[dart-misc] No DEP meeting this week
'Bob Nystrom' via Dart Misc
2015-06-17 23:52:46 UTC
Due to some ISP-related shenanigans, we weren't able to have a real
official DEP meeting today. However, we didn't miss much since there's a
lot of exciting stuff going on outside of the meetings right now:

- Gilad is working on a rough draft of the spec language for generic

- I think we're all pretty happy with allowing super() calls inside
mixins <https://github.com/gbracha/lessRestrictedMixins>. There is
one corner
case that came up
<https://github.com/gbracha/lessRestrictedMixins/issues/4>, but that's
being hashed out on the relevant issue.

- There's a discussion going on with the people who maintain various
Dart parsers to settle on a syntax for nullable and non-nullable
annotations needed to experiment with Patrice's proposal. We're going to
try postfix "!" and "?". It's a little tricky, but it seems workable.

Of course, the usual caveats apply: this is all experimental and tentative
and we aren't formally committed to shipping these.


- bob
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