[dart-misc] [dart-announce] Announcing Dart SDK 1.13
Kevin Moore
2015-11-19 00:07:23 UTC
Dart 1.13 is now available for download

Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.

Thanks for using Dart!

Core library changes


- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the corresponding
new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors to
the resulting streams.

- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and Base64Decoder.
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.

- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now lazy, as
all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.

- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM
service protocol extensions.

dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium is
now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish between
numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an int.
This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call or
accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.


*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS library
with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,SecureServerSocket,
RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket, HttpClient, and HttpServer now
all use aSecurityContext object which contains the certificates and
keys used for secure TLS (SSL) networking.

This is a breaking change for server applications and for some client
applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS certificate
database. Information about how to change applications that use secure
networking is at https://www.dartlang.org/server/tls-ssl.html

HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is not
allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully receives
fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and RawServerSocketReference classes
have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.

- spawnUri added an environment named argument.

Tool changes


dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability via
the js package <https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/js>.

docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources have
been removed from the repository.

This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol". We
intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.

The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take care
of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory clients.
This is a potentially breaking change for clients.

Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls into
Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript object
and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to users.
However, performance and memory characteristics may be different from
previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang

To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Joel Trottier-Hébert
2015-11-19 00:15:33 UTC
Are we still on Dartium/Chrome 39 with this update, or did it get updated?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors to
the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and Base64Decoder
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now lazy,
as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM
service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium is
now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish between
numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an int.
This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call or
accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,SecureServerSocket
, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket, HttpClient, and HttpServer now
all use aSecurityContext object which contains the certificates and
keys used for secure TLS (SSL) networking.
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS certificate
database. Information about how to change applications that use secure
networking is at https://www.dartlang.org/server/tls-ssl.html
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is
not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully
receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability
via the js package <https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/js>.
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol". We
intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take care
of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory clients.
This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls
into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript
object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to
users. However, performance and memory characteristics may be different
from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
'William Hesse' via Dart Misc
2015-11-19 00:19:12 UTC
1.13 is on Chrome 39. The update to Chrome 45 is being worked on
right now. Keep your eyes on upcoming 1.14.0-dev releases on the dev
channel in the coming weeks (not this first one, though).

On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Joel Trottier-Hébert
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
Are we still on Dartium/Chrome 39 with this update, or did it get updated?
Dart 1.13 is now available for download!
Read the official announcement and check out the CHANGELOG below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the corresponding new
typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no handleError
callback now forward stack traces along with errors to the resulting
Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and Base64Decoder.
Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
Uri added removeFragment method.
String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now lazy, as all
allMatches implementations are intended to be.
Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline feature.
Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM service
protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium is now
using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish between
numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an int. This
will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed double in
checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call or accept num.
Examples of APIs that are affected include Element.getBoundingClientRect and
Breaking: Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS library with
the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,SecureServerSocket,
RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket, HttpClient, and HttpServer now all
use aSecurityContext object which contains the certificates and keys used
for secure TLS (SSL) networking.
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some client
applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the SecurityContext from
PEM files, instead of from an NSS certificate database. Information about
how to change applications that use secure networking is at
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is not
allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully receives
fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across different
isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating server socket and
HttpServer instances.
The deprecated ServerSocketReference and RawServerSocketReference classes
have been removed.
The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and RawServerSocket
have been removed.
spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability via
the js package.
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources have
been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol". We
intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take care of
a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory clients. This
is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls into
Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript object and
delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to users.
However, performance and memory characteristics may be different from
previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
William Hesse
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Daniel Joyce
2015-11-19 01:29:40 UTC
That's great to see cross frame references are now fixed.
Post by 'William Hesse' via Dart Misc
1.13 is on Chrome 39. The update to Chrome 45 is being worked on
right now. Keep your eyes on upcoming 1.14.0-dev releases on the dev
channel in the coming weeks (not this first one, though).
On Wed, Nov 18, 2015 at 4:15 PM, Joel Trottier-Hébert
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
Are we still on Dartium/Chrome 39 with this update, or did it get
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
Dart 1.13 is now available for download!
Read the official announcement and check out the CHANGELOG below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the corresponding new
typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
callback now forward stack traces along with errors to the resulting
Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and Base64Decoder.
Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
Uri added removeFragment method.
String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now lazy, as all
allMatches implementations are intended to be.
Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium is now
using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish between
numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an int.
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed double in
checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call or accept num.
Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
Breaking: Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS library with
the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,SecureServerSocket,
RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket, HttpClient, and HttpServer now
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
use aSecurityContext object which contains the certificates and keys
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
for secure TLS (SSL) networking.
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some client
applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the SecurityContext
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
PEM files, instead of from an NSS certificate database. Information
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
how to change applications that use secure networking is at
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is not
allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully receives
fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across different
isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating server socket and
HttpServer instances.
The deprecated ServerSocketReference and RawServerSocketReference
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
have been removed.
The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
have been removed.
spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability via
the js package.
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources have
been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol". We
intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take care
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory clients.
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls into
Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript object
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to users.
However, performance and memory characteristics may be different from
previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
"Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to
Post by Joel Trottier-Hébert
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
William Hesse
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
Daniel Joyce

