[dart-misc] Are Dart Snapshots Cross-platform?
Jose Daniel Gomez Rodriguez
2016-09-22 02:25:36 UTC
Can I copy a dart snapshot generated in a Ubuntu computer and run it in
another computer with Windows instead? or across ubuntu computers?
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'Rico Wind' via Dart Misc
2016-09-22 07:04:21 UTC
Yes, but note that the windows computer would need its own dart vm to run
it (dart.exe, which you can take from the windows version of the sdk)

To run a snapshot you need the dart vm binary (dart on linux/mac, dart.exe
on windows) and the snapshot. The snapshot is platform independent.


On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 4:25 AM, Jose Daniel Gomez Rodriguez <
Post by Jose Daniel Gomez Rodriguez
Can I copy a dart snapshot generated in a Ubuntu computer and run it in
another computer with Windows instead? or across ubuntu computers?
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