[dart-misc] dartpad.dartlang.org is broken
Weiping Chen
2015-09-03 14:03:24 UTC

Just wanted to try 0.1+0.2 == 0.3 ? with Dart, so I went to dartpad site,
but it is not working, even for the prefilled Dart program it outputs
"Error compiling to JavaScript: XMLHttpRequest error."

For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

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'Devon Carew' via Dart Misc
2015-09-04 18:45:52 UTC
Can you file an issue here: https://github.com/dart-lang/dart-pad/issues

I'm able to run various samples in dartpad myself. When you create an
issue, can you add some details like the browser you're using, and if you
see any exceptions in the developer console? It'll help us track down the
issue. Thanks!
Post by Weiping Chen
Just wanted to try 0.1+0.2 == 0.3 ? with Dart, so I went to dartpad site,
but it is not working, even for the prefilled Dart program it outputs
"Error compiling to JavaScript: XMLHttpRequest error."
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
Devon Carew
Software Engineer
Google, Inc.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Günter Zöchbauer
2015-09-04 19:07:25 UTC
DartPad has a share feature. Can you please post the link to your example.
Just wanted to try 0.1+0.2 == 0.3 ? with Dart, so I went to dartpad site, but it is not working, even for the prefilled Dart program it outputs "Error compiling to JavaScript: XMLHttpRequest error."
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Weiping Chen
2015-09-04 21:51:47 UTC
Tried outside of company network, it worked. Sorry, it was caused by
company's proxy server, could not access dartservices:

POST https://dart-services.appspot.com/api/dartservices/v1/analyze?alt=json
403 (Forbidden)dart.oe.$1 @ main.dart.js:11862dart.zZ.eK @
main.dart.js:4927dart.z8.$0 @ main.dart.js:3931dart.A.static.bN @
main.dart.js:3885dart.A.d_ @ main.dart.js:3808dart.z3.$0 @
main.dart.js:3924dart.ln.ji @ main.dart.js:4027dart.AR @
main.dart.js:3391dart.F7 @ main.dart.js:3393dart.yj.$1 @
main.dart.js:3502dart.BR.$0 @ main.dart.js:2086dart.hr.dj @
main.dart.js:956dart.dw @ main.dart.js:756dart.BP @
main.dart.js:1546(anonymous function) @ main.dart.js:1555
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.