The meek shall inherit the Earth, for the brave will be among the stars.
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Benjamin Strauß
2015-11-19 09:24:23 UTC
How far is the TypeScript definition file converter? Has the team started
working on it?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors to
the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and Base64Decoder
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now lazy,
as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM
service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium is
now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish between
numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an int.
This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call or
accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,SecureServerSocket
, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket, HttpClient, and HttpServer now
all use aSecurityContext object which contains the certificates and
keys used for secure TLS (SSL) networking.
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS certificate
database. Information about how to change applications that use secure
networking is at https://www.dartlang.org/server/tls-ssl.html
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is
not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully
receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability
via the js package <https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/js>.
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol". We
intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take care
of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory clients.
This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls
into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript
object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to
users. However, performance and memory characteristics may be different
from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Nathan Kerr
2015-11-19 18:03:33 UTC
I'm not seeing a whole lot of info on the tracking issue
Post by Benjamin Strauß
How far is the TypeScript definition file converter? Has the team started
working on it?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors to
the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now lazy,
as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM
service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium is
now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish between
numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an int.
This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call
or accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,SecureServerSocket
, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket, HttpClient, and HttpServer now
all use aSecurityContext object which contains the certificates
and keys used for secure TLS (SSL) networking.
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS certificate
database. Information about how to change applications that use secure
networking is at https://www.dartlang.org/server/tls-ssl.html
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is
not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully
receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability
via the js package <https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/js>.
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol". We
intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take
care of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory
clients. This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls
into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript
object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to
users. However, performance and memory characteristics may be different
from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Kevin Moore
2015-11-19 18:27:27 UTC
Jacob – the main engineer – is on his honeymoon. :-)

