Hi Zach, et al
Well, I amended the code as below (based on your instructions):
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
const int _PORT = 9292;
const String _HOST = '';
const String _GREET = 'Hello World';
final ContentType _CONTENT_TYPE = new ContentType('text', 'plain');
_startServer(arg) {
final List<int> response = UTF8.encode(_GREET);
HttpServer.bind(_HOST, _PORT, shared: true).then((server) {
server.listen((HttpRequest request) {
..headers.contentType = _CONTENT_TYPE
void main() {
final int _CORES = Platform.numberOfProcessors ~/ 2;
print("Cores: $_CORES");
for (int i = 0; i < _CORES - 1; ++i) {
Isolate.spawn(_startServer, null);
and ran an ab test on it, executing:
*ab -n 786432 -c 128 -k http://localhost:9292/ <http://localhost:9292/>*
Results obtained (3 runs):
- Requests per second: 33469.39 [#/sec] (mean)
- Requests per second: 35338.14 [#/sec] (mean)
- Requests per second: 34385.53 [#/sec] (mean)
Then I built this C++ equivalent (using pistache: http://pistache.io/),
#include "pistache/endpoint.h"
using namespace Pistache;
class HelloHandler : public Http::Handler {
void onRequest(const Http::Request& request, Http::ResponseWriter response)
response.send(Http::Code::Ok, "Hello, World");
int main() {
Address addr(Ipv4::any(), Port(9080));
auto opts = Http::Endpoint::options().threads(4);
Http::Endpoint server(addr);
Compiled the code with:
*g++ -pthread -s -o x -Ofast hw.cpp -lpistache *
and ran ab test on it, executing:
*ab -n 786432 -c 128 -k http://localhost:9080/ <http://localhost:9080/>*
*Results obtained (3 runs):*
- Requests per second: 253391.44 [#/sec] (mean)
- Requests per second: 252958.08 [#/sec] (mean)
- Requests per second: 251081.52 [#/sec] (mean)
I ran these tests on an Ubuntu Linux 17.04 64-bit machine with 32GB RAM
having Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 cores with
As you can see, the best I could get with JIT-ed Dart was about 35K
requests per second; using C++, I was getting an average of about 251K
requests per second. So basically, C++ is about 7 times faster than JIT-ed
Dart! This is miles away from the 'near the level of C++' mentioned. What
could I be doing wrong? Why can't I get anywhere close to the level of C++?
- Adrian.
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 5:34 PM, 'Zach Anderson' via Dart Misc <
Post by 'Zach Anderson' via Dart MiscHttpResponse.write() does a conversion to utf8 and one or more copies
and/or allocations, which are probably not too great for benchmarking.
The benchmark here: https://github.com/costajob/app-servers/blob/
master/servers/dart_server.dart seems more apples-to-apples to what
you're doing with C++, but you'd probably also want to pre-allocate the
ContentType object in that benchmark instead of allocating a new one for
every request.
Post by Adrian MerciecaHi Matan,
Thanks for your answer (and sorry for my delay in answering).
Well, I have experienced Java improved performance of server apps over
time (after considerable warm-up), so I can correlate with your view.
But on the other hand, I have seen C++ REST frameworks delivering 320K
requests per second (doing the thing above - nothing complicated, just
returning 'Hello World' just as my Dart code quoted was doing). The best I
could manage with Dart (JIT-ed) on my new (same spec) machine was about 55K
requests per second. Why would Dart be about 4 times slower than C++ even
after considerable warm-up running in JIT mode?
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