[dart-misc] new Js interop broken in latest dev channel release?
Frank Pepermans
2015-10-21 20:20:03 UTC
Is it just me, or did the new Js interop break in 1.13.0-dev.7.2?

All was working fine in 1.13.0-dev.7.1
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Kevin Moore
2015-10-22 01:18:52 UTC
You need to upgrade to the latest pkg/js

We renamed the annotation from Js to JS.

You should be good then!
Post by Frank Pepermans
Is it just me, or did the new Js interop break in 1.13.0-dev.7.2?
All was working fine in 1.13.0-dev.7.1
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To file a bug report or feature request, go to http://www.dartbug.com/new

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