We're hoping to have this for folks before the new year. Thanks for your
Post by Nathan Kerr
I'm not seeing a whole lot of info on the tracking issue
Post by Benjamin Strauß
How far is the TypeScript definition file converter? Has the team started
working on it?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors
to the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now
lazy, as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM
service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium
is now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish
between numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an
int. This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call
or accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,
SecureServerSocket, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket,
HttpClient, and HttpServer now all use aSecurityContext object
which contains the certificates and keys used for secure TLS (SSL)
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS
certificate database. Information about how to change applications that use
secure networking is at
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is
not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully
receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability
via the js package <https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/js>.
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol".
We intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take
care of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory
clients. This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls
into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript
object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to
users. However, performance and memory characteristics may be different
from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Nathan Kerr
2015-11-19 18:42:47 UTC
What? And he's not working on this? What is he doing?!?
Post by Kevin Moore
Jacob – the main engineer – is on his honeymoon. :-)
We're hoping to have this for folks before the new year. Thanks for your
Post by Nathan Kerr
I'm not seeing a whole lot of info on the tracking issue
Post by Benjamin Strauß
How far is the TypeScript definition file converter? Has the team
started working on it?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors
to the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and Base64Decoder.
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now
lazy, as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own
VM service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium
is now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish
between numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an
int. This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call
or accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,
SecureServerSocket, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket,
HttpClient, and HttpServer now all use aSecurityContext object
which contains the certificates and keys used for secure TLS (SSL)
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS
certificate database. Information about how to change applications that use
secure networking is at
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is
not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully
receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript
Interoperability via the js package
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol".
We intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take
care of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory
clients. This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls
into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript
object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to
users. However, performance and memory characteristics may be different
from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Don Olmstead
2015-11-19 18:50:11 UTC
I guess Nathan here is ready for that talk. You want to handle this one
+Kevin ;)
Post by Nathan Kerr
What? And he's not working on this? What is he doing?!?
Post by Kevin Moore
Jacob – the main engineer – is on his honeymoon. :-)
We're hoping to have this for folks before the new year. Thanks for your
Post by Nathan Kerr
I'm not seeing a whole lot of info on the tracking issue
Post by Benjamin Strauß
How far is the TypeScript definition file converter? Has the team
started working on it?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and
onResume with the corresponding new typedef void
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors
to the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now
lazy, as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own
VM service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium
is now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish
between numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an
int. This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call
or accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,
SecureServerSocket, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket,
HttpClient, and HttpServer now all use aSecurityContext object
which contains the certificates and keys used for secure TLS (SSL)
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS
certificate database. Information about how to change applications that use
secure networking is at
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This
is not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill
gracefully receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen
creating server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript
Interoperability via the js package
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol".
We intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take
care of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory
clients. This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++
calls into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop.
The DOM objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a
JavaScript object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly
transparent to users. However, performance and memory characteristics may
be different from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM
objects are wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to
a Window object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart
Window, even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS
interop will make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart
To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Mark H
2015-11-23 17:25:03 UTC
I'm getting the following exception when running my app in Dartium, after
upgrading to 1.13. It was fine in 1.12.

Uncaught Unhandled exception:
: created constructor initializer must call super.created()
#0 HtmlDocument._hasCreatedConstructor (dart:html:20388)
#1 HtmlDocument.registerElement (dart:html:20484)
#2 PolymerDeclaration.registerType
#3 PolymerDeclaration.register
#4 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart.<anonymous closure>
#5 _RootZone.run (dart:async/zone.dart:1144)
#6 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart
(package:polymer/src/loader.dart:121:19) (:1)

Any ideas?

Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors to
the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and Base64Decoder
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now lazy,
as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM
service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium is
now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish between
numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an int.
This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call or
accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,SecureServerSocket
, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket, HttpClient, and HttpServer now
all use aSecurityContext object which contains the certificates and
keys used for secure TLS (SSL) networking.
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS certificate
database. Information about how to change applications that use secure
networking is at https://www.dartlang.org/server/tls-ssl.html
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is
not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully
receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability
via the js package <https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/js>.
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol". We
intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take care
of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory clients.
This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls
into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript
object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to
users. However, performance and memory characteristics may be different
from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Günter Zöchbauer
2015-11-23 17:29:22 UTC
Hard to tell without more details. Is the source available somewhere
(GitHub repo)?
Post by Mark H
I'm getting the following exception when running my app in Dartium, after
upgrading to 1.13. It was fine in 1.12.
: created constructor initializer must call super.created()
#0 HtmlDocument._hasCreatedConstructor (dart:html:20388)
#1 HtmlDocument.registerElement (dart:html:20484)
#2 PolymerDeclaration.registerType
#3 PolymerDeclaration.register
#4 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart.<anonymous closure>
#5 _RootZone.run (dart:async/zone.dart:1144)
#6 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart
(package:polymer/src/loader.dart:121:19) (:1)
Any ideas?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors to
the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now lazy,
as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM
service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium is
now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish between
numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an int.
This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call
or accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,SecureServerSocket
, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket, HttpClient, and HttpServer now
all use aSecurityContext object which contains the certificates
and keys used for secure TLS (SSL) networking.
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS certificate
database. Information about how to change applications that use secure
networking is at https://www.dartlang.org/server/tls-ssl.html
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is
not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully
receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability
via the js package <https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/js>.
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol". We
intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take
care of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory
clients. This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls
into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript
object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to
users. However, performance and memory characteristics may be different
from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Mark H
2015-11-23 22:06:01 UTC
Traced it to this line in html_dartium.dart I think:

superCreatedCalled = createdSource.contains("super.created(");

This seems to search for the exact string "super.created(" which then fails
if there is any whitespace before the bracket character. If I remove the
whitespace in the super.created call in the custom element in question, I
no longer get the exception.

