((e) {
*Capturing an event*
Old: {
}, true);
Element.clickEvent.forTarget(element, useCapture:true).listen((e) {
*Listening to a bubbled event*
Old (not really supported):
document.body.$dom_addEventListener('canPlay', (e) {}, false);
MediaElement.canPlayEvent.forTarget(document.body).listen((e) {
1. Are you planning on exposing all model events as Streams? By this I
mean something like backbone.js-style events<>.
Our goal for DOM events is to be consistent with the dominant data event
2. Any opinions on naming? Currently the events are exposed as
onEventName, but it's often common to use this naming style for virtual
methods. Using just eventName has a number of conflicts with members. We
aren't entirely thrilled with onEventName.
If you're interested in taking a peek, the CL with the changes is at:
Consider asking HOWTO questions at Stack Overflow:
Consider asking HOWTO questions at Stack Overflow: