[dart-misc] New version of mongo_dart with couple of breaking changes
Vadim Tsushko
2015-09-06 10:55:14 UTC
Hi dartisans

I've just published mongo_dart 0.2.1 (with last published version 0.1.48)
There is couple of breaking changes in that version so if you are using
please read notes below and decide should you temporarily opt out from that
version by setting upper limit for mongo_dart dependency to < 2.0.0

- Breaking change: DbCollection `find` method now returns Stream<Map> instead of Cursor.
Cursor have had compatible with Stream<Map> `toList` and `forEach` quite some time already, so in case you used these methods only,
you should be covered. On the other hand if you used `find().stream` to get a stream it is not valid anymore. In that case you
should change your code to plain `find()`
- Breaking change: This version use upgraded version of `bson`. `ObjectId.toJson` now converts `ObjectId` to simple hex string representation.
Earlier it was something like `ObjectId('a29d3ae24...aa')` New behaviour would be more useful when you serialize `bson` map to json be default
conversion. With new behaviour serialized ObjectId value could be passed to `ObjecdId.parse` method.
But if your code currently depends on old behaviour (if you now use something like `id.substring(10, 34)` to get hex part of the
string representation, you should change your code.
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Tristan Caron
2015-09-06 13:12:49 UTC
Yeah ! Thank you!
Post by Vadim Tsushko
Hi dartisans
I've just published mongo_dart 0.2.1 (with last published version 0.1.48)
There is couple of breaking changes in that version so if you are using
please read notes below and decide should you temporarily opt out from
that version by setting upper limit for mongo_dart dependency to < 0.2.0
- Breaking change: DbCollection `find` method now returns Stream<Map> instead of Cursor.
Cursor have had compatible with Stream<Map> `toList` and `forEach` quite some time already, so in case you used these methods only,
you should be covered. On the other hand if you used `find().stream` to get a stream it is not valid anymore. In that case you
should change your code to plain `find()`
- Breaking change: This version use upgraded version of `bson`. `ObjectId.toJson` now converts `ObjectId` to simple hex string representation.
Earlier it was something like `ObjectId('a29d3ae24...aa')` New behaviour would be more useful when you serialize `bson` map to json be default
conversion. With new behaviour serialized ObjectId value could be passed to `ObjecdId.parse` method.
But if your code currently depends on old behaviour (if you now use something like `id.substring(10, 34)` to get hex part of the
string representation, you should change your code.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.