Post by Günter Zöchbauer
Hard to tell without more details. Is the source available somewhere
(GitHub repo)?
Post by Mark H
I'm getting the following exception when running my app in Dartium, after
upgrading to 1.13. It was fine in 1.12.
: created constructor initializer must call super.created()
#0 HtmlDocument._hasCreatedConstructor (dart:html:20388)
#1 HtmlDocument.registerElement (dart:html:20484)
#2 PolymerDeclaration.registerType
#3 PolymerDeclaration.register
#4 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart.<anonymous closure>
#5 _RootZone.run (dart:async/zone.dart:1144)
#6 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart
(package:polymer/src/loader.dart:121:19) (:1)
Any ideas?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors
to the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now
lazy, as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own VM
service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium
is now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish
between numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an
int. This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call
or accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,
SecureServerSocket, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket,
HttpClient, and HttpServer now all use aSecurityContext object
which contains the certificates and keys used for secure TLS (SSL)
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS
certificate database. Information about how to change applications that use
secure networking is at
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is
not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully
receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript Interoperability
via the js package <https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/js>.
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol".
We intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take
care of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory
clients. This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls
into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript
object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to
users. However, performance and memory characteristics may be different
from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Kevin Moore
2015-11-23 22:12:22 UTC
Mark: please open an issues on this and post a link here. I'm happy to
Post by Mark H
superCreatedCalled = createdSource.contains("super.created(");
This seems to search for the exact string "super.created(" which then
fails if there is any whitespace before the bracket character. If I remove
the whitespace in the super.created call in the custom element in question,
I no longer get the exception.
Post by Günter Zöchbauer
Hard to tell without more details. Is the source available somewhere
(GitHub repo)?
Post by Mark H
I'm getting the following exception when running my app in Dartium,
after upgrading to 1.13. It was fine in 1.12.
: created constructor initializer must call super.created()
#0 HtmlDocument._hasCreatedConstructor (dart:html:20388)
#1 HtmlDocument.registerElement (dart:html:20484)
#2 PolymerDeclaration.registerType
#3 PolymerDeclaration.register
#4 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart.<anonymous closure>
#5 _RootZone.run (dart:async/zone.dart:1144)
#6 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart
(package:polymer/src/loader.dart:121:19) (:1)
Any ideas?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and onResume with
the corresponding new typedef void ControllerCallback().
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors
to the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and Base64Decoder.
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now
lazy, as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own
VM service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium
is now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish
between numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an
int. This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call
or accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,
SecureServerSocket, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket,
HttpClient, and HttpServer now all use aSecurityContext object
which contains the certificates and keys used for secure TLS (SSL)
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS
certificate database. Information about how to change applications that use
secure networking is at
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This is
not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill gracefully
receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the request.
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen creating
server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript
Interoperability via the js package
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol".
We intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take
care of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory
clients. This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++ calls
into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop. The DOM
objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a JavaScript
object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly transparent to
users. However, performance and memory characteristics may be different
from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM objects are
wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to a Window
object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart Window,
even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS interop will
make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.
Mark H
2015-11-23 22:42:55 UTC


Post by Kevin Moore
Mark: please open an issues on this and post a link here. I'm happy to
Post by Mark H
superCreatedCalled = createdSource.contains("super.created(");
This seems to search for the exact string "super.created(" which then
fails if there is any whitespace before the bracket character. If I remove
the whitespace in the super.created call in the custom element in question,
I no longer get the exception.
Post by Günter Zöchbauer
Hard to tell without more details. Is the source available somewhere
(GitHub repo)?
Post by Mark H
I'm getting the following exception when running my app in Dartium,
after upgrading to 1.13. It was fine in 1.12.
: created constructor initializer must call super.created()
#0 HtmlDocument._hasCreatedConstructor (dart:html:20388)
#1 HtmlDocument.registerElement (dart:html:20484)
#2 PolymerDeclaration.registerType
#3 PolymerDeclaration.register
#4 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart.<anonymous closure>
#5 _RootZone.run (dart:async/zone.dart:1144)
#6 _hookJsPolymer.registerDart
(package:polymer/src/loader.dart:121:19) (:1)
Any ideas?
Post by Kevin Moore
Dart 1.13 is now available for download
Read the official announcement
and check out the CHANGELOG
<https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md> below.
Thanks for using Dart!
Core library changes
- StreamController added getters for onListen, onPause, and
onResume with the corresponding new typedef void
- StreamController added a getter for onCancel with the
corresponding new typedef ControllerCancelCallback();
- StreamTransformer instances created with fromHandlers with no
handleError callback now forward stack traces along with errors
to the resulting streams.
- Added support for Base-64 encoding and decoding.
- Added new classes Base64Codec, Base64Encoder, and
- Added new top-level const Base64Codec BASE64.
- Uri added removeFragment method.
- String.allMatches (implementing Pattern.allMatches) is now
lazy, as all allMatches implementations are intended to be.
- Resource is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release.
- Added Timeline class for interacting with Observatory's timeline
- Added ServiceExtensionHandler, ServiceExtensionResponse, and
registerExtension which enable developers to provide their own
VM service protocol extensions.
dart:html, dart:indexed_db, dart:svg, dart:web_audio, dart:web_gl,
- The return type of some APIs changed from double to num. Dartium
is now using JS interop for most operations. JS does not distinguish
between numeric types, and will return a number as an int if it fits in an
int. This will mostly cause an error if you assign to something typed
double in checked mode. You may need to insert a toDouble() call
or accept num. Examples of APIs that are affected include
Element.getBoundingClientRect and TextMetrics.width.
*Breaking:* Secure networking has changed, replacing the NSS
library with the BoringSSL library. SecureSocket,
SecureServerSocket, RawSecureSocket,RawSecureServerSocket,
HttpClient, and HttpServer now all use aSecurityContext object
which contains the certificates and keys used for secure TLS (SSL)
This is a breaking change for server applications and for some
client applications. Certificates and keys are loaded into the
SecurityContext from PEM files, instead of from an NSS
certificate database. Information about how to change applications that use
secure networking is at
HttpClient no longer sends URI fragments in the request. This
is not allowed by the HTTP protocol. The HttpServerstill
gracefully receives fragments, but discards them before delivering the
- To allow connections to be accepted on the same port across
different isolates, set the shared argument to truewhen
creating server socket and HttpServer instances.
- The deprecated ServerSocketReference and
RawServerSocketReference classes have been removed.
- The corresponding reference properties on ServerSocket and
RawServerSocket have been removed.
- spawnUri added an environment named argument.
Tool changes
dart2js and Dartium now support improved Javascript
Interoperability via the js package
docgen and dartdocgen no longer ship in the SDK. The docgen sources
have been removed from the repository.
This is the last release to ship the VM's "legacy debug protocol".
We intend to remove the legacy debug protocol in Dart VM 1.14.
The VM's Service Protocol has been updated to version 3.0 to take
care of a number of issues uncovered by the first few non-observatory
clients. This is a potentially breaking change for clients.
Dartium has been substantially changed. Rather than using C++
calls into Chromium internals for DOM operations it now uses JS interop.
The DOM objects in dart:html and related libraries now wrap a
JavaScript object and delegate operations to it. This should be mostly
transparent to users. However, performance and memory characteristics may
be different from previous versions. There may be some changes in which DOM
objects are wrapped as Dart objects. For example, if you get a reference to
a Window object, even through JS interop, you will always see it as a Dart
Window, even when used cross-frame. We expect the change to using JS
interop will make it much simpler to update to new Chrome versions.
For more news and information, visit https://plus.google.com/+dartlang
To join the conversation, visit
For other discussions, see https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/

For HOWTO questions, visit http://stackoverflow.com/tags/dart

To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Dart Misc" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to misc+***@dartlang.org.